
# Global vars
op <- withr::local_options(
    ISAnalytics.reports = FALSE,
    ISAnalytics.verbose = FALSE
# Samples
sample_group1 <- tibble::tibble(
    chr = c(rep_len("1", 6)),
    integration_locus = c(
        14572, 14572,
        14575, 14571,
        14577, 14581
    strand = c(rep_len("+", 6)),
    CompleteAmplificationID = paste0("ID", 1:6),
    Value = c(70, 150, 120, 1400, 36, 15)

sample_group2 <- tibble::tibble(
    chr = rep_len("3", 7),
    integration_locus = c(
    strand = rep_len("+", 7),
    CompleteAmplificationID = c(
        "ID1", "ID4",
        "ID5", "ID4",
        "ID1", "ID3",
    Value = c(
        1846, 64, 543, 89, 123, 886,

sample_group_mult1 <- tibble::tibble(
    chr = c(rep_len("1", 6)),
    integration_locus = c(
        14572, 14572,
        14575, 14571,
        14577, 14581
    strand = c(rep_len("+", 6)),
    CompleteAmplificationID = paste0("ID", 1:6),
    seqCount = c(70, 150, 120, 1400, 36, 15),
    fragmentEstimate = c(
        83.4, 125.9, 1.656,
        64.545, 6.4, 564.69

sample_group_mult2 <- tibble::tibble(
    chr = rep_len("3", 7),
    integration_locus = c(
    strand = rep_len("+", 7),
    CompleteAmplificationID = c(
        "ID1", "ID4",
        "ID5", "ID4",
        "ID1", "ID3",
    seqCount = c(
        1846, 64, 543, 89, 123, 886,
    fragmentEstimate = c(
        334.54, 5456.45, 12.55,
        64.65, 654.5, 453.6, 1.36

recalibr_map_smpl1_kf <- tibble::tibble(
    chr_before = rep_len("1", 5),
    integration_locus_before = c(14571, 14572, 14575, 14577, 14581),
    strand_before = rep_len("+", 5),
    chr_after = rep_len("1", 5),
    integration_locus_after = c(14571, 14571, 14571, 14577, 14577),
    strand_after = rep_len("+", 5)

# Tests RecalibrationMap
test_that("RecalibrationMap gets intialized correctly", {
    withr::local_options(list(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = "default"))
    rec_map1 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    expect_equal(nrow(rec_map1$get_map()), 0)
    column_names <- c(
        paste0(mandatory_IS_vars(), "_before"),
        paste0(mandatory_IS_vars(), "_after")
    expect_true(all(colnames(rec_map1$get_map()) %in% column_names))

test_that("RecalibrationMap updates map correctly", {
    withr::local_options(list(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = "default"))
    rec_map1 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    before_df_1 <- tibble::tribble(
        ~chr, ~integration_locus, ~strand,
        "1", 123342, "+"
    after_df_1 <- tibble::tribble(
        ~chr, ~integration_locus, ~strand,
        "1", 345234, "+"
    rec_map1$update(before = before_df_1, after = after_df_1)
    expect_true(nrow(rec_map1$get_map()) == 1)
    expect_true(rec_map1$get_map()$integration_locus_before == 123342 &
        rec_map1$get_map()$integration_locus_after == 345234)
    before_df_2 <- tibble::tribble(
        ~chr, ~integration_locus, ~strand,
        "1", 123342, "+",
        "1", 123343, "+",
        "1", 123345, "+",
    rec_map1$update(before = before_df_2, after = after_df_1)
    expect_true(nrow(rec_map1$get_map()) == 3)
    expect_true(all(rec_map1$get_map()$integration_locus_after == 345234))

test_that("write_recalibr_map works if path provided is dir", {
    withr::local_options(list(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = "default"))
    rec_map1 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    rec_map1$.__enclos_env__$private$.map <- recalibr_map_smpl1_kf
    tmp_dir <- fs::path(tempdir(), "ISAtest")
    ## Works if folder doesn't exist (creates it and writes the file in it)
    withr::with_file(tmp_dir, {
        expect_true(length(fs::dir_ls(tmp_dir)) == 1)
    ## Works if folder already exists
    withr::with_file(tmp_dir, {
        expect_true(length(fs::dir_ls(tmp_dir)) == 1)

