#' @import ChIC.data
#' @import caret
# @rawNamespace import(girafe, except = c(plot,reduce))f
#' @import spp
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis legend lines matplot par
#' plot polygon text
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics strand
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Rle queryHits subjectHits
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf rainbow
#' @importFrom stats density na.omit predict quantile sd var
#' @importFrom utils str write.table data
# @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster mclapply
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
############### ###############
############### FUNCTION QC-metrics for narrow binding PROFILES ######
############### ###############
#' @title Wrapper function to calculate EM metrics
#' @description
#' Wrapper that reads bam files and provides EM QC-metrics from
#' cross-correlation analysis, peak calling and general metrics like
#' for example the read-length or NRF. In total 22 features are calculated.
#' qualityScores_EM
#' @param chipName Character, filename (and optional path) for the ChIP bam file (without the .bam extension)
#' @param inputName Character, filename (and optional path) for the Input control bam file (without the .bam extension)
#' @param read_length Integer, length of the reads
#' @param chip.data Optional, taglist object for ChIP reads as returned by spp or readBamFile() function. If not set (NULL) the data will be read from the BAM file with name specified by "chipName"
#' @param input.data Optional, taglist object for Input control reads as returned by spp or readBamFile() function. If not set (NULL) the data will be read from the BAM file with name specified by "inputName"
#' @param readAlignerType string, bam (default) tagAlign file format are supported
#' @param annotationID Character, indicating the genome assembly
#' @param mc Integer, the number of CPUs for parallelization (default=1)
#' @param crossCorrelation_Input Boolean, calculates cross-correlation and
#' and EM metrics for the input. The default=FALSE as the running time
#' increases and the metrics are not used in quality prediction.
#' @param savePlotPath, set if Cross-correlation plot should be saved under
#' "savePlotPath". Default=NULL and plot will be forwarded to stdout
#' @param downSamplingChIP Boolean, to be used to downsample reads within enrichment peaks.
#' This option was used for generating simulated low quality (low enrichment) profiles for testing the prediction models.
#' The default is FALSE and should generally not be used by end users.
#' @param debug Boolean, to enter debugging mode. Intermediate files are
#' saved in working directory
#' @param writeWig Boolean, saves smoothed tag density in
#' wig format in working directory for Input and ChIP
#' @return returnList, contains
#' QCscores_ChIP List of QC-metrics with crosscorrelation values for the ChIP
#' QCscores_Input List of QC-metrics with crosscorrelation values for the Input
#' if "crossCorrelation_Input" parameter was set to TRUE, NULL otherwise
#' QCscores_binding List of QCscores from peak calls
#' TagDensityChip Tag-density profile, smoothed by the Gaussian kernel
#' (for further details see "spp" package)
#' TagDensityInput Tag density-profile, smoothed by the Gaussian kernel
#' (for further details see "spp" package)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## This command is time intensive to run
#' ## To run this example code the user MUST provide 2 bam files: one for ChIP
#' ## and one for the input". Here we used ChIP-seq data from ENCODE. Two
#' ## example files can be downloaded using the following link:
#' ## https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF000BFX/
#' ## https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF000BDQ/
#' ## and save them in the working directory (here given in the temporary
#' ## directory "filepath"
#' mc=4
#' \dontrun{
#' filepath=tempdir()
#' setwd(filepath)
#' system("wget
#' https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF000BFX/@@download/ENCFF000BFX.bam")
#' system("wget
#' https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF000BDQ/@@download/ENCFF000BDQ.bam")
#' chipName=file.path(filepath,"ENCFF000BFX")
#' inputName=file.path(filepath,"ENCFF000BDQ")
#' CC_Result=qualityScores_EM(chipName=chipName, inputName=inputName,
#' read_length=36, mc=mc, annotationID = "hg19")
qualityScores_EM <- function(chipName, inputName, read_length,
chip.data=NULL, input.data=NULL, readAlignerType = "bam",
annotationID, mc = 1, crossCorrelation_Input=FALSE,
downSamplingChIP=FALSE, writeWig=FALSE,
savePlotPath = NULL, debug = FALSE)
start_time <- Sys.time()
message("***Calculating EM metrics...***")
pb <- progress_bar$new(format = "(:spin) [:bar] :percent",total = 8,
clear = FALSE, width = 60)
########## check if input format is ok
if (!(is.character(chipName) & is.character(inputName)))
stop("Invalid chipName or inputName (String required)")
if (!is.numeric(read_length))
stop("read_length must be numeric")
if (read_length < 1)
stop("read_length must be > 0")
message("Calculating the cross-correlation of the Input
will increase running time significantly! ")
if (!is.numeric(mc)) {
warning("mc must be numeric")
mc <- 1
if (mc < 1) {
warning("mc set to 1")
mc <- 1
# read input data from bamfile (unless they are passed as taglist object among input parameters)
if (is.null(chip.data)) {
message("reading bam file for ChIP")
chip.data <- readBamFile(chipName,readAlignerType = readAlignerType)
if (is.null(input.data)) {
message("reading bam file for Input control")
input.data <- readBamFile(inputName,readAlignerType = readAlignerType)
if ( debug ) {
message("Debugging mode ON, saving taglist objects to bamFiles.RData")
save(chip.data, input.data,
file = file.path(getwd(), "bamFiles.RData"))
if (downSamplingChIP){
message("downsampling ChIP data. This can take a while!")
