Man pages for camilleroquencourt/ptairMS
Pre-processing PTR-TOF-MS Data

aggregateaggregate peakgroup for align function
alignAlignment with kernel gaussian density
alignSamplesAlignment between samples
annotationPutative annotation of VOC mz by using the reference...
calibrationCalibrates the mass axis with references masses
calibrationFuncalibration function
changeTimeLimitsShinny appplication to modify and view expiration limits This...
convert_to_mzMLConvert a h5 file to mzML
createPtrSetCreates a ptrSet object form a directory
cumulative_fit_functionCreate cumulative function fit
deadTimeCorrDead time correction on raw data
defineKnotsDefine the knots location
detectPeakDetection and quantification of peaks for a ptrSet object.
determinePeakShapeDetermine peak shape from raw data in tof
exportSampleMetadaexport sampleMetadata
extractEICextract all raw EIC from a pre-definied peak List
fit_averagePeakFit peak with average function
fit_averagePeak_functionfit function average
formula2massCompute exact mass.
getDirectoryget the files directory of a ptrSet
getFileNamesget the file names containing in the directory of a ptrSet or...
getPeakListget the peak list of a ptrSet object
getSampleMetadataget sampleMetadata of a ptrSet
importSampleMetadataimport a sampleMetadata from a tsv file to a ptrSet object
imputeImputes the missing values
imputeMatImpute missing values on an matrix set from an ptrSet
initializeFitinitialization for apply fit function in the spectrum
LocalMaximaSGFind local maxima with Savitzky Golay filter
makeSubGroupUse in align function. return a peak group thanks to kernel...
OptimalWindowsSGFind optimal window's size for Savitzky Golay filter
PeakListDetection and quantification of peaks on a sum spectrum.
plotPlot a ptrSet object
plotCalibPlot the calibration peaks after calibration
plotFeaturesPlot raw average spectrum around a mzRange
plotPeakShapeplot the average peak shape of reference calibration masses...
plotRawPlot method for 'ptrRaw' objects
plotTICplot the Total Ion sptectrum (TIC) for one or several files.
ptairMS-packageptairMS: Pre-processing PTR-TOF-MS Data
ptrRawPTR-TOF-MS raw data from a rhdf5 file
ptrSetA set of PTR-TOF-MS raw data informations
readRawRead a h5 file of PTR-TOF-MS data
resetSampleMetadatareset the default sampleMetadata, containing the suborders...
rmPeakListremove the peakList of an ptrSet object
RunShinnyAppGraphical interface of ptairMS workflow
setSampleMetadataset sampleMetadata in a ptrSet
show-ptrRaw-methodshow a ptrRaw object
show-ptrSet-methodshow a ptrSet object
snipBaseBaseline estimation
timeLimitsCalculates time limits on the breath tracer
TransmissionCurveEstimation of the transmisison curve
updatePtrSetupdate a ptrSet object
widthCalculate the FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) in raw data
writeEsetExporting an ExpressionSet instance into 3 tabulated files...
camilleroquencourt/ptairMS documentation built on Jan. 13, 2025, 6:51 p.m.