#' Breast cancer dataset
#' Dataset containing a binary alteration pattern for the breast cancer
#' dataset downloaded from cBioPortal (TCGA) in July 2014, and preprocessed
#' as described in Constantinescu \emph{et al.}: \emph{TiMEx: A Waiting Time
#' Model for Mutually Exclusive Cancer Alterations}. Bioinformatics (2015).
#' Rows represent patients, and columns represent alterations.
#' @format \code{breast} is a binary matrix with 958 rows and 537 columns.
#' @source \url{http://www.cbioportal.org/study.do?cancer_study_id=brca_tcga}
#' @name breast
#' @aliases breast
#' Metagroups of genes in breast cancer
#' Dataset containing the genes with identical alteration patterns in the
#' breast cancer dataset \code{\link{breast}} (before preprocessing). It
#' is represented as a list of metagenes, with as many elements as input
#' genes that had an identical alteration pattern with at least one other
#' input gene.
#' @format \code{breastGroups} is a list with 273 elements, where each
#' element is a vector of genes with identical alteration patterns as the
#' current gene. The numbers indicate the positions of the genes in the input
#' matrix.
#' @source Produced with the function \code{\link{doMetagene}}.
#' @name breastGroups
#' @aliases breastGroups
#' Mutually exclusive groups in breast cancer
#' Dataset containing the groups identified as significantly
#' mutually exclusive by TiMEx in breast cancer, together with their
#' intensities of mutual exclusivity, corrected p-values, and other
#' information.
#' @format \code{breastOutput} is a list consisting of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{genesSignif}} {list of significantly mutually exclusive groups,
#' as gene names, sorted by corrected p-value. The list contains as many
#' elements as identified lengths of groups. For example,
#' \code{genesSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the gene names of the
#' significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type further has two
#' elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple
#' testing correction methods. Each element is a matrix, in which rows
#' represent gene names of significantly mutually exclusive groups.}
#' \item{\code{idxSignif}} {list of significantly mutually exclusive groups, as
#' indices in the input matrix, sorted by corrected p-value. The list
#' contains as many elements as identified lengths of groups. For example,
#' \code{idxSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the indices of the
#' significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type further has two
#' elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple
#' testing correction methods. Each element is a matrix, in which rows
#' represent indices of significantly mutually exclusive groups.}
#' \item{\code{pvals}} {list of corrected significant p-values corresponding to
#' the tested cliques, ordered ascending. The list contains as many elements
#' as identified lengths of significant groups. For example, \code{pvals[[2]]}
#' is a list containing the p-values of the significant maximal cliques of
#' size 2. Each list of this type further has two elements, \code{fdr} and
#' \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple testing correction
#' methods. Each element is a vector, of length the number of significant
#' maximal cliques of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{posSignif}} {list of positions of the significant groups in the
#' input list of maximal cliques, ordered ascending by corrected p-value.
#' The list contains as many elements as identified lengths of significant
#' groups. For example, \code{posSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the
#' positions of the significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type
#' further has two elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to
#' different multiple correction methods. Each element is a vector, of length
#' the number of significant maximal cliques of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{MusGroup}} {list of inferred mu values corresponding to
#' the tested cliques, ordered ascending by the corresponding corrected
#' p-value. The list contains as many elements as identified lengths of
#' significant groups. For example, \code{MusGroup[[2]]} is a list containing
#' the mu values of the significant maximal cliques of size 2. Each list of
#' this type further has two elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf},
#' corresponding to different multiple testing correction methods. Each
#' element is a vector, of length the number of significant maximal cliques
#' of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{mcStruct}} {input structure of maximal cliques to be tested
#' for mutual exclusivity, as returned by \code{\link{doMaxCliques}}.}
#' \item{\code{matrix}} {input binary alteration matrix.}
#' \item{\code{groupPvalue}} {input threshold for the corrected p-value, lower
#' than which cliques are significant.}
#' }
#' @source Produced with the function \code{\link{TiMEx}}, on the binary matrix
#' in the input dataset \code{\link{breast}}.
#' @name breastOutput
#' @aliases breastOutput
#' Stability of mutually exclusive groups in breast cancer
#' Dataset containing the stability of the mutually exclusive groups identified
#' by TiMEx in the breast cancer dataset \code{\link{breast}}, after
#' subsampling the set of patients at frequencies of \code{30\%},
#' \code{50\%}, and \code{80\%}, 100 times.