test_that(".write_recalibr_map works if path provided is file", {
    withr::local_options(list(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = "default"))
    rec_map1 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    rec_map1$.__enclos_env__$private$.map <- recalibr_map_smpl1_kf
    ## Works for accepted formats
    for (ext in c(
        "tsv", "csv", "txt",
        paste("tsv", .compressed_formats(), sep = "."),
        paste("csv", .compressed_formats(), sep = "."),
        paste("txt", .compressed_formats(), sep = ".")
    )) {
        if (stringr::str_ends(ext, "zip")) {
        file_name <- paste0("recalibration_map.", ext)
        tmp_file <- fs::path(tempdir(), file_name)
        withr::with_file(tmp_file, {
    ## Changes extension for unsupported extension
    file_name <- "recalibration_map.xslx"
    expected_filename <- "recalibration_map.tsv.gz"
    tmp_file <- fs::path(tempdir(), file_name)
    withr::with_options(list(ISAnalytics.verbose = TRUE), {
                    withr::with_file(tmp_file, {
                            tempdir(), expected_filename
                class = "rec_unsupp_ext"
    file_name <- "recalibration_map.gz"
    tmp_file <- fs::path(tempdir(), file_name)
    withr::with_options(list(ISAnalytics.verbose = TRUE), {
                    withr::with_file(tmp_file, {
                            tempdir(), expected_filename
                class = "rec_unsupp_ext"

# Tests .find_unique_max
test_that(".find_unique_max returns empty if values incomparable", {
    # Max is not unique, with NAs
    t1 <- c(NA, NA, 170, 170)
    # All NAs
    t2 <- c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_)
    # The max is not unique
    t3 <- c(50, 60, 70, 70)
    max <- .find_unique_max(t1)
    expect_equal(max, numeric(0))
    max <- .find_unique_max(t2)
    expect_equal(max, numeric(0))
    max <- .find_unique_max(t3)
    expect_equal(max, numeric(0))

test_that(".find_unique_max returns value if values comparable", {
    # Max is unique, with NAs
    t1 <- c(NA_real_, NA_real_, 170)
    # The max is unique
    t2 <- c(50, 50, 60, 70)
    max <- .find_unique_max(t1)
    expect_equal(max, 170)
    max <- .find_unique_max(t2)
    expect_equal(max, 70)

# Tests .sliding_window
### OTHER VARS ###
expected_for_smpl1_kf <- tibble::tibble(
    chr = c(rep_len("1", 6)),
    integration_locus = c(
        14571, 14571,
        14571, 14571,
        14577, 14577
    strand = c(rep_len("+", 6)),
    CompleteAmplificationID = c(
    Value = c(1400, 70, 150, 120, 36, 15)

expected_for_smpl2_kf <- tibble::tibble(
    chr = c(rep_len("3", 5)),
    integration_locus = c(
        16378, 16387,
        16395, 16395,
    strand = c(rep_len("+", 5)),
    CompleteAmplificationID = c(
    Value = c(1969, 48, 153, 886, 543)
recalibr_map_smpl2_kf <- tibble::tibble(
    chr_before = rep_len("3", 7),
    integration_locus_before = c(
        16378, 16380, 16387, 16395, 16396,
        16399, 16402
    strand_before = rep_len("+", 7),
    chr_after = rep_len("3", 7),
    integration_locus_after = c(
        16378, 16378, 16387, 16395, 16395,
        16395, 16402
    strand_after = rep_len("+", 7)

expected_for_smpl2_mv <- tibble::tibble(
    chr = c(rep_len("3", 5)),
    integration_locus = c(
        16380, 16387,
        16399, 16399,
    strand = c(rep_len("+", 5)),
    CompleteAmplificationID = c(
    Value = c(1969, 48, 153, 886, 543)
recalibr_map_smpl2_mv <- tibble::tibble(
    chr_before = rep_len("3", 7),
    integration_locus_before = c(
        16378, 16380, 16387, 16395, 16396,
        16399, 16402
    strand_before = rep_len("+", 7),
    chr_after = rep_len("3", 7),
    integration_locus_after = c(
        16380, 16380, 16387, 16399, 16399,
        16399, 16402
    strand_after = rep_len("+", 7)

expected_for_smplmult1_kf <- tibble::tibble(
    chr = c(rep_len("1", 6)),
    integration_locus = c(
        14571, 14571,
        14571, 14571,
        14577, 14577
    strand = c(rep_len("+", 6)),
    CompleteAmplificationID = c(
    seqCount = c(
        1400, 70, 150, 120, 36,
    fragmentEstimate = c(
        64.545, 83.4,
        125.9, 1.656,
        6.4, 564.69

