library(hexbin) library(vsn) library(limma) library(knitr) if(params$datype == 'lFC'){ inptypetab <- 'Log Fold Changes' }else if(params$datype == 'intensity'){ inptypetab <- 'Peptide Intensities' }else{ inptypetab <- 'Fold Changes' }
This is a summary of the data processing and plots created in the DOSCHEDA shiny app.
Number of Channels | Number of Replicates | Input Type | Model fitted
r params$chans
|r params$reps
| r inptypetab
| r ifelse(params$sigmodin == 'sigmoid','Sigmoidal','Linear')
reptest <- ifelse(params$reps > 1,TRUE,FALSE)
Figure 1: Box plot of Data Columns
panel.shadeNtext <- function (x, y, corr = NULL, col.regions, ...) { if (is.null(corr)) corr <- cor(x, y, use = "pair") ncol <- 14 pal <- col.regions(ncol) col.ind <- as.numeric(cut(corr, breaks = seq(from = -1, to = 1, length = ncol + 1), include.lowest = TRUE)) usr <- par("usr") rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col = pal[col.ind], border = NA) box(col = "lightgray") on.exit(par(usr)) par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1)) r <- formatC(corr, digits = 2, format = "f") cex.cor <- .8/strwidth("-X.xx") text(0.5, 0.5, r, cex = cex.cor) } vec<- params$channel vec<- length(vec) <- rep(terrain.colors(params$reps),each = ifelse(params$datype != 'intensity',params$chans,params$chans - 1 ) ) data.merged1<- params$data boxplot(data.merged1[,1:vec],,las=2, cex.axis=0.6, main=c("Box Plots"), ylab=c("Log2(ratios)")) legend("topright",legend = paste("rep",1:params$reps,sep = ' '), fill = terrain.colors(params$reps))
Here we should observe the means centered at approximately zero across all channels and replicates.
Figure 2: Ranked plot of proteins FC and Density plot of Data Columns
vec<- params$channel pal <- rainbow(length(vec)) missing_val <- 0 if(params$datype == 'intensity' & params$reps == 1 ){ leg.nam <- paste0('rep1_C',0:(params$chans -2)) }else{ leg.nam <- params$finNam } par(mfrow = c(1,2)) plot(x=rank(data.merged1[,1]),y=data.merged1[,1], cex.axis=0.6, main=c(paste("N. of Missing val. ",missing_val , " \n Change Distribution after LOESS",sep="")), col=pal[1], ylab=c("Log2(ratios)"), xlab = c("Proteins")) if(length(vec) > 1){ for(i in 2:length(vec)){ points(x=rank(data.merged1[,i]),y=data.merged1[,i], cex.axis=0.6, main=c(""),col=pal[i]) } } legend("topleft", legend = leg.nam, fill = pal) plot(density(x=data.merged1[,1]),col= pal[1], main=c(" Density after LOESS"), ylim = c(0,5 )) if(length(vec) > 1){ for(i in 2:length(vec)){ lines(density(x=data.merged1[,i]), col=pal[i], main = c("")) } } legend("topleft", legend = leg.nam, fill = pal)
These plots show the density distribution of each channel and the distribution of the ranked proteins. The Density plots should have a bell shaped distributions and be approximately centred at zero.
Figure 3: Venn Diagram
kinome1<- params$kin kinome<-as.vector(toupper(kinome1$new.Symbol)) if((params$vennip) == TRUE){ upload <- params$upVenn upload<- as.vector(toupper(upload)) data.merged <- params$data proteome<-as.vector(toupper(data.merged$GeneID)) universe <- unique(c(kinome,proteome,upload)) count<- matrix(0, ncol = 3 , nrow = length(universe)) colnames(count) <- c("kinome",'proteome','upload') for(i in 1:length(universe)){ count[i,1]<- universe[i] %in% kinome count[i,2]<- universe[i] %in% proteome count[i,3]<- universe[i] %in% upload } vennDiagram(vennCounts(count), circle.col = c("blue","red","green"), cex = 1,lwd = 2) }else{ data.merged <- params$data proteome<-as.vector(toupper(data.merged$GeneID)) universe <- unique(c(kinome,proteome)) # Generate a matrix, with the sets in columns and possible letters on rows Counts <- matrix(0, nrow=length(universe), ncol=2) # Populate the said matrix for (i in 1:length(universe)) { Counts[i,1] <- universe[i] %in% kinome Counts[i,2] <- universe[i] %in% proteome #Counts[i,3] <- universe[i] %in% Metacore #Counts[i,3] <- universe[i] %in% EXOCYTOSIS } colnames(Counts) <- c("Kinome","Proteome") cols<-c("Red", "Blue") #### VENN vennDiagram(vennCounts(Counts), circle.col=cols, cex=1, #title size lwd=2 #circle line size ) }
The venn diagram shows the intersection of the kinome and the inputted proteins. There is also the option to load a list of protein names and see their intersection with the data.