#' @format \code{breastSubsampling} is a list with as many elements as
#' subsampling frequencies provided (3 in this case). Each element is further
#' a list with as many elements as number of sizes of the significantly
#' mutually exclusive groups identified. Additionally, \code{bonf} and
#' \code{fdr} are two lists corresponding to each of these elements,
#' representing different multiple correction methods. Finally, each element
#' is a vector of relative counts of the significantly mutually exclusive
#' groups identified. For example, \code{breastSubsampling[[1]][[3]]}
#' represents the relative counts of the identified mutually exclusive groups
#' of size 3 for a subsampling frequency of 30\%, for both \code{fdr} and
#' \code{bonf} (bonferroni) multiple correction methods.
#' @source Produced with the function \code{\link{subsampleAnalysis}}, ran with
#' the inputs
#' \code{subsampl<-c(0.3,0.5,0.8)}
#' \code{noReps<-100}
#' and the mutually exclusive groups from \code{\link{breastOutput}}.
#' @name breastSubsampling
#' @aliases breastSubsampling
#' Breast cancer subtypes
#' Dataset containing binary alteration patterns for the breast cancer subtypes
#' LuminalA, LuminalB, Her2, and Basal2, downloaded from cBioPortal
#' (TCGA) in July 2014, and preprocessed as described in
#' Constantinescu \emph{et al.}: \emph{TiMEx: A Waiting Time Model for
#' Mutually Exclusive Cancer Alterations}. Bioinformatics (2015).
#' @format \code{breastSubtypes} is a list with 4 elements, corresponding to
#' the 4 breast cancer subtypes. Each element is a binary matrix with 537
#' columns, as follows:
#' \code{breastSubtypes$luminalA} consists of 222 rows,
#' \code{breastSubtypes$luminalB} consists of 125 rows,
#' \code{breastSubtypes$Her2} consists of 55 rows, and
#' \code{breastSubtypes$Basal} consists of 76 rows.
#' @source \url{http://www.cbioportal.org/study.do?cancer_study_id=brca_tcga}
#' @name breastSubtypes
#' @aliases breastSubtypes
#' Mutually exclusive groups in breast cancer subtypes
#' Dataset containing the groups identified as significantly
#' mutually exclusive by TiMEx in each of the 4 breast cancer subtypes
#' LuminalA, LuminalB, Her2, and Basal, together with their
#' corresponding intensities of mutual exclusivity, corrected p-values, and
#' other information.
#' @format \code{breastSubtypesOutput} is a list consisting of 4 lists,
#' corresponding
#' to the 4 breast subtypes. Each list further consists of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{genesSignif}} {list of significantly mutually exclusive groups,
#' as gene names, sorted by corrected p-value. The list contains as many
#' elements as identified lengths of groups. For example,
#' \code{genesSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the gene names of the
#' significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type further has two
#' elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple
#' testing correction methods. Each element is a matrix, in which rows
#' represent gene names of significantly mutually exclusive groups.}
#' \item{\code{idxSignif}} {list of significantly mutually exclusive groups, as
#' indices in the input matrix, sorted by corrected p-value. The list
#' contains as many elements as identified lengths of groups. For example,
#' \code{idxSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the indices of the
#' significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type further has two
#' elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple
#' testing correction methods. Each element is a matrix, in which rows
#' represent indices of significantly mutually exclusive groups.}
#' \item{\code{pvals}} {list of corrected significant p-values corresponding to
#' the tested cliques, ordered ascending. The list contains as many elements
#' as identified lengths of significant groups. For example, \code{pvals[[2]]}
#' is a list containing the p-values of the significant maximal cliques of
#' size 2. Each list of this type further has two elements, \code{fdr} and
#' \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple testing correction
#' methods. Each element is a vector, of length the number of significant
#' maximal cliques of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{posSignif}} {list of positions of the significant groups in the
#' input list of maximal cliques, ordered ascending by corrected p-value.
#' The list contains as many elements as identified lengths of significant
#' groups. For example, \code{posSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the
#' positions of the significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type
#' further has two elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to
#' different multiple correction methods. Each element is a vector, of length
#' the number of significant maximal cliques of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{MusGroup}} {list of inferred mu values corresponding to
#' the tested cliques, ordered ascending by the corresponding corrected
#' p-value.
