
#' Simulate scalefree networks
#' Simulate scale free networks for predefined number of members for each of
#' two groups and a parameter pclus that determines how strictly distinct the groups
#' are
#' @author Fabian Schmich
#' @import Matrix
#' @export 
#' @param nmemb Vector of numbers of members per group
#' @param pclus Scalar in [0, 1] determining how strictly distinct groups are
#' @return Adjacency matrix
#' @examples 
#' network <- simulate_network_scalefree(nmemb = c(10, 10), pclus = 0.8)
simulate_network_scalefree <- function(nmemb, pclus = 1) {
  N <- sum(nmemb)
  names <- paste(rep(LETTERS[1:length(nmemb)], nmemb), sapply(nmemb, function(x) 1:x), sep = "")
  X <- Matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = N, dimnames = list(names, names))  
  for (r in 1:length(nmemb)) {
    offs <- ifelse(r == 1, 0, nmemb[1:(r-1)] %>% sum)
    grpset <- seq(offs + 1, offs + nmemb[r])
    for (i in 1:length(grpset)) {
      if (runif(1) <= pclus) {
        gset <- setdiff(grpset, offs + i) # all nodes in the group but itself
      } else {
        gset <- setdiff(1:N, grpset) # all nodes in the other groups
      if (all(colSums(X[gset,gset]) == 0)) { # 1st vertex
        at <- sample(gset, size = 1, replace = FALSE)
      } else { # preferential attachment
        at <- sample(gset, 
                     size = 1,
                     prob = colSums(X[gset, gset]) / sum(colSums(X[gset, gset])),
                     replace = FALSE)
      X[at, offs + i] <- X[offs + i, at] <- 1
  if(any(colSums(X) == 0)) stop("Created un-attached vertex")

#' Simulate random networks with predefined number of members for each
#' of the two groups and the number of neighbours for each node
#' @author Fabian Schmich
#' @import Matrix
#' @export
#' @param nmemb Vector of number of members for each group
#' @param nnei Number of neighbours for each node
#' @return Adjacency matrix of graph
#' @examples
#' network <- simulate_network_random(nmemb = c(10, 10), nnei = 1)
simulate_network_random <- function(nmemb, nnei = 1) {
  N <- sum(nmemb)
  names <- paste(rep(LETTERS[1:length(nmemb)], nmemb), sapply(nmemb, function(x) 1:x), sep = "")
  X <- Matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = N, dimnames = list(names, names))  
  for (i in 1:nrow(X)) {
    neis <- sample(setdiff(1:N, i), size = nnei, replace = FALSE)
    X[i,neis] <- X[neis,i] <- 1

#' Simulate labels
#' @author Fabian Schmich
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @param values Vector of labels for groups
#' @param sizes Vector of group sizes
#' @param nobs Vector of number of observed labels per group
#' @return List of Y, Yobs and indices for labeled instances
#' @examples 
#' labels <- simulate_labels(values = c("Positive", "Negative"), 
#' sizes = c(10, 10), 
#' nobs = c(5, 5))
simulate_labels <- function(values, sizes, nobs) {
  stopifnot(length(sizes) == length(values) & length(nobs) == length(values))
  Y <- lapply(1:length(values), function(i) rep(values[i], sizes[i])) %>% do.call("c", .)
  l <- sapply(1:length(values), function(i) {
    if (i == 1) {
      sampfrom <- (1:sizes[i])
    } else {
      sampfrom <- (sizes[1:(i-1)] %>% sum + 1):(sizes[1:(i-1)] %>% sum + sizes[i])
    sample(sampfrom, nobs[i]) 
  }) %>% unlist %>% as.numeric %>% sort
  u <- setdiff(1:length(Y), l)
  Yobs <- Y
  Yobs[u] <- NA
  return(list(labels.true = factor(Y), labels.obs = factor(Yobs), labelled = l, unlabelled = u))

#' Simulate phenotypes correlated to labels pivoted into two groups
#' @author Fabian Schmich
#' @import Matrix
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @param labels.true Vector of labels
#' @param meandiff difference of means between positive and negative groups
#' @param sd Standard deviation of the phenotype
#' @return Simulated phenotype
#' @examples 
#' data(simulation)
#' phenotypes <- simulate_phenotype(labels.true = simulation$labels.true, meandiff = 0.5, sd = 1)
simulate_phenotype <- function(labels.true, meandiff, sd) {
  stopifnot(length(levels(labels.true)) == 2)
  X <-  rep(NA, length(labels.true)) %>% cbind
  s0 <- which(labels.true == levels(labels.true)[1])
  b0 <- which(labels.true == levels(labels.true)[2])
  X[s0] <- rnorm(length(s0), -meandiff/2, sd)
  X[b0] <- rnorm(length(b0), +meandiff/2, sd)
cbg-ethz/netprioR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:02 p.m.