knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.path = "man/figures/README-", out.width = "100%" ) library(knitr) hook_output <- knit_hooks$get("output") knit_hooks$set(output = function(x, options) { lines <- options$output.lines if (is.null(lines)) { return(hook_output(x, options)) # pass to default hook } x <- unlist(strsplit(x, "\n")) more <- "..." if (length(lines)==1) { # first n lines if (length(x) > lines) { # truncate the output, but add .... x <- c(head(x, lines), more) } } else { x <- c(more, x[lines], more) } # paste these lines together x <- paste(c(x, ""), collapse = "\n") hook_output(x, options) })
The goal of CrossSCC is to classify Single-Cell data(as expression matrix of scRNA-seq data) Crossing batch into Clusters using Gaussian Mixture Model, and to find out the mapping relationship in clusters.
You can install the latest version of CrossSCC with:
install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("bioinformatist/CrossSCC")
Besides, you also need a database provided by us: First download the latest release tarball, then run:
install.packages("./", repos=NULL)
This dataset is part of GSE81861 from this paper. First, the FPKM matrix file of all cells was downloaded:
aria2c pigz -d GSE81861_Cell_Line_FPKM.csv.gz
Then pre-process dataset in R:
library(data.table) library(tidyverse) library( library(usethis) library(genefilter) library(Biobase) cl <- fread('GSE81861_Cell_Line_FPKM.csv') names(cl)[1] <- 'Gene' cl[, Ensembl := str_match(Gene, ".+_(.+)\\.\\d+$")[, 2]] symbols <- mapIds(, keys = cl$Ensembl, keytype = "ENSEMBL", column="ENTREZID", multiVals = 'first') cl[, Entrez := symbols[Ensembl]] cl[, c('Gene', 'Ensembl'):= NULL] cl <- cbind(cl[, .(Entrez)], cl[, .SD, .SDcols = !(names(cl) %like% "_B2_")]) cl[, var := rowVars(.SD), .SDcols = -c('Entrez')] cl <- cl[, max.var := max(var), by = 'Entrez'][var != 0 & max.var == var & !, ] cl[, grep("var", colnames(cl)) := NULL] cl <- %>% remove_rownames %>% column_to_rownames(var = "Entrez") cl <- cl[, !(names(cl) %in% 'Entrez')] cl.7 <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs=as.matrix(cl), annotation = '') # setwd() back to package root directory use_data(cl.7, compress = 'xz')
From this research article coming with GSE140228:
aria2c pigz -d GSE140228_read_counts_Smartseq2.csv.gz aria2c pigz -d GSE140228_cell_info_Smartseq2.tsv.gz
Then pre-process dataset in R:
library(data.table) library( library(tidyverse) library(usethis) rowVars <- function(x, ...) { rowSums((x - rowMeans(x, ...))^2, ...)/(dim(x)[2] - 1) } immu <- fread('GSE140228_read_counts_Smartseq2.csv') info <- fread('GSE140228_cell_info_Smartseq2.tsv') setnames(immu, info$Barcode, paste0(info$celltype_sub, '_', info$Barcode)) symbols <- mapIds(, keys = immu$gene, keytype = "SYMBOL", column="ENTREZID", multiVals = 'first') immu[, Entrez := symbols[gene]] immu[, gene := NULL] immu[, var := rowVars(.SD), .SDcols = -c('Entrez')] immu <- immu[, max.var := max(var), by = 'Entrez'][var != 0 & max.var == var & !, ] immu[, grep("var", colnames(immu)) := NULL] immu <- %>% remove_rownames %>% column_to_rownames(var = "Entrez") immu <- as.matrix(immu[, !(names(immu) %in% 'Entrez')]) symbols <- suppressMessages(AnnotationDbi::mapIds(, keys = rownames(immu), keytype = "ENTREZID", column="SYMBOL", multiVals = 'first')) rownames(immu) <- unname(symbols) use_data(immu, compress = 'xz')
library(CrossSCC) data("cl.7") (handsome.zuo <- CrossSCC(cl.7, ncores = 16, mean.posterior.cutoff = 0.2814, ovl.cutoff = 0.1265, mean.posterior.weight = 1.0000, ovl.weight = 0.3586, lambda.cutoff = 0.9277, verbose = FALSE)) library(data.tree) handsome.zuo$Get('sampleNames', filterFun = isLeaf, simplify = FALSE) library(stringr) cl1 <- factor(str_match(colnames(cl.7), '__(.+?)_')[, 2]) levels(cl1) <- seq_len(7) cl1 <- as.character(cl1) cl2 <- unname(lapply(rapply(handsome.zuo$Get('sampleNames', filterFun = isLeaf), enquote, how = 'unlist'), eval)) cl2 <- vapply(colnames(cl.7), function(y) which(vapply(cl2, function(x) y %in% x, logical(1))), 2333, USE.NAMES = FALSE) library(clues) adjustedRand(cl1, cl2, 'Rand')
The parameters have NOT optimized now for this part.