#' The list contains as many elements as identified lengths of significant
#' groups.
#' For example, \code{MusGroup[[2]]} is a list containing the mu values of the
#' significant maximal cliques of size 2. Each list of this type further has
#' two elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different
#' multiple testing correction methods. Each element is a vector, of length
#' the number of significant maximal cliques of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{mcStruct}} {input structure of maximal cliques to be tested
#' for mutual exclusivity, as returned by \code{\link{doMaxCliques}}.}
#' \item{\code{matrix}} {input binary alteration matrix.}
#' \item{\code{groupPvalue}} {input threshold for the corrected p-value, lower
#' than which cliques are significant.}
#' }
#' @source Produced with the function \code{\link{TiMEx}}, on the four binary
#' matrices in the input dataset \code{\link{breastSubtypes}}.
#' @name breastSubtypesOutput
#' @aliases breastSubtypesOutput
#' Glioblastoma dataset used by Dendrix
#' Dataset containing a binary alteration pattern for the glioblastoma
#' dataset used in Leiserson \emph{et. al}: \emph{Simultaneous Identification
#' of Multiple Driver Pathways in Cancer}. Plos Computational Biology (2013).
#' Rows represent patients, and columns represent alterations. In the names
#' of alterations, \emph{(D)} represents a copy number deletion, and
#' \emph{(A)} represents a copy number amplification.
#' @format \code{gbmDendrix} is a binary matrix with 261 rows and 486 columns.
#' @source \url{http://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/
#' journal.pcbi.1003054}
#' @name gbmDendrix
#' @aliases gbmDendrix
#' Mutually exclusive groups in the glioblastoma dataset used by Dendrix
#' Dataset containing the groups identified as significantly
#' mutually exclusive by TiMEx in the glioblastoma dataset used
#' in Leiserson \emph{et. al}: \emph{Simultaneous Identification
#' of Multiple Driver Pathways in Cancer}. Plos Computational Biology (2013),
#' together with their intensities of mutual exclusivity, corrected p-values,
#' and other information.
#' @format \code{gbmDendrixOutput} is a list consisting of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{genesSignif}} {list of significantly mutually exclusive groups,
#' as gene names, sorted by corrected p-value. The list contains as many
#' elements as identified lengths of groups. For example,
#' \code{genesSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the gene names of the
#' significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type further has two
#' elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple
#' testing correction methods. Each element is a matrix, in which rows
#' represent gene names of significantly mutually exclusive groups.}
#' \item{\code{idxSignif}} {list of significantly mutually exclusive groups, as
#' indices in the input matrix, sorted by corrected p-value. The list
#' contains as many elements as identified lengths of groups. For example,
#' \code{idxSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the indices of the
#' significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type further has two
#' elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple
#' testing correction methods. Each element is a matrix, in which rows
#' represent indices of significantly mutually exclusive groups.}
#' \item{\code{pvals}} {list of corrected significant p-values corresponding to
#' the tested cliques, ordered ascending. The list contains as many elements
#' as identified lengths of significant groups. For example, \code{pvals[[2]]}
#' is a list containing the p-values of the significant maximal cliques of
#' size 2. Each list of this type further has two elements, \code{fdr} and
#' \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple testing correction
#' methods. Each element is a vector, of length the number of significant
#' maximal cliques of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{posSignif}} {list of positions of the significant groups in the
#' input list of maximal cliques, ordered ascending by corrected p-value.
#' The
#' list contains as many elements as identified lengths of significant groups.
#' For example, \code{posSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the positions of
#' the
#' significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type further has two
#' elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple
#' correction methods. Each element is a vector, of length the number of
#' significant maximal cliques of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{MusGroup}} {list of inferred mu values corresponding to
#' the tested cliques, ordered ascending by the corresponding corrected
#' p-value.
#' The list contains as many elements as identified lengths of significant
#' groups.
#' For example, \code{MusGroup[[2]]} is a list containing the mu values of the
#' significant maximal cliques of size 2. Each list of this type further has
#' two elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different
#' multiple testing correction methods. Each element is a vector, of length
#' the number of significant maximal cliques of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{mcStruct}} {input structure of maximal cliques to be tested
#' for mutual exclusivity, as returned by \code{\link{doMaxCliques}}.}
#' \item{\code{matrix}} {input binary alteration matrix.}
#' \item{\code{groupPvalue}} {input threshold for the corrected p-value, lower
#' than which cliques are significant.}
#' }
#' @source Produced with the function \code{\link{TiMEx}}, on the binary matrix
#' in the input dataset \code{\link{gbmDendrix}}.