Figure 3: Mean vs standard deviation plot
The ranked row means versus the standard deviations for checking any dependence of the variance on the mean. The red line is a running median estimator with window-width at 10%. If this red line is approximately horizontal, this indicates no variance-mean dependence.
Figure 4: Mean vs SD plots for each Protein.
rSu<- params$RSu for(i in 1:nrow(params$indexmat)){ minxy <- min(c(min(rSu[,params$indexmat[i,5]]),min(rSu[,params$indexmat[i,6]]))) maxxy <- max(c(max(rSu[,params$indexmat[i,5]]),max(rSu[,params$indexmat[i,6]]))) print(tmd( xyplot(rSu[,params$indexmat[i,5]] ~ rSu[,params$indexmat[i,6]]), main=params$indexmat[i,1],xlim = c(minxy,maxxy), ylim = c(minxy,maxxy), panel=function(x, y, ...) { panel.xyplot(x, y, ...); ltext(x=x, y=y, labels=rSu$GeneID, pch=c(13,3,16), cex=0.5, lwd=2, pos=1, offset=1, pch = 19) })) }
The above plots are of the mean versus the difference in fold-change between replicates. The majority of proteins are expected to be scattered, as a cloud, without major axis dependency.
Figure 5: Pearson Correlation between Conditions
index1 <- params$channel index1<- length(index1) cmat <-cor(params$RSu[,1:index1],use="pairwise", method = "pearson") corrgram(cmat, order=TRUE, lower.panel=panel.shadeNtext, upper.panel=panel.pie, text.panel=panel.txt, main="Corrgram Plots" )
The Pearson correlations (r) between all the different channels are displayed. None of the channels are expected to be anti-correlated (r < 0). The QC in DOSCHEDA will highlight whether there are anti-correlated pairs of channels.
Figure 6: Principal-Component Analysis of Data columns
if( params$datype == 'intensity'){ if(params$reps == 1){ nchan<- params$chans - 1 } # else { # nchan<- params$chans - 2 # # } }else{ nchan<- params$chans } if( params$datype == 'intensity'){ nchan<- params$chans - 1 }else{ nchan<- params$chans } su <- params$RSu reps <- params$reps index <- params$channel pca <- prcomp(su[,1:length(index)], scale = FALSE) DTA<-data.frame( as.numeric(t(su[,1:length(index)])%*%pca$x[,1]), as.numeric(t(su[,1:length(index)])%*%pca$x[,2])) p<-ggplot(DTA, aes(x=DTA$, y=DTA$ # nchan/3 -> 3 if 3 replicates 2 if 2 reps and son on shapeval <- c(15:18,7:12) p <- p + geom_point(aes(colour = factor(rep(1:params$reps,each = (nchan)),labels = paste("Rep",1:params$reps))[index], shape = factor(rep(1:nchan,params$reps),labels = c(paste("C",0:(nchan-1),sep = "")))[index] ), size = 5 ) + scale_shape_manual(values=shapeval[1:nchan]) + labs(x = paste0("PC1", " (", round(pca$sdev[1]/sum(pca$sdev)*100,0), "%)"), y = paste0("PC2", " (", round(pca$sdev[2]/sum(pca$sdev)*100,0), "%)"), title="PCA") + labs(color = "Replicates", shape="Concentration") p
Plot of two highest principal components. Replicates should (roughly) cluster together. This plot highlights if any data points are vastly 'out of place' given the experimental design.
Figure 7: Replicate vs Replicate plots for each Channel.
for( i in 1:nrow(params$indexmat)){ val = max(c(max(data.merged1[,params$indexmat[i,5]],na.rm = TRUE),max(data.merged1[,params$indexmat[i,6]],na.rm = TRUE))) plot(x=data.merged1[,params$indexmat[i,5]],y=data.merged1[,params$indexmat[i,6]], xlim=c(0,val +0.2), col="green" , ylim=c(0,val+0.2), cex.axis=1.2, main=paste("LogFC-LogFC Plot:", params$indexmat[i,1]), xlab=paste("rep",params$indexmat[i,3]), ylab=paste("rep",params$indexmat[i,4])) text(data.merged1[,params$indexmat[i,5]], data.merged1[,params$indexmat[i,6]], labels=data.merged1$GeneID, cex= 0.7,pos=4) lines(x = c(0,val), y = c(0,val),col="red") }
Scatterplots between replicates to identify targets (drug competed proteins) and potential off-targets. Points that have high fold change in both replicates and are close to the red x = y line are considered to be targets.
if(params$sigmodin == 'sigmoid'){ show_text <- TRUE } else{ show_text <- FALSE }
```{asis, echo=!show_text}
The following plots are relevant if a linear model has been fitted to the data.