data("immu") (handsome.zuo <- CrossSCC(immu, ncores = 16, mean.posterior.cutoff = 0.4459, ovl.cutoff = 0.4243, mean.posterior.weight = 0.2988, ovl.weight = 0.3771, lambda.cutoff = 0.6736, verbose = FALSE)) handsome.zuo$Get('sampleNames', filterFun = isLeaf, simplify = FALSE) cl1 <- sort(factor(str_match(colnames(immu), '(.+?)_.+')[, 2])) levels(cl1) <- seq_len(40) cl1 <- as.character(cl1) cl2 <- unname(lapply(rapply(handsome.zuo$Get('sampleNames', filterFun = isLeaf), enquote, how = 'unlist'), eval)) cl2 <- vapply(colnames(immu), function(y) which(vapply(cl2, function(x) y %in% x, logical(1))), 2333, USE.NAMES = FALSE) library(clues) adjustedRand(cl1, cl2, 'Rand')
library(rBayesianOptimization) library(CrossSCC) library(data.tree) library(stringr) library(clues) data("cl.7") test.CrossSCC <- function(mean.posterior.cutoff, ovl.cutoff, mean.posterior.weight, ovl.weight, lambda.cutoff) { tryCatch( {handsome.zuo <- CrossSCC(cl.7, ncores = 16, verbose = FALSE, mean.posterior.cutoff = mean.posterior.cutoff, ovl.cutoff = ovl.cutoff, mean.posterior.weight = mean.posterior.weight, ovl.weight = ovl.weight, lambda.cutoff = lambda.cutoff) cl1 <- factor(str_match(colnames(cl.7), '__(.+?)_')[, 2]) levels(cl1) <- seq_len(7) cl1 <- as.character(cl1) cl2 <- unname(lapply(rapply(handsome.zuo$Get('sampleNames', filterFun = isLeaf), enquote, how = 'unlist'), eval)) cl2 <- vapply(colnames(cl.7), function(y) which(vapply(cl2, function(x) y %in% x, logical(1))), 2333, USE.NAMES = FALSE) list(Score = adjustedRand(cl1, cl2, 'Rand'), Pred = 0)}, error=function(e) list(Score = 0, Pred = 0) ) } opt.res <- BayesianOptimization(test.CrossSCC, bounds = list(mean.posterior.cutoff = c(0, 0.5), ovl.cutoff = c(0, 0.5), mean.posterior.weight = c(0, 1), ovl.weight = c(0, 1), lambda.cutoff = c(0.5, 1)), init_points = 20, n_iter = 100)
library(rBayesianOptimization) library(CrossSCC) library(data.tree) library(stringr) library(clues) data("immu") test.CrossSCC <- function(mean.posterior.cutoff, ovl.cutoff, mean.posterior.weight, ovl.weight, lambda.cutoff) { tryCatch( # For one type contains only 11 samples, the minimum group size filter should be turned off {handsome.zuo <- CrossSCC(immu, ncores = 16, verbose = FALSE, mean.posterior.cutoff = mean.posterior.cutoff, ovl.cutoff = ovl.cutoff, mean.posterior.weight = mean.posterior.weight, ovl.weight = ovl.weight, lambda.cutoff = lambda.cutoff, = 11) # Original sample is disordered cl1 <- sort(factor(str_match(colnames(immu), '(.+?)_.+')[, 2])) levels(cl1) <- seq_len(40) cl1 <- as.character(cl1) # table(cl1) cl2 <- unname(lapply(rapply(handsome.zuo$Get('sampleNames', filterFun = isLeaf), enquote, how = 'unlist'), eval)) cl2 <- vapply(colnames(immu), function(y) which(vapply(cl2, function(x) y %in% x, logical(1))), 2333, USE.NAMES = FALSE) list(Score = adjustedRand(cl1, cl2, 'Rand'), Pred = 0)}, error=function(e) list(Score = 0, Pred = 0) ) } opt.res <- BayesianOptimization(test.CrossSCC, bounds = list(mean.posterior.cutoff = c(0, 0.5), ovl.cutoff = c(0, 0.5), mean.posterior.weight = c(0, 1), ovl.weight = c(0, 1), lambda.cutoff = c(0.5, 1)), init_points = 20, n_iter = 100)
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