Man pages for caseybreen/wcensoc

add_household_variablesMatch household variables
add_race_label_columnAdd column with recoded race to a CenSoc data table
calculate_age_at_deathCalculate age at Death
calculate_age_at_first_appDate of first application
clean_appsLoad Application Files
clean_claimsLoad claims file
clean_deathsLoad numdeath file 2.0
clean_keyClean matching keys
clean_namesClean names
clean_wcensocClean WCenSoc
condense_claimsBuild Numapp File
condense_numappBuild Numapp File
create_bunmdUnify Numident Files
create_censocCreate a dataset of matched census and socsec data
create_censoc_dmfCreate a dataset of matched census and socsec data
create_censoc_numidentMerge bunmd and Census
create_weights_bunmdCreate weights This function will weight the numident file up...
create_weights_bunmd_completeCreate weights for BUNMD This function will weight the...
create_weights_censoc_dmfCreate weights This function will weight the numident...
create_weights_censoc_numidentCreate weights This function will weight the numident file up...
get_first_wordGet first word from a string
helloHello, World!
load_census_dmf_matchLoad a census file
load_census_numident_matchLoad a census file
load_dmf_deathsLoad a census file
match_recordsMatch records
read_app_fwfLoad Application Files from NARA .txt fwf files
read_claim_fwfLoad claim files from NARA .txt fwf
read_death_fwfLoad death files from NARA .txt fwf
recode_educationrecode education return data.frame with education recoded
select_birthplaceSelect place of birth
select_birthplace_citySelect select Birthplace City
select_date_of_first_appDate of first application
select_dobSelect best dob
select_longest_nameSelect best name (e.g. best first name (fname), best last...
select_number_claimsCalculate total number of claims per individual
select_number_of_appsCalculate total number of applications per individual
select_race_firstSelect race
select_race_lastSelect race
select_sexSelect sex
caseybreen/wcensoc documentation built on Nov. 25, 2024, 11:32 p.m.