#' @include generics.R
#' @include Classes.R
#' getblock function
#' get block from generated temporal files
#' @param object IRISFGM object
#' @param keyword 'Conds' for co-regulatory or 'Genes' for co-expression gene
.getBlock <- function(object = NULL, keyword = "Conds") {
tmp.block <- readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/tmp_expression.txt.chars.blocks"))
tmp.bc <- grep(keyword, tmp.block, value = TRUE)
tmp.cel.module <- vapply(strsplit(tmp.bc, ":", 2), "[", 2)
CONDS <- as.character() # store the conditions
label_C <- as.numeric() # store the occurence of one condistions
for (j in seq_len(length(tmp.cel.module))) {
BCcond <- unlist(strsplit(tmp.cel.module[j], split = " "))
BCcond <- BCcond[BCcond != ""] # exclude the blank string
CONDS <- c(CONDS, BCcond)
label_C <- c(label_C, rep(j, length(BCcond)))
df_C <- data.frame(cell_name = CONDS, Condition = label_C)
if (keyword == "Conds") {
df_C$cell_name <- as.character(df_C$cell_name)
object@BiCluster@CoCond_cell <- df_C
} else if (keyword == "Genes") {
tmp.df_C <- df_C
tmp.gene.list <- as.character(tmp.df_C$cell_name)
tmp.gene.list <- gsub("_[0-9]$", "", tmp.gene.list)
tmp.df_C$cell_name <- tmp.gene.list
object@BiCluster@CoReg_gene <- tmp.df_C
colnames(object@BiCluster@CoReg_gene) <- c("Gene", "Condition")
#' @name RunDiscretization
#' @title RunDiscretization
#' @description Run discretization based on Quantile method
#' @param object input IRIS-FGM object
#' @param q quantile number which is used as discretized cutoff. The bigger q means more cells will be categorized into 1 in terms of binarizing one gene.
#' @return It will generate quantile based binary matrix.
.runDiscretization <- function(object = NULL, q = 0.06) {
message("writing temporary expression file ...")
tmp.dir <- paste0(getwd(), "/tmp_expression.txt")
tmp.count <- object@Processed_count
tmp.count <- cbind(ID = rownames(tmp.count), tmp.count)
write.table(tmp.count, file = tmp.dir, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
message("writing quantile discretization file ...")
qubic(i = tmp.dir, Fa = TRUE, q = q, R = FALSE)
tmp.chars <- paste0(getwd(), "/tmp_expression.txt.chars")
tmp.readin <- read.table(tmp.chars, row.names = 1, header = TRUE)
object@Discretization <- as.matrix(tmp.readin)
#' @export
#' @rdname RunDiscretization
setMethod("RunDiscretization", "IRISFGM", .runDiscretization)
#' RunBicusterBaseOnLTMG
#' Run bicluster based on LTMG
#' @param object input IRISFMG object
#' @param OpenDual the flag using the lower bound of condition number. Default: 5 percent of the gene number in current bicluster.
#' @param Extension consistency level of the block (0.5-1.0], the minimum ratio between the number of identical valid symbols in a column and the total number of rows in the output. Default: 1.0.
#' @param NumBlockOutput number of blocks to report. Default: 100.
#' @param BlockOverlap filtering overlapping blocks. Default: 0.7.
#' @param BlockCellMin minimum column width of the block. Default: 15 columns.
.runBiclusterBaseOnLTMG <- function(object = NULL, OpenDual = FALSE, Extension = 1, NumBlockOutput = 100, BlockOverlap = 0.9, BlockCellMin = 15) {
print("writing LTMG discretization file ...")
tmp.dir <- paste0(getwd(), "/tmp_expression.txt.chars")
tmp.multi <- object@LTMG@LTMG_BinaryMultisignal
tmp.multi <- cbind(ID = rownames(tmp.multi), tmp.multi)
write.table(tmp.multi, file = tmp.dir, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
print("running biclustering . . .")
qubic(i = tmp.dir, d = TRUE, C = OpenDual, c = Extension, o = NumBlockOutput, f = BlockOverlap, k = BlockCellMin)
#' Run Discretization
#' Generate temporal discretized file
#' @param object input IRISFMG object
#' @param OpenDual the flag using the lower bound of condition number. Default: 5 percent of the gene number in current bicluster.