expected_for_smplmult2_kf <- tibble::tibble(
    chr = c(rep_len("3", 5)),
    integration_locus = c(
        16378, 16387,
        16395, 16395,
    strand = c(rep_len("+", 5)),
    CompleteAmplificationID = c(
    seqCount = c(1969, 48, 153, 886, 543),
    fragmentEstimate = c(
        989.04, 1.36,
        5521.1, 453.60,
expected_for_smplmult2_mv <- tibble::tibble(
    chr = c(rep_len("3", 5)),
    integration_locus = c(
        16380, 16387,
        16399, 16399,
    strand = c(rep_len("+", 5)),
    CompleteAmplificationID = c(
    seqCount = c(
        1969, 48, 153, 886,
    fragmentEstimate = c(
        989.04, 1.36,
        5521.1, 453.60,

test_that(".sliding_window produces correct output for sample1", {
    withr::local_options(list(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = "default"))
    rec_map1 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    result <- .sliding_window(
        x = sample_group1, threshold = 4,
        keep_criteria = "keep_first", annotated = FALSE,
        num_cols = "Value", max_val_col = "Value",
        sample_col = "CompleteAmplificationID",
        req_tags = mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE),
        add_col_lambdas = NULL,
        rec_map = rec_map1
    expect_equal(result, expected_for_smpl1_kf,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    expect_equal(rec_map1$get_map(), recalibr_map_smpl1_kf,
        ignore_attr = TRUE

    rec_map2 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    result <- .sliding_window(
        x = sample_group1, threshold = 4,
        keep_criteria = "max_value", annotated = FALSE,
        num_cols = "Value", max_val_col = "Value",
        sample_col = "CompleteAmplificationID",
        req_tags = mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE),
        add_col_lambdas = NULL,
        rec_map = rec_map2
    expect_equal(result, expected_for_smpl1_kf,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    expect_equal(rec_map2$get_map(), recalibr_map_smpl1_kf,
        ignore_attr = TRUE

test_that(".sliding_window produces correct output for sample2", {
    withr::local_options(list(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = "default"))
    rec_map1 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    result <- .sliding_window(
        x = sample_group2, threshold = 4,
        keep_criteria = "keep_first", annotated = FALSE,
        num_cols = "Value", max_val_col = "Value",
        sample_col = "CompleteAmplificationID",
        req_tags = mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE),
        add_col_lambdas = NULL,
        rec_map = rec_map1
    expect_equal(result, expected_for_smpl2_kf,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    expect_equal(rec_map1$get_map(), recalibr_map_smpl2_kf,
        ignore_attr = TRUE

    rec_map2 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    result <- .sliding_window(
        x = sample_group2, threshold = 4,
        keep_criteria = "max_value", annotated = FALSE,
        num_cols = "Value", max_val_col = "Value",
        sample_col = "CompleteAmplificationID",
        req_tags = mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE),
        add_col_lambdas = NULL,
        rec_map = rec_map2
    expect_equal(result, expected_for_smpl2_mv,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    expect_equal(rec_map2$get_map(), recalibr_map_smpl2_mv,
        ignore_attr = TRUE

test_that(".sliding_window produces correct output for sample1 - mult column", {
    withr::local_options(list(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = "default"))
    rec_map1 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    result <- .sliding_window(
        x = sample_group_mult1, threshold = 4,
        keep_criteria = "keep_first", annotated = FALSE,
        num_cols = c("seqCount", "fragmentEstimate"),
        max_val_col = "seqCount",
        sample_col = "CompleteAmplificationID",
        req_tags = mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE),
        add_col_lambdas = NULL,
        rec_map = rec_map1
    expect_equal(result, expected_for_smplmult1_kf,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    expect_equal(rec_map1$get_map(), recalibr_map_smpl1_kf,
        ignore_attr = TRUE

    rec_map2 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    result <- .sliding_window(
        x = sample_group_mult1, threshold = 4,
        keep_criteria = "max_value", annotated = FALSE,
        num_cols = c("seqCount", "fragmentEstimate"),
        max_val_col = "seqCount",
        sample_col = "CompleteAmplificationID",
        req_tags = mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE),
        add_col_lambdas = NULL,
        rec_map = rec_map2
    expect_equal(result, expected_for_smplmult1_kf,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    expect_equal(rec_map2$get_map(), recalibr_map_smpl1_kf,
        ignore_attr = TRUE

test_that(".sliding_window produces correct output for sample2 - mult column", {
    withr::local_options(list(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = "default"))
    rec_map1 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    result <- .sliding_window(
        x = sample_group_mult2, threshold = 4,
        keep_criteria = "keep_first", annotated = FALSE,
        num_cols = c("seqCount", "fragmentEstimate"),
        max_val_col = "seqCount",
        sample_col = "CompleteAmplificationID",
        req_tags = mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE),
        add_col_lambdas = NULL,
        rec_map = rec_map1
    expect_equal(result, expected_for_smplmult2_kf,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    expect_equal(rec_map1$get_map(), recalibr_map_smpl2_kf,
        ignore_attr = TRUE