Figure 8: Distribution of p-values of model coefficients
```r data.merged2 <- params$data2 m0 <- ggplot(data.merged2, aes(x=data.merged2$P.Value)) m0<-m0 + geom_histogram(aes(fill = ..count..),binwidth = 0.01) + scale_fill_gradient("Count", low = "green", high = "red")+ xlab("P.val slope") m1 <- ggplot(data.merged2, aes(x=data.merged2$P.Value.x)) m1<- m1 + geom_histogram(aes(fill = ..count..),binwidth = 0.01) + scale_fill_gradient("Count", low = "green", high = "red")+ xlab("Pval intercept") m2 <- ggplot(data.merged2, aes(x=data.merged2$P.Value.y)) m2 <- m2 + geom_histogram(aes(fill = ..count..),binwidth = 0.01) + scale_fill_gradient("Count", low = "green", high = "red")+ xlab("Pval quadratic") grid.arrange(m0,m1,m2)
```{asis, echo=!show_text} Description:
The p-value distributions for each of the model coefficients are expected to not be uniform. The QC in DOSCHEDA will highlight whether a coeffcient does not contail any significant p-values.
Figure 9: Volcano plots of model coefficients
```r res<- data.merged2 # avgthr=0.2 #sign threshold for the averege fold change 0.3(log2) is 1.3 FC par(mar=c(5,5,5,10), xpd=TRUE) # Make a basic volcano plot with(res, plot(res$AveExpr.x, -log10(res$P.Value), pch=20, main="Volcano plot (slope pval )", xlab=c("Log2_AvgFC"),ylab=c("-Log10(Pval)"), xlim=c(-abs(max(res$AveExpr.x)+1),abs(max(res$AveExpr.x)+1)))) # Add colored points: red if padj<0.05, orange of log2FC>1, green if both) s=subset(res, P.Value< params$pvalsli ) with(s, points(s$AveExpr.x, -log10(s$P.Value), pch=20, col="red")) s=subset(res, abs(res$AveExpr.x)>params$avthrsli) with(s, points(s$AveExpr.x, -log10(s$P.Value), pch=20, col="orange")) s=subset(res, P.Value< params$pvalsli & abs(res$AveExpr.x)>params$avthrsli) with(s, points(s$AveExpr.x, -log10(s$P.Value), pch=20, col="green")) # Label points with the textxy function from the calibrate plot s=subset(res, P.Value< params$pvalsli & abs(res$AveExpr.x)>params$avthrsli) with(s, textxy( s$AveExpr.x, -log10(s$P.Value), labs=s$GeneID, cex=.7) ) legend("bottomleft", title="Legend",cex = 0.7, c("Not significant", paste("P.Value",params$pvalsli, sep = " "), #red paste("AvgFC >", params$avthrsli, sep=""), #orange, paste("P.Value", params$pvalsli,"& AvgFC >", params$avthrsli, sep="") #green ), col=c("black","red","orange","green"), horiz=F, pch=c(19)) # legend("topright", inset=c(-0.4,0.1), title="Legend",cex = 0.7, # c("Not significant", # "P.Value<.05", #red # paste("AvgFC >", params$avthrsli, sep=""), #orange, # paste("P.Value<.05 & AvgFC >", params$avthrssli, sep="") #green # ), # col=c("black","red","orange","green"), # horiz=F, pch=c(19))
res<- data.merged2 # avgthr=0.2 #sign threshold for the averege fold change 0.3(log2) is 1.3 FC par(mar=c(5,5,5,10), xpd=TRUE) # Make a basic volcano plot with(res, plot(res$AveExpr.x, -log10(res$P.Value.x), pch=20, main="Volcano plot (Intercept pval )",xlab=c("Log2_AvgFC"),ylab=c("-Log10(Pval)"), xlim=c(-abs(max(res$AveExpr.x)+1),abs(max(res$AveExpr.x)+1)))) # Add colored points: red if padj<0.05, orange of log2FC>1, green if both) s=subset(res, P.Value.x<params$pvalsli ) with(s, points(s$AveExpr.x, -log10(s$P.Value.x), pch=20, col="red")) s=subset(res, abs(res$AveExpr.x)> params$avthrsli) with(s, points(s$AveExpr.x, -log10(s$P.Value.x), pch=20, col="orange")) s=subset(res, P.Value.x< params$pvalsli & abs(res$AveExpr.x)> params$avthrsli) with(s, points(s$AveExpr.x, -log10(s$P.Value.x), pch=20, col="green")) # Label