Summary: Assessment of CenSoc-Numident using the BUNMD as a population denominator.
# published files library(data.table) library(cowplot) library(ggsci) library(tidyverse) library(here) library(gt) pub_numident <- fread('/censoc/data/censoc_v2.1/censoc_numident_v2.1.csv') full_bunmd <- fread("/censoc/data/censoc_v2/bunmd_v2.csv") # get ssns for matched nodes std_ssns <- pub_numident$ssn cons_ssns <- pub_numident[link_abe_exact_conservative==1, ssn] # full bunmd with flags for matches full_bunmd <- full_bunmd %>% mutate(num_std_flag = ssn %in% std_ssns, num_cons_flag = ssn %in% cons_ssns) # Pare down the bunmd # ... to relevent dates bunmd_date_filtered <- full_bunmd %>% filter(byear < 1940 | (byear==1940 & bmonth <= 3)) %>% filter(dyear %in% 1988:2005) # N= 32.5 million # ... to availible birthplace bunmd_bpl <- bunmd_date_filtered %>% filter(bpl != 99999)
# look at the number of rows nrow(matched_bunmd) nrow(pub_numident) # make sure that the numident is a subset of those in the matched bunmd matched_ids <- matched_bunmd$id_A num_ids <- pub_numident$HISTID common_nodes <- intersect(matched_ids, num_ids) length(common_nodes) setequal(common_nodes, num_ids) # let's briefly check the id's that DON'T make it into the numident # why are they matched but not published? (N ~ 2 million) excluded_nodes <- setdiff(matched_ids, num_ids) excluded_set <- matched_bunmd %>% filter(id_A %in% excluded_nodes) head(excluded_set) # the VAST majority have death dates outside out time window, and the rest have birth year > 1940. OK!
# matched sets bun_numident_std <- matched_bunmd %>% filter(id_A %in% num_ids) cons_ids <- (pub_numident %>% filter(link_abe_exact_conservative == 1))$HISTID bun_numident_cons <- matched_bunmd %>% filter(id_A %in% cons_ids) # make sure these are the correct sample sizes nrow(bun_numident_std) nrow(bun_numident_cons) # data sets by sex male_numident_std <- bun_numident_std %>% filter(sex_B==1) female_numident_std <- bun_numident_std %>% filter(sex_B==2) male_numident_cons <- bun_numident_cons %>% filter(sex_B==1) female_numident_cons <- bun_numident_cons %>% filter(sex_B==2) # get ssns for matched nodes std_ssns <- (matched_bunmd %>% filter(id_A %in% num_ids))$id_B cons_ssns <- (matched_bunmd %>% filter(id_A %in% cons_ids))$id_B # full bunmd with flags for matches full_bunmd <- full_bunmd %>% mutate(num_std_flag = ssn %in% std_ssns, num_cons_flag = ssn %in% cons_ssns)
# full case information only bunmd_restricted <- bunmd_date_filtered %>% filter(bpl!=99999 & ! # N= 22.3 million # looking at the proportion native born table((bunmd_restricted$bpl < 10000)) # about 90% of the people in the full case sample are native born table((bunmd_date_filtered$bpl < 10000)) # about 70% of the people in the date-restricted sample are native born table((bunmd_bpl$bpl < 10000)) # 90% native born for those with birthplace info
# raw match rates raw_male_standard <- bunmd_date_filtered %>% filter(sex==1, byear %in% 1900:1935) %>% group_by(byear) %>% dplyr::summarize(match_rate = round(mean(num_std_flag), 3)) %>% mutate(match_type = "standard") raw_male_conservative <- bunmd_date_filtered %>% filter(sex==1, byear %in% 1900:1935) %>% group_by(byear) %>% dplyr::summarize(match_rate = round(mean(num_cons_flag), 3)) %>% mutate(match_type = "conservative") # plot raw match rates raw_bunmd_match_rate_male <- raw_male_standard %>% bind_rows(raw_male_conservative) %>% filter(byear %in% c(1900:1935)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = byear, y = match_rate, color = match_type, shape = match_type)) + geom_line(size=1) + geom_point(size = 2.5) + theme_cowplot() + ggsci::scale_color_lancet() + labs(x = "Birth Cohort", y = "Match Rate", title = "Raw Match Rate") + ylim(0, .5) + theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank()) # bpl-availble match rates bpl_male_standard <- bunmd_bpl %>% filter(sex==1, byear %in% 1900:1935) %>% group_by(byear) %>% dplyr::summarize(match_rate = round(mean(num_std_flag), 3)) %>% mutate(match_type = "standard") bpl_male_conservative <- bunmd_bpl %>% filter(sex==1, byear %in% 1900:1935) %>% group_by(byear) %>% dplyr::summarize(match_rate = round(mean(num_cons_flag), 3)) %>% mutate(match_type = "conservative") # plot bpl-availible match rates bpl_bunmd_match_rate_male <- bpl_male_standard %>% bind_rows(bpl_male_conservative) %>% filter(byear %in% c(1900:1935)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = byear, y = match_rate, color = match_type, shape = match_type)) + geom_line(size=1) + geom_point(size = 2.5) + theme_cowplot() + ggsci::scale_color_lancet() + labs(x = "Birth Cohort", y = "Match Rate", title = "Birthplace-Available Match Rate") + ylim(0, .5) + theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank()) # combined plots bunmd_match_rate_combined_male <- cowplot::plot_grid(raw_bunmd_match_rate_male, bpl_bunmd_match_rate_male, labels = "auto") bunmd_match_rate_combined_male ggsave(bunmd_match_rate_combined_male, filename = here("vignettes/assess_match_quality/figs/bunmd_men_plot.pdf"), height = 4, width = 10)
# raw raw_female_standard <- bunmd_date_filtered %>% filter(sex==2, byear %in% 1900:1935) %>% group_by(byear) %>% dplyr::summarize(match_rate = round(mean(num_std_flag), 3)) %>% mutate(match_type = "standard") raw_female_conservative <- bunmd_date_filtered %>% filter(sex==2, byear %in% 1900:1935) %>% group_by(byear) %>% dplyr::summarize(match_rate = round(mean(num_cons_flag), 3)) %>% mutate(match_type = "conservative") # raw rates plot raw_bunmd_match_rate_female <- raw_female_standard %>% bind_rows(raw_female_conservative) %>% filter(byear %in% c(1900:1935)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = byear, y = match_rate, color = match_type, shape=match_type)) + geom_line(size=1) + geom_point(size=2.5) + theme_cowplot() + ggsci::scale_color_lancet() + labs(x = "Birth Cohort", y = "Match Rate", title = "Raw Match Rate") + ylim(0, .5) + theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank()) # bpl-availible bpl_female_standard <- bunmd_bpl %>% filter(sex==2, byear %in% 1900:1935) %>% group_by(byear) %>% dplyr::summarize(match_rate = round(mean(num_std_flag), 3)) %>% mutate(match_type = "standard") bpl_female_conservative <- bunmd_bpl %>% filter(sex==2, byear %in% 1900:1935) %>% group_by(byear) %>% dplyr::summarize(match_rate = round(mean(num_cons_flag), 3)) %>% mutate(match_type = "conservative") # bpl-availible plot bpl_bunmd_match_rate_female <- bpl_female_standard %>% bind_rows(bpl_female_conservative) %>% filter(byear %in% c(1900:1935)) %>% ggplot(aes(x = byear, y = match_rate, color = match_type, shape=match_type)) + geom_line(size=1) + geom_point(size=2) + theme_cowplot() + ggsci::scale_color_lancet() + labs(x = "Birth Cohort", y = "Match Rate", title = "Birthplace-Available Match Rate") + ylim(0, .5) + theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank()) #combine plots bunmd_match_rate_combined_female <- cowplot::plot_grid(raw_bunmd_match_rate_female, bpl_bunmd_match_rate_female, labels = "auto") bunmd_match_rate_combined_female ggsave(bunmd_match_rate_combined_female, filename = here("vignettes/assess_match_quality/figs/bunmd_women_plot.pdf"), height = 4, width = 10)
set set == 1 or 2
unmatched_characteristics <- bunmd_bpl %>% filter(sex==2, byear %in% 1915:1940) %>% group_by(byear) %>% filter(!num_std_flag & !num_cons_flag) %>% dplyr::summarize(p_black = mean(race_first==2, na.rm=T), p_white = mean(race_first==1, na.rm=T)) %>% pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("p_"), names_to = "type", names_prefix = "p_", values_to = "prop") %>% mutate(category = "Unmatched") ## Calculate sample proportion (standard) matched_characteristics_standard <- bunmd_bpl %>% filter(sex==2, byear %in% 1915:1940) %>% group_by(byear) %>% filter(num_std_flag) %>% dplyr::summarize(p_black = mean(race_first==2, na.rm=T), p_white = mean(race_first==1, na.rm=T)) %>% pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("p_"), names_to = "type", names_prefix = "p_", values_to = "prop") %>% mutate(category = "Matched (Standard)") ## Calculate sample proportion (conservative) matched_characteristics_conservative <- bunmd_bpl %>% filter(sex==2, byear %in% 1915:1940) %>% group_by(byear) %>% filter(num_cons_flag) %>% dplyr::summarize(p_black = mean(race_first==2, na.rm=T), p_white = mean(race_first==1, na.rm=T)) %>% pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("p_"), names_to = "type", names_prefix = "p_", values_to = "prop") %>% mutate(category = "Matched (Conservative)") ## Rename vars for facets and set factor levels matched_characteristics_combined <- unmatched_characteristics %>% bind_rows(matched_characteristics_standard) %>% bind_rows(matched_characteristics_conservative) %>% mutate(type = as.factor(case_when( type == "black" ~ "Race: Black", type == "white" ~ "Race: White", ))) %>% mutate(type = factor(type, levels=c('Race: Black','Race: White'))) matched_characteristics_plot_standard <- matched_characteristics_combined %>% ggplot(aes(x =byear, y = prop, color = category, linetype= category)) + geom_line(size = 1.2) + theme_cowplot() + ggsci::scale_color_lancet() + theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank()) + facet_wrap(~type) + background_grid() + labs(title = "BUNMD: Comparison of race in matched and unmatched sets (women)", y = "Proportion", x = "Birth Year") + theme(legend.key.width=unit(1.5, "cm")) matched_characteristics_plot_standard ggsave(matched_characteristics_plot_standard, filename = here("vignettes/assess_match_quality/figs/bunmd_race_comp_women.pdf"), height = 7, width = 10)
(this is why we only include byear > 1915 in above plots)
#missing race data? bunmd_bpl %>% filter(sex==2, byear %in% 1900:1940, !num_std_flag, !num_cons_flag) %>% group_by(byear, %>% tally() %>% mutate(p=n/sum(n)) %>% arrange(byear) bunmd_bpl %>% filter(sex==2, byear %in% 1900:1940, num_std_flag) %>% group_by(byear, %>% tally() %>% mutate(p=n/sum(n)) %>% arrange(byear) bunmd_bpl %>% filter(sex==2, byear %in% 1900:1940, num_cons_flag) %>% group_by(byear, %>% tally() %>% mutate(p=n/sum(n)) %>% arrange(byear)
(for a single sex)
bunmd_bpl <- bunmd_bpl %>% mutate(race_recode= case_when(race_first == 1 ~ "White", race_first ==2 ~ "Black", race_first %in% 3:6 ~ "Other", TRUE ~ 'Missing')) %>% mutate(region_of_birth = case_when(bpl %in% c(900,2300,2500,3300,4400,5000) ~ 'New England', bpl %in% c(3400,3600,4200) ~ 'Middle Atlantic', bpl %in% c(1700,1800,2600,3900,5500) ~ 'East North Central', bpl %in% c(1900,2000,2700,2900,3100,3800,4600) ~ 'West North Central', bpl %in% c(1000,1100,1200,1300,2400,3700,4500,5100,5400) ~ 'South Atlantic', bpl %in% c(100,2100,2800,4700) ~ 'East South Central', bpl %in% c(500,2200,4000,4010,4800) ~ 'West South Central', bpl %in% c(400,800,1600,3000,3200,3500,4900,5600) ~ 'Mountain', bpl %in% c(200,600,1500,4100,5300) ~ 'Pacific', bpl == 99999 ~ 'Missing', TRUE ~ 'Foreign Born')) bunmd_bpl_case <- bunmd_bpl %>% filter(byear %in% 1915:1940, sex==1) bun_characteristics <- bunmd_bpl_case %>% select(ssn, race_recode, region_of_birth) %>% pivot_longer(-ssn) %>% group_by(name, value) %>% tally() %>% mutate(prop = round(100*prop.table(n), 1)) %>% rename(n_gen = n, prop_gen = prop) numident_characteristics_standard <- bunmd_bpl_case %>% filter(num_std_flag) %>% select(ssn, race_recode, region_of_birth) %>% pivot_longer(-ssn) %>% group_by(name, value) %>% tally() %>% mutate(prop = round(100*prop.table(n), 1)) %>% rename(n_gen_standard = n, prop_standard = prop) numident_characteristics_conservative <- bunmd_bpl_case %>% filter(num_cons_flag) %>% select(ssn, race_recode, region_of_birth) %>% pivot_longer(-ssn) %>% group_by(name, value) %>% tally() %>% mutate(prop = round(100*prop.table(n), 1)) %>% rename(n_gen_conservative = n, prop_conservative = prop) combined_characteristics <- bun_characteristics %>% inner_join(numident_characteristics_standard, by = c("name", "value")) %>% inner_join(numident_characteristics_conservative, by = c("name", "value")) %>% mutate(name = as.factor(name), value = as.factor(value)) %>% mutate(name = factor(name, levels = c( "race_recode", "region_of_birth"))) %>% arrange(name, value)
table_s3 <- gt(data = combined_characteristics) %>% tab_spanner( label = "General Pop", columns = vars( n_gen, prop_gen)) %>% tab_spanner( label = "Standard", columns = vars( n_gen_standard, prop_standard)) %>% tab_spanner( label = "Conservative", columns = vars( n_gen_conservative, prop_conservative)) %>% cols_label( "n_gen" = "No.", "prop_gen" = "%", "n_gen_standard" = "No.", "prop_standard" = "%", "n_gen_conservative" = "No.", "prop_conservative" = "%", value = "" ) %>% tab_style( style = list( cell_text(weight = "bold")), locations = cells_row_groups() ) %>% opt_row_striping(row_striping = T) %>% cols_align("left") table_s3 table_s3 %>% gtsave("bunmd_table_men.tex", path =here("vignettes/assess_match_quality/figs/"))
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