#' @name gbmDendrixOutput
#' @aliases gbmDendrixOutput
#' Stability of mutually exclusive groups in the glioblastoma datased used
#' by Dendrix
#' Dataset containing the stability of the mutually exclusive groups identified
#' by TiMEx in the glioblastoma dataset \code{\link{gbmDendrix}}, used
#' in Leiserson \emph{et. al}: \emph{Simultaneous Identification
#' of Multiple Driver Pathways in Cancer}. Plos Computational Biology (2013),
#' after subsampling the set of patients at frequencies of \code{30\%},
#' \code{50\%}, and \code{80\%}, 100 times.
#' @format \code{gbmDendrixSubsampling} is a list with as many elements as
#' subsampling frequencies provided (3 in this case). Each element is further
#' a list with as many elements as number of sizes of the significantly
#' mutually exclusive groups identified. Additionally, \code{bonf} and
#' \code{fdr} are two lists corresponding to each of these elements,
#' representing different multiple correction methods. Finally, each element
#' is a vector of relative counts of the significantly mutually exclusive
#' groups identified. For example, \code{gbmDendrixSubsampling[[1]][[3]]}
#' represents the relative counts of the identified mutually exclusive groups
#' of size 3 for a subsampling frequency of 30\%, for both \code{fdr} and
#' \code{bonf} (bonferroni) multiple correction methods.
#' @source Produced with the function \code{\link{subsampleAnalysis}}, ran with
#' the inputs
#' \code{subsampl<-c(0.3,0.5,0.8)}
#' \code{noReps<-100}
#' and the mutually exclusive groups from \code{\link{gbmDendrixOutput}}.
#' @name gbmDendrixSubsampling
#' @aliases gbmDendrixSubsampling
#' Glioblastoma dataset used by muex
#' Dataset containing a binary alteration pattern for the glioblastoma
#' dataset used in Szczurek \emph{et. al}: \emph{Modeling mutual exclusivity of
#' cancer mutations}. Research in Computational Molecular Biology (2014).
#' Rows represent patients, and columns represent alterations.
#' @format \code{gbmMuex} is a binary matrix with 236 rows and 83 columns.
#' @source \url{http://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/
#' journal.pcbi.1003503}
#' @name gbmMuex
#' @aliases gbmMuex
#' Mutually exclusive groups in the glioblastoma dataset used by muex
#' Dataset containing the groups identified as significantly
#' mutually exclusive by TiMEx in the glioblastoma dataset used
#' in Szczurek \emph{et. al}: \emph{Modeling mutual exclusivity of
#' cancer mutations}. Research in Computational Molecular Biology (2014),
#' together with their
#' intensities of mutual exclusivity, corrected p-values, and other
#' information.
#' @format \code{gbmMuexOutput} is a list consisting of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{genesSignif}} {list of significantly mutually exclusive groups,
#' as gene names, sorted by corrected p-value. The list contains as many
#' elements as identified lengths of groups. For example,
#' \code{genesSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the gene names of the
#' significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type further has two
#' elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple
#' testing correction methods. Each element is a matrix, in which rows
#' represent gene names of significantly mutually exclusive groups.}
#' \item{\code{idxSignif}} {list of significantly mutually exclusive groups, as
#' indices in the input matrix, sorted by corrected p-value. The list
#' contains as many elements as identified lengths of groups. For example,
#' \code{idxSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the indices of the
#' significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type further has two
#' elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple
#' testing correction methods. Each element is a matrix, in which rows
#' represent indices of significantly mutually exclusive groups.}
#' \item{\code{pvals}} {list of corrected significant p-values corresponding to
#' the tested cliques, ordered ascending. The list contains as many elements
#' as identified lengths of significant groups. For example, \code{pvals[[2]]}
#' is a list containing the p-values of the significant maximal cliques of
#' size 2. Each list of this type further has two elements, \code{fdr} and
#' \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple testing correction
#' methods. Each element is a vector, of length the number of significant
#' maximal cliques of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{posSignif}} {list of positions of the significant groups in the
#' input list of maximal cliques, ordered ascending by corrected p-value.