    rec_map2 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    result <- .sliding_window(
        x = sample_group_mult2, threshold = 4,
        keep_criteria = "max_value", annotated = FALSE,
        num_cols = c("seqCount", "fragmentEstimate"),
        max_val_col = "seqCount",
        sample_col = "CompleteAmplificationID",
        req_tags = mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE),
        add_col_lambdas = NULL,
        rec_map = rec_map2
    expect_equal(result, expected_for_smplmult2_mv,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    expect_equal(rec_map2$get_map(), recalibr_map_smpl2_mv,
        ignore_attr = TRUE

test_that(".sliding_window works on annotated", {
    withr::local_options(list(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = "default"))
    annot_group1 <- sample_group1 |>
            GeneName = paste0("GENE", seq_len(nrow(sample_group1))),
            GeneStrand = "+", .after = "strand"
    expected_matrix <- expected_for_smpl1_kf |>
            GeneName = c(
                "GENE4", "GENE4", "GENE4", "GENE4",
                "GENE5", "GENE5"
            GeneStrand = "+", .after = "strand"
    rec_map1 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    result <- .sliding_window(
        x = annot_group1, threshold = 4,
        keep_criteria = "max_value", annotated = TRUE,
        num_cols = "Value",
        max_val_col = "Value",
        sample_col = "CompleteAmplificationID",
        req_tags = mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE),
        add_col_lambdas = NULL,
        rec_map = rec_map1
    expect_equal(result, expected_matrix,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    expect_equal(rec_map1$get_map(), recalibr_map_smpl1_kf,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    annot_group2 <- sample_group2 |>
            GeneName = paste0("GENE", seq_len(nrow(sample_group2))),
            GeneStrand = "-", .after = "strand"
    expected_matrix <- expected_for_smpl2_mv |>
            GeneName = c("GENE1", "GENE7", "GENE6", "GENE6", "GENE3"),
            GeneStrand = "-", .after = "strand"
    rec_map2 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    result <- .sliding_window(
        x = annot_group2, threshold = 4,
        keep_criteria = "max_value", annotated = TRUE,
        num_cols = "Value",
        max_val_col = "Value",
        sample_col = "CompleteAmplificationID",
        req_tags = mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE),
        add_col_lambdas = NULL,
        rec_map = rec_map2
    expect_equal(result, expected_matrix,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    expect_equal(rec_map2$get_map(), recalibr_map_smpl2_mv,
        ignore_attr = TRUE

test_that(".sliding_window aggregates add columns correctly", {
    withr::local_options(list(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = "default"))
    s2_add_cols <- sample_group2 |>
            ann1 = seq_len(nrow(sample_group2)),
            ann2 = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"),
            ann3 = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE),
            .after = "strand"
    rec_map1 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    result <- .sliding_window(
        x = s2_add_cols, threshold = 4,
        keep_criteria = "max_value", annotated = FALSE,
        num_cols = "Value",
        max_val_col = "Value",
        sample_col = "CompleteAmplificationID",
        req_tags = mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE),
        add_col_lambdas = list(
            ann1 = ~ sum(.x, na.rm = TRUE),
            ann2 = ~ paste0(.x, collapse = ";"),
            ann3 = ~ any(.x)
        rec_map = rec_map1
    expected_v1 <- expected_for_smpl2_mv |>
            ann1 = c(6, 7, 6, 6, 3),
            ann2 = c("e;a", "g", "d;b", "f", "c"),
            ann3 = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
            .after = "strand"
    expect_equal(result, expected_v1,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    expect_equal(rec_map1$get_map(), recalibr_map_smpl2_mv,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    ## NULL lambdas correspond to keep any value
    rec_map2 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
    result <- .sliding_window(
        x = s2_add_cols, threshold = 4,
        keep_criteria = "max_value", annotated = FALSE,
        num_cols = "Value",
        max_val_col = "Value",
        sample_col = "CompleteAmplificationID",
        req_tags = mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE),
        add_col_lambdas = list(
            ann1 = NULL,
            ann2 = NULL,
            ann3 = NULL
        rec_map = rec_map2
    expected_v2 <- expected_for_smpl2_mv |>
            ann1 = c(5, 7, 4, 6, 3),
            ann2 = c("e", "g", "d", "f", "c"),
            ann3 = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
            .after = "strand"
    expect_equal(result, expected_v2,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    expect_equal(rec_map2$get_map(), recalibr_map_smpl2_mv,
        ignore_attr = TRUE