points with the textxy function from the calibrate plot s=subset(res, P.Value.x< params$pvalsli & abs(res$AveExpr.x)>params$avthrsli) with(s, textxy( s$AveExpr.x, -log10(s$P.Value.x), labs=s$GeneID.x, cex=.7) ) legend("bottomleft", title="Legend",cex = 0.7, c("Not significant", paste("P.Value",params$pvalsli, sep = " "), #red paste("AvgFC >", params$avthrsli, sep=""), #orange, paste("P.Value", params$pvalsli,"& AvgFC >", params$avthrsli, sep="") #green ), col=c("black","red","orange","green"), horiz=F, pch=c(19)) # legend("topright", inset=c(-0.4,0.1), title="Legend",cex = 0.7, # c("Not significant", # "P.Value<.05", #red # paste("AvgFC >", params$avthrsli, sep=""), #orange, # paste("P.Value<.05 & AvgFC >", params$avthrsli, sep="") #green # ), # col=c("black","red","orange","green"), # horiz=F, pch=c(19))
res<- data.merged2 # avgthr=0.2 #sign threshold for the averege fold change 0.3(log2) is 1.3 FC par(mar=c(5,5,5,10), xpd=TRUE) # Make a basic volcano plot with(res, plot(res$AveExpr.x, -log10(res$P.Value.y), pch=20, main="Volcano plot (Quadratic pval )",xlab=c("Log2_AvgFC"),ylab=c("-Log10(Pval)"), xlim=c(-abs(max(res$AveExpr.x)+1),abs(max(res$AveExpr.x)+1)))) # Add colored points: red if padj<0.05, orange of log2FC>1, green if both) s=subset(res, P.Value.y<params$pvalsli ) with(s, points(s$AveExpr.x, -log10(s$P.Value.y), pch=20, col="red")) s=subset(res, abs(res$AveExpr.x)>params$avthrsli) with(s, points(s$AveExpr.x, -log10(s$P.Value.y), pch=20, col="orange")) s=subset(res, P.Value.y<params$pvalsli & abs(res$AveExpr.x)>params$avthrsli) with(s, points(s$AveExpr.x, -log10(s$P.Value.y), pch=20, col="green")) # Label points with the textxy function from the calibrate plot s=subset(res, P.Value.y<params$pvalsli & abs(res$AveExpr.x)>params$avthrsli) with(s, textxy( s$AveExpr.x, -log10(s$P.Value.y), labs=s$GeneID.x, cex=.7) ) legend("bottomleft", title="Legend",cex = 0.7, c("Not significant", paste("P.Value",params$pvalsli, sep = " "), #red paste("AvgFC >", params$avthrsli, sep=""), #orange, paste("P.Value", params$pvalsli,"& AvgFC >", params$avthrsli, sep="") #green ), col=c("black","red","orange","green"), horiz=FALSE, pch=c(19)) # legend("topright", inset=c(-0.4,0.1), title="Legend",cex = 0.7, # c("Not significant", # "P.Value<.05", #red # paste("AvgFC >", params$avthrsli, sep=""), #orange, # paste("P.Value<.05 & AvgFC >", params$avthrsli, sep="") #green # ), # col=c("black","red","orange","green"), # horiz=F, pch=c(19))
```{asis, echo=!show_text} Description:
Volcano plots for all the linear fit coefficients showing the relationship between the average log fold change and the p-values.
```r vec <- params$channel vec <- length(vec) su1 <- su[,1:vec] vec.nam <- params$finNam vec.nam <- vec.nam[params$channel] # nchan <- nchans() # index<- channels() # data_merged_Pvals<-data.frame(su[,index], # Accession=su$Accession,GeneID=su$GeneID) # #data_merged_Pvals<-data_merged_Pvals[GeneID=="NA", GeneID := Accession] substituting NA with Accession # #d3heatmap(su1, Colv = FALSE,labRow = as.character(make.names(su$GeneID.x,unique = TRUE))) # m<- heatmaply(su,Colv= FALSE, # labRow = as.character(make.names(su$GeneID.x,unique = TRUE))) %>% layout(margin = list(l = 70, b = 70))
```{asis, echo=show_text}
The following plots are relevant when a sigmoidal model is fitted to the data. They show the top protein profiles for each of the model parameters.