#' The
#' list contains as many elements as identified lengths of significant groups.
#' For example, \code{posSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the positions of
#' the
#' significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type further has two
#' elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple
#' correction methods. Each element is a vector, of length the number of
#' significant maximal cliques of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{MusGroup}} {list of inferred mu values corresponding to
#' the tested cliques, ordered ascending by the corresponding corrected
#' p-value.
#' The list contains as many elements as identified lengths of significant
#' groups.
#' For example, \code{MusGroup[[2]]} is a list containing the mu values of the
#' significant maximal cliques of size 2. Each list of this type further has
#' two elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different
#' multiple testing correction methods. Each element is a vector, of length
#' the number of significant maximal cliques of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{mcStruct}} {input structure of maximal cliques to be tested
#' for mutual exclusivity, as returned by \code{\link{doMaxCliques}}.}
#' \item{\code{matrix}} {input binary alteration matrix.}
#' \item{\code{groupPvalue}} {input threshold for the corrected p-value, lower
#' than which cliques are significant.}
#' }
#' @source Produced with the function \code{\link{TiMEx}}, on the binary matrix
#' in the input dataset \code{\link{gbmMuex}}.
#' @name gbmMuexOutput
#' @aliases gbmMuexOutput
#' Stability of mutually exclusive groups in the glioblastoma datased used
#' by muex
#' Dataset containing the stability of the mutually exclusive groups identified
#' by TiMEx in the glioblastoma dataset used in Szczurek \emph{et. al}:
#' \emph{Modeling mutual exclusivity of
#' cancer mutations}. Research in Computational Molecular Biology (2014),
#' after subsampling the set of patients at frequencies of \code{30\%},
#' \code{50\%}, and \code{80\%}, 100 times.
#' @format \code{gbmMuexSubsampling} is a list with as many elements as
#' subsampling frequencies provided. Each element is further a list with as
#' many elements as number of sizes of the significantly mutually exclusive
#' groups identified. Additionally, \code{bonf} and \code{fdr} are two lists
#' corresponding to each of these elements, representing different multiple
#' correction methods. Finally, each element is a vector of subsampling
#' frequencies of the significant mutually exclusive groups identified. For
#' example, \code{gbmMuexSubsampling[[1]][[3]]} represents the relative counts
#' of the identified mutually exclusive groups of size 3 for a subsampling
#' frequency of 30\%, for both \code{fdr} and \code{bonf} (bonferroni)
#' multiple correction methods.
#' @source Produced with the function \code{\link{subsampleAnalysis}}, ran with
#' the inputs
#' \code{subsampl<-c(0.3,0.5,0.8)}
#' \code{noReps<-100}
#' and the mutually exclusive groups from \code{\link{gbmMuexOutput}}.
#' @name gbmMuexSubsampling
#' @aliases gbmMuexSubsampling
#' Ovarian cancer dataset
#' Dataset containing a binary alteration pattern for the ovarian cancer
#' dataset downloaded from cBioPortal (TCGA) in July 2014, and preprocessed
#' as explained in Constantinescu \emph{et al.}: \emph{TiMEx: A Waiting Time
#' Model for Mutually Exclusive Cancer Alterations}. Bioinformatics (2015).
#' Rows represent patients, and columns represent alterations.
#' @format A binary matrix with 316 rows and 312 columns.
#' @source \url{http://www.cbioportal.org/study.do?cancer_study_id=ov_tcga_pub}
#' @name ovarian
#' @aliases ovarian
#' Metagroups of genes in ovarian cancer
#' Dataset containing the genes with identical alteration patterns in the
#' ovarian cancer dataset \code{\link{ovarian}} (before preprocessing). It
#' is represented as a list of metagenes, with as many elements as input
#' genes that had an identical alteration pattern with at least one other
#' input gene.
#' @format \code{ovarianGroups} is a list with 263 elements, where each
#' element is a vector of genes with identical alteration patterns as the
#' current gene. The numbers indicate the positions of the genes in the input
#' matrix.
#' @source Produced with the function \code{\link{doMetagene}}.
#' @name ovarianGroups
#' @aliases ovarianGroups
#' Mutually exclusive groups in ovarian cancer
#' Dataset containing the groups identified as significantly
#' mutually exclusive by TiMEx in ovarian cancer, together with their
#' intensities of mutual exclusivity, corrected p-values, and other
#' information.
