Man pages for brunobrr/bdc
Biodiversity Data Cleaning

bdc_basisOfRecords_notStandardIdentify records from doubtful source (e.g., 'fossil',...
bdc_clean_namesClean and parse scientific names
bdc_coordinates_country_inconsistentIdentify records within a reference country
bdc_coordinates_emptyIdentify records with empty geographic coordinates
bdc_coordinates_from_localityIdentify records lacking or with invalid coordinates but...
bdc_coordinates_outOfRangeIdentify records with out-of-range geographic coordinates
bdc_coordinates_precisionFlag low-precise geographic coordinates
bdc_coordinates_transposedIdentify transposed geographic coordinates
bdc_country_from_coordinatesGet country names from coordinates
bdc_country_standardizedStandardizes country names and gets country code
bdc_create_figuresCreate figures reporting the results of the bdc package
bdc_create_reportCreate a report summarizing the results of data quality tests
bdc_eventDate_emptyIdentify records with empty event date
bdc_filter_out_flagsRemove columns with the results of data quality tests
bdc_filter_out_namesFilter out records according to their taxonomic status
bdc_query_names_taxadbHarmonizing taxon names against local stored taxonomic...
bdc_quickmapCreate a map of points using ggplot2
bdc_scientificName_emptyIdentify records with empty scientific names
bdc_standardize_datasetsStandardize datasets columns based on metadata
bdc_summary_colCreate or update the column summarizing the results of data...
bdc_year_from_eventDateExtract year from eventDate
bdc_year_outOfRangeIdentify records with year out-of-range
pipePipe operator
brunobrr/bdc documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 12:13 p.m.