```r shape_for_ggplot_pred<-function(df_ordered,conc,pred.names){ cols_to_keep_pred<-c(pred.names,"GeneID","Accession") forggplot_pred<-vector(mode = "list",length = length(df_ordered$GeneID)) for(i in 1:length(df_ordered$GeneID)){ tmp_pred<-df_ordered[,cols_to_keep_pred] forggplot_pred[[i]]<-melt(tmp_pred[i,], id = c("GeneID", "Accession"), na.rm = TRUE) } forggplot_pred_1<, forggplot_pred) forggplot_pred_1<-data.frame(forggplot_pred_1,"x"=conc) #return(forggplot_pred_1) } shape_for_ggplot_perc<-function(df_ordered,conc,finalNames){ cols_to_keep_perc<-c(finalNames, "GeneID","Accession") forggplot_perc<- vector(mode = "list",length = length(df_ordered$GeneID)) for(i in 1:length(df_ordered$GeneID)){ tmp_perc<-df_ordered[,cols_to_keep_perc] forggplot_perc[[i]]<-melt(tmp_perc[i,], id = c("GeneID", "Accession"), na.rm = TRUE) } forggplot_perc_1<, forggplot_perc) forggplot_perc_1<-data.frame(forggplot_perc_1,"x"=conc) #return(forggplot_perc_1) } pie_chart <- function(df, main, labels = NULL, condition = NULL) { # convert the data into percentages. group by conditional variable if needed df <- group_by_(df, .dots = c(condition, main)) %>% summarise(counts = n()) %>% mutate(perc = counts / sum(counts)) %>% arrange(desc(perc)) %>% mutate(label_pos = cumsum(perc) - perc / 2, perc_text = paste0(round(perc * 100), "%", "\n","(",counts, ")")) # reorder the category factor levels to order the legend df[[main]] <- factor(df[[main]], levels = unique(df[[main]])) # if labels haven't been specified, use what's already there if (is.null(labels)) labels <- as.character(df[[main]]) p <- ggplot(data = df, aes_string(x = factor(1), y = "perc", fill = main)) + # make stacked bar chart with black border geom_bar(stat = "identity", color = "black", width = 1) + # add the percents to the interior of the chart geom_text(aes(x = 1.25, y = label_pos, label = perc_text), size = 4) + # add the category labels to the chart # increase x / play with label strings if labels aren't pretty geom_text(aes(x = 1.82, y = label_pos, label = labels), size = 4) + # convert to polar coordinates coord_polar(theta = "y") + # formatting scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL) + scale_fill_discrete(name = "", labels = unique(labels)) + theme(text = element_text(size = 12), axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(), axis.title = element_blank()) # facet wrap if that's happening if (!is.null(condition)) p <- p + facet_wrap(condition) return(p) }
```{asis, echo=show_text} Figure 8: Plot of the largest differences between the proteins from the lowest and highest concentrations (over 30%)
```r if(params$sigmodin != 'sigmoid'){ legend('topleft', c("Linear fit applied, no sigmoidal plots available"),bty = 'n') }else{ if(params$datype == 'intensity'){ data_merged_2 <- params$data2 conc<- params$concen pred.names <- paste0('predX',1:(params$chans -1)) final.Names <- paste0('rep1_C',0:(params$chans - 2)) topperc<-30 #difference in % between top and bottom # data_merged_2 <- dataMerge2() diffinter<- data_merged_2[(data_merged_2$predX1 -data_merged_2[,paste("predX",(params$chans-1),sep = "")]) > topperc & data_merged_2$predX1 <= 100, ] if(nrow(diffinter)>0){ Diff_Top_bottom_pred<-shape_for_ggplot_pred(diffinter,log2(conc),pred.names) Diff_Top_bottom_perc<-shape_for_ggplot_perc(diffinter,log2(conc),final.Names) what<-c("(Top - Bottom) >") GeneID <- factor(Diff_Top_bottom_pred$GeneID) Diff_Top_bottom<-ggplot()+ geom_line(data = Diff_Top_bottom_pred, aes(x=x,y=value, colour=GeneID), size = 