#' @param Extension consistency level of the block (0.5-1.0], the minimum ratio between the number of identical valid symbols in a column and the total number of rows in the output. Default: 1.0.
#' @param NumBlockOutput number of blocks to report. Default: 100.
#' @param BlockOverlap filtering overlapping blocks. Default: 0.7.
#' @param BlockCellMin minimum column width of the block. Default: 15 columns.
.runBiclusterBaseOnDiscretization <- function(object = NULL, OpenDual = TRUE, Extension = 1, NumBlockOutput = 100, BlockOverlap = 0.7, BlockCellMin = 15) {
tmp.dir <- paste0(getwd(), "/tmp_expression.txt.chars")
if (file.exists(tmp.dir)) {
qubic(i = tmp.dir, d = TRUE, C = OpenDual, c = Extension, o = NumBlockOutput, f = BlockOverlap, k = BlockCellMin)
} else {
print("please use `RunDiscretization` first and then execute this command")
#' Run cluster
#' This function will identify the Biclusters based on LTMG or Quantile normalization
#' @param object input IRIS-FGM object
#' @param DiscretizationModel use different discretization method, including 'Quantile' and 'LTMG.'
#' @param OpenDual the flag using the lower bound of condition number. Default: 5 percent of the gene number in current bicluster.
#' @param NumBlockOutput number of blocks to report. Default: 100.
#' @param BlockOverlap filtering overlapping blocks. Default: 0.7.
#' @param Extension consistency level of the block (0.5-1.0], the minimum ratio between the number of identical valid symbols in a column and the total number of rows in the output. Default: 1.0.
#' @param BlockCellMin minimum column width of the block. Default: 15 columns.
#' @name RunBicluster
#' @return It will generate a temporal file on local directory for processed data named 'tmp_expression.txt', discretized file named
#' 'tmp_expression.txt.chars', and biclsuter block named 'tmp_expression.txt.chars.block'.
#' @examples
#' # based on LTMG discretization
#' \dontrun{
#' object <- RunBicluster(object,
#' DiscretizationModel = 'LTMG',
#' OpenDual = F,
#' NumBlockOutput = 1000,
#' BlockOverlap = 0.7,
#' BlockCellMin = 15)
#' }
#' # based on quantile discretization
#' \dontrun{
#' object <- RunBicluster(object,
#' DiscretizationModel = 'Quantile',
#' OpenDual = F,
#' NumBlockOutput = 1000,
#' BlockOverlap = 0.7,
#' BlockCellMin = 15)
#' }
.runBicluster <- function(object = NULL, DiscretizationModel = "Quantile", OpenDual = FALSE, Extension = 1.0, NumBlockOutput = 100, BlockOverlap = 0.7, BlockCellMin = 15) {
if (DiscretizationModel != "LTMG" && DiscretizationModel != "Quantile") {
stop("please select either LTMG or Quantile")
if (DiscretizationModel == "LTMG") {
.runBiclusterBaseOnLTMG(object = object, OpenDual = OpenDual, Extension = Extension, NumBlockOutput = NumBlockOutput, BlockOverlap = BlockOverlap,
BlockCellMin = BlockCellMin)
if (DiscretizationModel == "Quantile") {
.runBiclusterBaseOnDiscretization(object = object, OpenDual = OpenDual, Extension = Extension, NumBlockOutput = NumBlockOutput, BlockOverlap = BlockOverlap,
BlockCellMin = BlockCellMin)
object <- .getBlock(object = object, keyword = "Conds")
object <- .getBlock(object = object, keyword = "Genes")
#' @export
#' @rdname RunBicluster
setMethod("RunBicluster", "IRISFGM", .runBicluster)
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