Man pages for broadinstitute/inferCNV
Infer Copy Number Variation from Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data

color.paletteHelper function allowing greater control over the steps in a...
filterHighPNormalsfilterHighPNormals: Filter the HMM identified CNV's by the...
HMM_statesinfercnv object result of the processing of run() in the HMM...
infercnv_annots_exampleGenerated classification for 10 normal cells and 10 tumor...
inferCNVBayesNetinferCNVBayesNet: Run Bayesian Network Mixture Model To...
infercnv-classThe infercnv Class
infercnv_data_exampleGenerated SmartSeq2 expression data with 10 normal cells and...
infercnv_genes_exampleDownsampled gene coordinates file from GrCh37
infercnv_object_exampleinfercnv object result of the processing of run() in the...
infercnv-packageinfercnv: Infer Copy Number Variation from Single-Cell...
MCMC_inferCNV-classMCMC_inferCNV class
mcmc_objinfercnv object result of the processing of inferCNVBayesNet...
plot_cnvPlot the matrix as a heatmap, with cells as rows and genes as...
plot_subclustersPlot a heatmap of the data in the infercnv object with the...
runrun() : Invokes a routine inferCNV analysis to Infer CNV...
broadinstitute/inferCNV documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 12:46 a.m.