#' @format \code{ovarianOutput} is a list consisting of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{genesSignif}} {list of significantly mutually exclusive groups,
#' as gene names, sorted by corrected p-value. The list contains as many
#' elements as identified lengths of groups. For example,
#' \code{genesSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the gene names of the
#' significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type further has two
#' elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple
#' testing correction methods. Each element is a matrix, in which rows
#' represent gene names of significantly mutually exclusive groups.}
#' \item{\code{idxSignif}} {list of significantly mutually exclusive groups, as
#' indices in the input matrix, sorted by corrected p-value. The list
#' contains as many elements as identified lengths of groups. For example,
#' \code{idxSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the indices of the
#' significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type further has two
#' elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple
#' testing correction methods. Each element is a matrix, in which rows
#' represent indices of significantly mutually exclusive groups.}
#' \item{\code{pvals}} {list of corrected significant p-values corresponding to
#' the tested cliques, ordered ascending. The list contains as many elements
#' as identified lengths of significant groups. For example, \code{pvals[[2]]}
#' is a list containing the p-values of the significant maximal cliques of
#' size 2. Each list of this type further has two elements, \code{fdr} and
#' \code{bonf}, corresponding to different multiple testing correction
#' methods. Each element is a vector, of length the number of significant
#' maximal cliques of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{posSignif}} {list of positions of the significant groups in the
#' input list of maximal cliques, ordered ascending by corrected p-value.
#' The list contains as many elements as identified lengths of significant
#' groups.For example, \code{posSignif[[2]]} is a list containing the
#' positions of the significant groups of size 2. Each list of this type
#' further has two elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf}, corresponding to
#' different multiple correction methods. Each element is a vector, of
#' length the number of significant maximal cliques of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{MusGroup}} {list of inferred mu values corresponding to
#' the tested cliques, ordered ascending by the corresponding corrected
#' p-value. The list contains as many elements as identified lengths of
#' significant groups. For example, \code{MusGroup[[2]]} is a list containing
#' the mu values of the significant maximal cliques of size 2. Each list of
#' this type further has two elements, \code{fdr} and \code{bonf},
#' corresponding to different multiple testing correction methods. Each
#' element is a vector, of length the number of significant maximal cliques
#' of a given size.}
#' \item{\code{mcStruct}} {input structure of maximal cliques to be tested
#' for mutual exclusivity, as returned by \code{\link{doMaxCliques}}.}
#' \item{\code{matrix}} {input binary alteration matrix.}
#' \item{\code{groupPvalue}} {input threshold for the corrected p-value, lower
#' than which cliques are significant.}
#' }
#' @source Produced with the function \code{\link{TiMEx}}, on the binary matrix
#' in the input dataset \code{\link{ovarian}}.
#' @name ovarianOutput
#' @aliases ovarianOutput
#' Stability of mutually exclusive groups in ovarian cancer
#' Dataset containing the stability of the mutually exclusive groups identified
#' by TiMEx in the ovarian cancer dataset \code{\link{ovarian}}, after
#' subsampling the set of patients at frequencies of \code{30\%},
#' \code{50\%}, and \code{80\%}, 100 times.
#' @format \code{ovarianSubsampling} is a list with as many elements as
#' subsampling frequencies provided (3 in this case). Each element is further
#' a list with as many elements as number of sizes of the significantly
#' mutually exclusive groups identified. Additionally, \code{bonf} and
#' \code{fdr} are two lists corresponding to each of these elements,
#' representing different multiple correction methods. Finally, each element
#' is a vector of relative counts of the significantly mutually exclusive
#' groups identified. For example, \code{ovarianSubsampling[[1]][[3]]}
#' represents the relative counts of the identified mutually exclusive groups
#' of size 3 for a subsampling frequency of 30\%, for both \code{fdr} and
#' \code{bonf} (bonferroni) multiple correction methods.
#' @source Produced with the function \code{\link{subsampleAnalysis}}, ran with
#' the inputs
#' \code{subsampl<-c(0.3,0.5,0.8)}
#' \code{noReps<-100}
#' and the mutually exclusive groups from \code{\link{ovarianOutput}}.
#' @name ovarianSubsampling
#' @aliases ovarianSubsampling
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