knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
options(DT.warn.size = FALSE)
ok_color <- "#77d983"
ko_color <- "#e36868"
secondary_col <- "#ff9470"
input_stats <- params$input_stats
test_results <- params$test_results
joint <- params$joint
dyn_vars <- params$dyn_vars
mode <- params$mode
call_args <- params$call_args
.section {
  margin-top: 0rem !important;

Input info {data-orientation=rows}


Rows in input metadata

valueBox(value = input_stats$nrow, icon = "fa-table")

Distinct samples in input metadata

valueBox(value = input_stats$n_samples, icon = "fa-vial")


Number of tests performed

valueBox(value = length(test_results), icon = "fa-list", color = secondary_col)
out <- purrr::map2_chr(test_results, names(test_results), ~ {
  heading <- paste("### Flagged in ", .y)
  flagged_reads <- .x |>
    dplyr::filter(.data$to_remove == TRUE) |>
  color <- ifelse(test = flagged_reads == 0, ok_color, ko_color)
  a1 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = heading)
  a2 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = paste0(
    "`r valueBox(value = ", flagged_reads, ", color = '", color, "')`"))
  paste(c(a1, a2), collapse = "\n")

r paste(knitr::knit(text = paste(out, collapse = '\n\n')))

Removed in total

tot_removed <- nrow(joint |> dplyr::filter(.data$to_remove == TRUE))
valueBox(value = tot_removed, icon = "fa-trash")

Row3 {.tabset .tabset-fade}

Parameter values

cat(paste("**Join operations on column**:", dyn_vars$pcr_id))
comb_logic <- rbind(names(test_results), c(dyn_vars$operators, ""))
comb_logic <- paste0(comb_logic, collapse = " ")
first_line <- paste("**Combining logic used**:", comb_logic)
params_as_string <- purrr::map2(call_args, names(call_args), ~ {
  test <- .x
  name <- .y
  single_param_lines <- if (!purrr::is_empty(test)) {
    purrr::map2_chr(names(test), test,~ paste("\t", "*", .x, "=", .y)) |>
      purrr::reduce(~ paste(.x, .y, sep = "\n"))
  } else {
    "\t * No args passed to the function\n"
  per_test_params <- paste0("* ", name, "\n", single_param_lines)
params_as_string <- paste0(params_as_string, collapse = "\n")
cat(paste0("**Tests called with args**:\n\n", params_as_string))
cat(paste("*Individual test reports might be available as separate files*"))
test_tables <- purrr::map(test_results, ~ {
  to_rem_index <- which(colnames(.x) == "to_remove") - 1
    rownames = FALSE,
    filter = "top",
    options = list(
      order = list(list(to_rem_index, "desc"))
  ) |>
  formatStyle(columns = "to_remove", 
              color = styleEqual(
                levels = c(TRUE, FALSE),
                values = c(ko_color, "black")
              ), fontWeight = "bold", textTransform = "uppercase")
out_2 <- purrr::map_chr(names(test_tables), ~ {
  heading <- paste("### Output of ", .x)
  a1 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = heading)
  a2 <- knitr::knit_expand(text = paste0(
    "`r test_tables[['", .x, "']]`"))
  paste(c(a1, a2), collapse = "\n")

r paste(knitr::knit(text = paste(out_2, collapse = '\n\n')))

Final output {data-orientation=rows}


Combined flagging

to_rem_index_joint <- which(colnames(joint) == "to_remove") - 1
  rownames = FALSE,
    filter = "top",
    options = list(
      order = list(list(to_rem_index_joint, "desc"))
) |>
  formatStyle(columns = colnames(joint)[colnames(joint) != dyn_vars$pcr_id], 
              color = styleEqual(
                levels = c(TRUE, FALSE),
                values = c(ko_color, "black")
              ), fontWeight = "bold", textTransform = "uppercase")

Reproducibility {data-orientation=rows}

Row1 {data-height=600}

Session info {style="width: 95% !important"}


calabrialab/ISAnalytics documentation built on Dec. 10, 2024, 10:50 p.m.