1) + geom_point(data = Diff_Top_bottom_perc, aes(x=x,y=value, colour=Diff_Top_bottom_perc$GeneID)) + labs(title=paste(what,topperc,sep="")) }else{ Diff_Top_bottom<-ggplot()+ labs(title=paste("No significant Top-Bottom >" ,topperc,"%","\n","has been found", sep="")) } print(Diff_Top_bottom) } else{ conc<- params$concen pred.names <- params$sigPred final.Names <- params$finNam topperc<-30 #difference in % between top and bottom data_merged_2 <- params$data2 diffinter<- data_merged_2[(data_merged_2$predX1 -data_merged_2[,paste("predX",params$chans,sep = "")]) > topperc & data_merged_2$predX1 <= 100, ] if(nrow(diffinter)>0){ Diff_Top_bottom_pred<-shape_for_ggplot_pred(diffinter,log2(conc),pred.names) Diff_Top_bottom_perc<-shape_for_ggplot_perc(diffinter,log2(conc),final.Names) what<-c("(Top - Bottom) >") GeneID <- factor(Diff_Top_bottom_pred$GeneID) Diff_Top_bottom<-ggplot()+ geom_line(data = Diff_Top_bottom_pred, aes(x=x,y=value, colour=GeneID), size = 1) + geom_point(data = Diff_Top_bottom_perc, aes(x=x,y=value, colour=Diff_Top_bottom_perc$GeneID)) + labs(title=paste(what,topperc,sep="")) }else{ Diff_Top_bottom<-ggplot()+ labs(title=paste("No significant Top-Bottom >" ,topperc,"%","\n","has been found", sep="")) } print(Diff_Top_bottom) } }
```{asis, echo=show_text} Description:
Plot of the proteins profiles whose difference between the top and bottom parameters of the sigmoidal model are greater than 30%.
```{asis, echo=show_text} **Figure 9: The top proteins with significant Slope Value**
if(params$sigmodin != 'sigmoid'){ legend('topleft', c("Linear fit applied, no sigmoidal plots available"),bty = 'n') }else{ if(params$datype == 'intensity'){ top<-15 #max prot to plot conc<- params$concen pred.names <- paste0('predX',1:(params$chans -1)) final.Names <- paste0('rep1_C',0:(params$chans - 2)) data_merged_2 <- params$data2 #Here make the subselections for using the ggplot functions SLOPE slope<-na.omit(data_merged_2[data_merged_2$SlopePval<0.05 ,]) slope_ordered<-na.omit(slope[order(slope$SlopePval, decreasing = FALSE),][1:top,]) if(nrow(slope_ordered)>0){ slope_pred<-shape_for_ggplot_pred(slope_ordered,log10(conc),pred.names) slope_perc<- shape_for_ggplot_perc(slope_ordered,log10(conc),final.Names) what<-c("Slope (p.val) ") GeneID <- factor(slope_pred$GeneID) Slope_pl<-ggplot()+ geom_line(data = slope_pred, aes(x=x,y=value, colour=GeneID), size = 1) + geom_point(data = slope_perc, aes(x=x,y=value,colour=slope_perc$GeneID))+ labs(title=paste(what,"Top",top,sep="")) }else{Slope_pl<-ggplot()+ labs(title="No significant Sigmoidal Slope has been found") } print(Slope_pl) }else{ top<-15 #max prot to plot #Here make the subselections for using the ggplot functions SLOPE slope<-na.omit(data_merged_2[data_merged_2$SlopePval<0.05 ,]) slope_ordered<-na.omit(slope[order(slope$SlopePval, decreasing = FALSE),][1:top,]) if(nrow(slope_ordered)>0){ slope_pred<-shape_for_ggplot_pred(slope_ordered,log10(conc),pred.names) slope_perc<- shape_for_ggplot_perc(slope_ordered,log10(conc),final.Names) what<-c("Slope (p.val) ") GeneID <- factor(slope_pred$GeneID) Slope_pl<-ggplot()+ geom_line(data = slope_pred, aes(x=x,y=value, colour=GeneID), size = 1) + geom_point(data = slope_perc, aes(x=x,y=value,colour=slope_perc$GeneID))+ labs(title=paste(what,"Top",top,sep="")) }else{Slope_pl<-ggplot()+ labs(title="No significant Sigmoidal Slope has been found") } print(Slope_pl) } }
```{asis, echo=show_text} Description:
The top 15 protein profiles with a significant slope parameter of the sigmoidal fit.