chip.dataNew=downsample_ChIPpeaks(chip.data=chip.data, input.data=input.data,
if ( debug )
file = file.path(getwd(),"ChIP_downsampledBam.RData"))
## plot and calculate cross correlation and phantom
## characteristics for the ChIP
message("\nCalculating binding characteristics for ChIP... ")
estimating_fragment_length_range <- c(0, 500)
estimating_fragment_length_bin <- 5
#switch cluster on
if (mc > 1) {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster( mc )
srange = estimating_fragment_length_range,
bin = estimating_fragment_length_bin,
accept.all.tags = TRUE, cluster = cluster)
if ( debug ) {
file = file.path(getwd(),"bindingCharacteristics.RData"))
#switch cluster off
if (mc > 1) {
parallel::stopCluster( cluster )
message("\n***Calculating cross correlation QC-metrics for Chip...***")
crossvalues_Chip <- getCrossCorrelationScores(chip.data,
read_length = read_length,
savePlotPath = savePlotPath,
mc = mc,
annotationID = annotationID)
## save the tag.shift
final.tag.shift <- crossvalues_Chip$tag.shift
if (crossCorrelation_Input){
message("\n***Calculating cross correlation QC-metrics for Input...***")
# plot and calculate cross correlation and phantom
# characteristics for the input
#switch cluster on
if (mc > 1) {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster( mc )
message("calculating binding characteristics...")
srange = estimating_fragment_length_range,
bin = estimating_fragment_length_bin,
accept.all.tags = TRUE, cluster = cluster)
#switch cluster off
if (mc > 1) {
parallel::stopCluster( cluster )
message("calculating cross-correlation scores...")
crossvalues_Input <- getCrossCorrelationScores(input.data,
read_length = read_length,
savePlotPath = savePlotPath,
mc = mc,
annotationID = annotationID)
if ( debug ) {
file = file.path(getwd(),"bindingCharacteristicsInput.RData"))
message("calculating cross-correlation scores for Input... done!")
## get chromosome information and order chip and input by it
chrl_final <- intersect(names(chip.data$tags), names(input.data$tags))
chip.data$tags <- chip.data$tags[chrl_final]
chip.data$quality <- chip.data$quality[chrl_final]
input.data$tags <- input.data$tags[chrl_final]
input.data$quality <- input.data$quality[chrl_final]
## remove sigular positions with extremely high tag counts with respect
## to the neighbourhood
message("\nremoving loval tag anomalies...")
selectedTags <- removeLocalTagAnomalies(chip.data, input.data,
#cleaning up memory space
input.tagsSelected <- selectedTags$input.dataSelected
chip.tagsSelected <- selectedTags$chip.dataSelected
if ( debug) {
save(chip.tagsSelected, input.tagsSelected,
file = file.path(getwd(),"dataSelected.RData"))
## get QC-values from peak calling
message("\n***Calculating QC-metrics from peak-calling...***")
bindingScores <- getPeakCallingScores(chip=chip.data,
tag.shift =final.tag.shift,
returnList <- list(QCscores_ChIP = crossvalues_Chip,
QCscores_Input = crossvalues_Input,
QCscores_binding = bindingScores,
SelectedTagsChip = chip.tagsSelected,
SelectedTagsInput = input.tagsSelected
if ( writeWig )
message("compute track for ChIP")
smoothed.densityChip<- tagDensity(data=chip.data, tag.shift=final.tag.shift, annotationID = annotationID, mc = mc)
message("saving ChIP track as wig...")
f_writewig(smoothed.densityChip, file.path(getwd(), "chip.wig"),"track chip")
message("compute track for input")
smoothed.densityInput<- tagDensity(data=input.data, tag.shift=final.tag.shift, annotationID = annotationID, mc = mc)
message("saving input track as wig...")
f_writewig(smoothed.densityInput, file.path(getwd(),"input.wig"),"track input")
message("Calculation of EM metrics done!")
end_time <- Sys.time()
message("Time used: ")
message(end_time - start_time)
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