test_that(".sliding_window works with custom vars", {
    withr::local_options(list(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = "default"))
    customized <- sample_group2 |>
        dplyr::rename(chrom = "chr", locus = "integration_locus")
    temp_vars <- mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE)
    temp_vars[1, ]$names <- "chrom"
    temp_vars[2, ]$names <- "locus"
    withr::with_options(list(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = temp_vars), {
        rec_map1 <- RecalibrationMap$new(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
        result <- .sliding_window(
            x = customized, threshold = 4,
            keep_criteria = "max_value", annotated = FALSE,
            num_cols = "Value", max_val_col = "Value",
            sample_col = "CompleteAmplificationID",
            req_tags = mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE),
            add_col_lambdas = NULL,
            rec_map = rec_map1
    expected_matrix <- expected_for_smpl2_mv |>
        dplyr::rename(chrom = "chr", locus = "integration_locus")
    expect_equal(result, expected_matrix,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    expect_equal(rec_map1$get_map(), recalibr_map_smpl2_mv |>
            chrom_before = "chr_before",
            locus_before = "integration_locus_before",
            chrom_after = "chr_after",
            locus_after = "integration_locus_after"
    ignore_attr = TRUE

# Tests compute_near_integrations
test_that("compute_near_integrations produces correct output for total", {
    withr::local_options(list(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = "default"))
    total_simple <- sample_group1 |> dplyr::bind_rows(sample_group2)
    total_mult <- sample_group_mult1 |> dplyr::bind_rows(sample_group_mult2)
    res <- compute_near_integrations(
        x = total_simple,
        keep_criteria = "keep_first",
        max_value_column = "Value",
        value_columns = c("Value"),
        map_as_file = FALSE
    expected_simple <- expected_for_smpl1_kf |>
    map_simple_exp <- recalibr_map_smpl1_kf |>
    expect_equal(res, expected_simple,
        ignore_attr = TRUE
    res <- compute_near_integrations(
        x = total_mult,
        keep_criteria = "keep_first",
        max_value_column = "seqCount",
        value_columns = c("seqCount", "fragmentEstimate"),
        map_as_file = FALSE
    expected_mult <- expected_for_smplmult1_kf |>
    expect_equal(res, expected_mult,
        ignore_attr = TRUE

    res <- compute_near_integrations(
        x = total_mult,
        keep_criteria = "keep_first",
        max_value_column = "seqCount",
        value_columns = c("seqCount", "fragmentEstimate"),
        is_identity_tags = NULL,
        map_as_file = FALSE
    expected <- tibble::tibble(
        chr = c("1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3"),
        integration_locus = c(
            14571, 14571, 14571, 14571, 14577, 14577,
            16378, 16387, 16395, 16395, 16402
        strand = c("+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+", "+"),
        CompleteAmplificationID = c(
            "ID4", "ID1", "ID2", "ID3", "ID5", "ID6",
            "ID1", "ID1", "ID4", "ID3", "ID5"
        seqCount = c(1400, 70, 150, 120, 36, 15, 1969, 48, 153, 886, 543),
        fragmentEstimate = c(
            64.545, 83.4, 125.9, 1.656, 6.4, 564.69, 989.04,
            1.36, 5521.1, 453.6, 12.55
    expect_equal(res, expected)

test_that("compute_near_integrations warns deprecation", {
        res <- compute_near_integrations(
            x = sample_group1,
            keep_criteria = "keep_first",
            max_value_column = "Value",
            value_columns = "Value",
            strand_specific = TRUE,
            map_as_file = FALSE

# test_that("compute_near_integrations works for package examples", {
#     tmp_dir <- withr::local_tempdir()
#     test_with_fine <- sample_group_mult1 |>
#         dplyr::bind_rows(sample_group_mult2) |>
#         tibble::add_case(
#             chr = "5", integration_locus = 45213, strand = "-",
#             CompleteAmplificationID = "ID1",
#             seqCount = 45, fragmentEstimate = 56.45
#         )
#     recalibr <- compute_near_integrations(test_with_fine,
#         map_as_file = TRUE,
#         file_path = tmp_dir
#     )
#     expect_true(nrow(recalibr) == 12 & ncol(recalibr) == 6)
#     expect_true(fs::file_exists(fs::path(tmp_dir, .generate_rec_map_filename())))
# })
calabrialab/ISAnalytics documentation built on Dec. 10, 2024, 10:50 p.m.