```{asis, echo=show_text} **Figure 10: The top proteins with significant RB50 values**
# if(params$sigmodin != 'sigmoid'){ # # legend('topleft', c("Linear fit applied, no sigmoidal plots available"),bty = 'n') # }else{ # # if(params$datype == 'intensity'){ # # pred.names <- paste0('predX',1:(params$chans -1)) # final.Names <- paste0('rep1_C',0:(params$chans - 2)) # # top<-15 #max prot to plot # # data_merged_2 <- params$data2 # # # RB50<-na.omit(data_merged_2[data_merged_2$RB50Err < as.numeric(summary(data_merged_2$RB50Err)[5]) & data_merged_2$RB50Pval<0.05 & data_merged_2$predX1-data_merged_2$predX9 >0 & data_merged_2$predX1 <= 100,]) # RB50 <- data.frame(na.omit(data_merged_2[data_merged_2$RB50Err < as.numeric(summary(data_merged_2$RB50Err)[5]) & data_merged_2$RB50Pval < 0.05 # & data_merged_2$predX1-data_merged_2[,paste0('predX',(params$chans - 1))] >0 & data_merged_2$predX1 <= 100,])) # # # RB50_ordered<- na.omit(RB50[order(RB50$RB50Pval, decreasing = FALSE),][1:top,]) # # if(nrow(RB50_ordered)>0){ # RB50_pred<-shape_for_ggplot_pred(RB50_ordered,log10(conc),pred.names) # RB50_perc<-shape_for_ggplot_perc(RB50_ordered,log10(conc),final.Names) # what<-c("RB50 (p.val) ") # RB50_pl<-ggplot()+ # geom_line(data = RB50_pred, aes(x=x,y=value, colour=factor(RB50_pred$GeneID)), size = 1) + # geom_point(data = RB50_perc, aes(x=x,y=value,colour=RB50_perc$GeneID))+ # labs(title=paste(what,"Top",top,sep="")) # print(RB50_pl) # }else{ # RB50_pl<-ggplot()+ # labs(title="No significant RB50 has been found") # print(RB50_pl) # } # }else{ # # top<-15 #max prot to plot # # # # # RB50<-na.omit(data_merged_2[data_merged_2$RB50Err < as.numeric(summary(data_merged_2$RB50Err)[5]) & data_merged_2$RB50Pval<0.05 & data_merged_2$predX1-data_merged_2$predX9 >0 & data_merged_2$predX1 <= 100,]) # RB50 <- data.frame(na.omit(data_merged_2[data_merged_2$RB50Err < as.numeric(summary(data_merged_2$RB50Err)[5]) & data_merged_2$RB50Pval < 0.05 # & data_merged_2$predX1-data_merged_2[,paste0('predX',(params$chans-1))] >0 & data_merged_2$predX1 <= 100,])) # # # RB50_ordered<- na.omit(RB50[order(RB50$RB50Pval, decreasing = FALSE),][1:top,]) # # if(nrow(RB50_ordered)>0){ # RB50_pred<-shape_for_ggplot_pred(RB50_ordered,log10(conc),pred.names) # RB50_perc<-shape_for_ggplot_perc(RB50_ordered,log10(conc),final.Names) # what<-c("RB50 (p.val) ") # RB50_pl<-ggplot()+ # geom_line(data = RB50_pred, aes(x=x,y=value, colour=factor(RB50_pred$GeneID)), size = 1) + # geom_point(data = RB50_perc, aes(x=x,y=value,colour=RB50_perc$GeneID))+ # labs(title=paste(what,"Top",top,sep="")) # }else{ # RB50_pl<-ggplot()+ # labs(title="No significant RB50 has been found") # } # print(RB50_pl) # } # # # } if(params$sigmodin != 'sigmoid'){ legend('topleft', c("Linear fit applied, no sigmoidal plots available"),bty = 'n') }else{ if(params$datype =='intensity'){ conc<- params$concen pred.names <- paste0('predX',1:(params$chans -1)) final.Names <- paste0('rep1_C',0:(params$chans - 2)) top<-15 #max prot to plot data_merged_2 <- params$data2 # RB50<-na.omit(data_merged_2[data_merged_2$RB50Err < as.numeric(summary(data_merged_2$RB50Err)[5]) & data_merged_2$RB50Pval<0.05 & data_merged_2$predX1-data_merged_2$predX9 >0 & data_merged_2$predX1 <= 100,]) RB50 <- data.frame(na.omit(data_merged_2[data_merged_2$RB50Err < as.numeric(summary(data_merged_2$RB50Err)[5]) & data_merged_2$RB50Pval < 0.05 & data_merged_2$predX1-data_merged_2[,paste0('predX',(params$chans - 1))] >0 & data_merged_2$predX1 <= 100,])) RB50_ordered<- na.omit(RB50[order(RB50$RB50Pval, decreasing = FALSE),][1:top,]) if(nrow(RB50_ordered)>0){ RB50_pred<-shape_for_ggplot_pred(RB50_ordered,log10(conc),pred.names) RB50_perc<-shape_for_ggplot_perc(RB50_ordered,log10(conc),final.Names) what<-c("RB50 (p.val) ") GeneID <- factor(RB50_pred$GeneID) RB50_pl<-ggplot()+ geom_line(data = RB50_pred, aes(x=x,y=value, colour=GeneID), size = 1) + geom_point(data = RB50_perc, aes(x=x,y=value,colour=RB50_perc$GeneID))+ labs(title=paste(what,"Top",top,sep="")) print(RB50_pl) }else{ RB50_pl<-ggplot()+ labs(title="No significant RB50 has been found") print(RB50_pl) } }else { conc<- params$concen pred.names <- params$sigPred final.Names <- params$finNam top<-15 #max prot to plot data_merged_2 <- params$data2 # RB50<-na.omit(data_merged_2[data_merged_2$RB50Err < as.numeric(summary(data_merged_2$RB50Err)[5]) & data_merged_2$RB50Pval<0.05 & data_merged_2$predX1-data_merged_2$predX9 >0 & data_merged_2$predX1 <= 100,]) RB50 <- data.frame(na.omit(data_merged_2[data_merged_2$RB50Err < as.numeric(summary(data_merged_2$RB50Err)[5]) & data_merged_2$RB50Pval < 0.05 & data_merged_2$predX1-data_merged_2$predX9 >0 & data_merged_2$predX1 <= 100,])) RB50_ordered<- na.omit(RB50[order(RB50$RB50Pval, decreasing = FALSE),][1:top,]) if(nrow(RB50_ordered)>0){ RB50_pred<-shape_for_ggplot_pred(RB50_ordered,log10(conc),pred.names) RB50_perc<-shape_for_ggplot_perc(RB50_ordered,log10(conc),final.Names) what<-c("RB50 (p.val) ") GeneID <- factor(RB50_pred$GeneID) RB50_pl<-ggplot()+ geom_line(data = RB50_pred, aes(x=x,y=value, colour=GeneID), size = 1) + geom_point(data = RB50_perc, aes(x=x,y=value,colour=RB50_perc$GeneID))+ labs(title=paste(what,"Top",top,sep="")) }else{ RB50_pl<-ggplot()+ labs(title="No significant RB50 has been found") } print(RB50_pl) } }
```{asis, echo=show_text} Description:
The top 15 protein profiles with significant RB50 parameter of the sigmoidal fit.
##Top Proteins Below are the top ten significant proteins for each of the model coeffcients. ```r a<- params$data2 if(params$sigmodin == 'sigmoid'){ if(params$kin == TRUE){ a<- (data.frame(GeneID = a$GeneID, Slope = a$SlopeCoef, SlopePval = a$SlopePval , RB50 = a$RB50Coef, RB50pval = a$RB50Pval,Topminusbottom = a$Top_minus_min ,correctedRB50 = a$correctedRB50, depletionConst = a$depletionConstant, Kinase = a$Kinase)) }else{ a<- data.frame(GeneID = a$GeneID, RB50 = a$RB50Coef, RB50pval = a$RB50Pval,Topminusbottom = a$Top_minus_min , Slope = a$SlopeCoef, SlopePval = a$SlopePval , Kinase = a$Kinase) } } else{ a<- data.frame(GeneID = a$GeneID.x, Intercept = signif(a$P.Value), Slope = signif(a$P.Value.x), Quadratic = signif(a$P.Value.y), Kinase = a$Kinase) }
if(params$sigmodin == 'sigmoid'){ inttab <- a[order(a$Topminusbottom,decreasing = TRUE),][1:10,] quadtab <- a[order(a$RB50pval,decreasing = FALSE),][1:10,] slopetab <- a[order(a$SlopePval,decreasing = FALSE),][1:10,] }else{ inttab <- a[order(a$Intercept,decreasing = FALSE),][1:10,] slopetab <- a[order(a$Slope,decreasing = FALSE),][1:10,] quadtab <- a[order(a$Quadratic,decreasing = FALSE),][1:10,] }
```{asis, echo=!show_text} Top 10 proteins sorted by smallest Intercept coefficient p-values
```{asis, echo=show_text} **Top 10 proteins sorted by the largest top - bottom coefficient differences**
r kable(inttab)
```{asis, echo=TRUE} Top 10 proteins sorted by smallest Slope coefficient p-values
`r kable(slopetab)` ```{asis, echo=!show_text} **Top 10 proteins sorted by smallest Quadratic coefficient p-values**
```{asis, echo=show_text} Top 10 proteins sorted by smallest RB50 coefficient p-values
r kable(quadtab)
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