Man pages for calabrialab/ISAnalytics
Analyze gene therapy vector insertion sites data identified from genomics next generation sequencing reads for clonal tracking studies

aggregate_metadataPerforms aggregation on metadata contained in the association...
aggregate_values_by_keyAggregates matrices values based on specified key.
annotation_issuesCheck for genomic annotation problems in IS matrices.
association_fileExample of association file.
as_sparse_matrixConverts tidy integration matrices in the original sparse...
available_outlier_testsA character vector containing all the names of the currently...
available_tagsAll available tags for dynamic vars look-up tables.
blood_lineages_defaultDefault blood lineages info
circos_genomic_densityTrace a circos plot of genomic densities.
CIS_grubbsGrubbs test for Common Insertion Sites (CIS).
CIS_grubbs_overtimeCompute CIS and Grubbs test over different time points and...
CIS_volcano_plotTrace volcano plot for computed CIS data.
clinical_relevant_suspicious_genesClinical relevant suspicious genes (for mouse and human).
comparison_matrixObtain a single integration matrix from individual...
compute_abundanceComputes the abundance for every integration event in the...
compute_near_integrationsScans input matrix to find and merge near integration sites.
cumulative_count_unionIntegrations cumulative count in time by sample
cumulative_isExpands integration matrix with the cumulative IS union over...
date_formatsPossible choices for the 'dates_format' parameter in...
default_af_transformDefault transformations to apply to association file columns.
default_iss_file_prefixesDefault regex prefixes for Vispa2 stats files.
default_meta_aggDefault metadata aggregation function table
default_rec_agg_lambdasDefaults for column aggregations in...
default_report_pathDefault folder for saving ISAnalytics reports. Supplied as...
default_statsA set of pre-defined functions for 'sample_statistics'.
enable_progress_barsEnable global progress bars for ISAnalytics functions.
export_ISA_settingsExport a dynamic vars settings profile.
fisher_scatterplotPlot results of gene frequency Fisher's exact test.
gene_frequency_fisherCompute Fisher's exact test on gene frequencies.
generate_blank_association_fileCreate a blank association file.
generate_default_folder_structureGenerate a default folder structure, following VISPA2...
generate_Vispa2_launch_AFCreates a reduced association file for a VISPA2 run, given...
HSC_population_plotPlot of the estimated HSC population size for each patient.
HSC_population_size_estimateHematopoietic stem cells population size estimate.
import_association_fileImport the association file from disk
import_ISA_settingsImport a dynamic vars settings profile.
import_parallel_Vispa2MatricesImport integration matrices from paths in the association...
import_parallel_Vispa2Matrices_autoImport integration matrices from association file.
import_parallel_Vispa2Matrices_interactiveImport integration matrices from association file.
import_single_Vispa2MatrixImport a single integration matrix from file
import_Vispa2_statsImport Vispa2 stats given the aligned association file.
inspect_tagsRetrieve description of a tag by name.
integration_alluvial_plotAlluvial plots for IS distribution in time.
integration_matricesExample of imported multi-quantification integration...
ISAnalyticsISAnalytics: Analyze gene therapy vector insertion sites data...
ISAnalytics-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'ISAnalytics'.
is_sharingSharing of integration sites between given groups.
iss_sourceFind the source of IS by evaluating sharing.
known_clinical_oncogenesKnown clinical oncogenes (for mouse and human).
mandatory_IS_varsCurrent dynamic vars specifications getters.
matching_optionsPossible choices for the 'matching_opt' parameter.
NGSdataExplorerLaunch the shiny application NGSdataExplorer.
outlier_filterFilter out outliers in metadata, identified by the chosen...
outliers_by_pool_fragmentsIdentify and flag outliers based on pool fragments.
pcr_id_columnEasily retrieve the name of the pcr id column.
proto_oncogenesData frames for proto-oncogenes (human and mouse) amd...
purity_filterFilter integration sites based on purity.
quantification_typesPossible choices for the 'quantification_type' parameter.
realign_after_collisionsRe-aligns matrices of other quantification types based on the...
reduced_AF_columnsNames of the columns of the association file to consider for...
refGenes_hg19Gene annotation files for hg19, mm9 and mm10.
refGene_table_colsRequired columns for refGene file.
remove_collisionsIdentifies and removes collisions.
reset_mandatory_IS_varsResets dynamic vars to the default values.
sample_statisticsComputes user specified functions on numerical columns and...
separate_quant_matricesSeparate a multiple-quantification matrix into single...
set_mandatory_IS_varsDefine custom dynamic vars.
set_matrix_file_suffixesSets the look-up table for matrix file suffixes.
sharing_heatmapPlot IS sharing heatmaps.
sharing_vennProduce tables to plot sharing venn or euler diagrams.
threshold_filterFilter data frames with custom predicates
top_abund_tableGrobSummary top abundant tableGrobs for plots.
top_cis_overtime_heatmapHeatmaps for the top N common insertion sites over time.
top_integrationsSorts and keeps the top n integration sites based on the...
top_targeted_genesTop n targeted genes based on number of IS.
transform_columnsApply transformations to an arbitrary number of columns.
unzip_file_systemA utility function to unzip and use example file systems...
calabrialab/ISAnalytics documentation built on Dec. 10, 2024, 10:50 p.m.