fileidentifier <- "netprioR_cache" library(knitr) library(dplyr) library(pander) library(ggplot2) library(BiocStyle) library(netprioR) library(pROC) library(Matrix) # library(gdata) # library(tidyr) knitr::opts_chunk$set( cache.path = paste("./cache/", fileidentifier, "/", sep = ""), fig.width = 7, fig.height = 7, fig.align = "center", fig.path = paste("./figs/", fileidentifier, "/", sep = ""), cache = FALSE, #Default cache off echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, comment = NA, tidy = TRUE) rm(list = ls())
netprioR requires the following data as input
In the following steps we simulate data for a set of N = r N <- 1000; N
and a two class prioritisation task (positive vs. negative) and benchmark the performance
of our model against the case where we prioritise soleley based on phenotypes.
We simulate the case where we know r nlabel <- 100; nlabel
labels a priori, which corresponds
to r nlabel/N * 100
% labelled data. We simulate equal numberos of r nlabel/2 %>% floor
positives and
r nlabel/2 %>% floor
negatives, setting
members_per_class <- c(N/2, N/2) %>% floor
Then we simulate the labels, randomly choosing equal numbers of a priori known labels for each class.
class.labels <- simulate_labels(values = c("Positive", "Negative"), sizes = members_per_class, nobs = c(nlabel/2, nlabel/2))
The list of simulated labels contains the complete vector of r N
labels labels.true
and the vector of observed labels labels.obs
. Unknown labels are set to NA
Next, we simulate high noise and low noise network data in the form of r N
x r N
adjacency matrices. The low noise networks obey the class structure defined above, whereas
the high noise networks do not.
networks <- list(LOW_NOISE1 = simulate_network_scalefree(nmemb = members_per_class, pclus = 0.8), LOW_NOISE2 = simulate_network_scalefree(nmemb = members_per_class, pclus = 0.8), HIGH_NOISE = simulate_network_random(nmemb = members_per_class, nnei = 1) )
The networks are sparse binary adjacency matrices, which we can visualise as images. This allows to see the structure within the low noise networks, where we observe 80% of all edges in the 2nd and 4th quadrant, i.e. within each class, as defined above.
We simulate phenotype matching our simulated labels from two normal distributions with a difference in means that reflects our phenotype effect size. We set the effect size to
effect_size <- 0.25
and simulate the phenotypes
phenotypes <- simulate_phenotype(labels.true = class.labels$labels.true, meandiff = effect_size, sd = 1)
The higher the phenotype effect size is, the easier it is to separate the two classes soleley based on the phenotype. We visualise the phenotypes for the two classes as follows
data.frame(Phenotype = phenotypes[,1], Class = rep(c("Positive", "Negative"), each = N/2)) %>% ggplot() + geom_density(aes(Phenotype, fill = Class), alpha = 0.25, adjust = 2) + theme_bw()
Based on the simulated data above, we now fit the netprioR model for gene prioritisation.
In this example, we will use hyperparameters a = b = 0.01
for the Gamma prior of the network
weights in order to yield a sparsifying prior We will fit only one model, setting nrestarts
to 1,
whereas in practise multiple restarts are used in order to avoid cases where the EM gets stuck
in local minima. The convergence threshold for the relative change in the log likelihood is set to
np <- netprioR(networks = networks, phenotypes = phenotypes, labels = class.labels$labels.obs, nrestarts = 1, thresh = 1e-6, a = 0.1, b = 0.1, fit.model = TRUE, = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
We can investigate the netprioR
object using the summary()
It is also possible to plot the netprioR
object to get an overview of the model
plot(np, which = "all")
We can also plot individual plots by setting which = "weights|ranks|lik"
We can see that the relative weight of the low noise networks is much higher than for the high noise networks indicating that, as expected, the low noise networks are more informative for the learning task.
Second, we evaluate the performance of the prioritised list of genes by comparing
the imputed, missing labels Yimp[u]
against the true underlying labels Y
computing receiver operator characteristic (ROC) <- ROC(np, true.labels = class.labels$labels.true, plot = TRUE, main = "Prioritisation: netprioR")
In addition, we compute the ROC curve for the case where we prioritise soleley based on the phenotype
unlabelled <- which($labels.obs)) roc.x <- roc(cases = phenotypes[intersect(unlabelled, which(class.labels$labels.true == levels(class.labels$labels.true)[1])),1], controls = phenotypes[intersect(unlabelled, which(class.labels$labels.true == levels(class.labels$labels.true)[2])),1], direction = ">") plot.roc(roc.x, main = "Prioritisation: Phenotype-only", print.auc = TRUE, print.auc.x = 0.2, print.auc.y = 0.1)
Comparing the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC) values for both
cases, we can see that by integrating network data and a priori known labels for TPs
and TNs, we gain about r round($auc - roc.x$auc, 2)
in AUC.
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