#' artMS configuration template
#' @description The configuration file in `yaml` format contains
#' the configuration details required to run `artmsQuantification()`, which
#' includes quality control functions
#' @format The configuration (`yaml`) file contains the following sections:
#' \describe{
#' \item{files}{
#' - `evidence` : /path/to/the/evidence.txt
#' - `keys` : /path/to/the/keys.txt
#' - `contrasts` : /path/to/the/contrast.txt
#' - `summary` : /path/to/the/summary.txt
#' - `output` : /path/to/the/output/results/results.txt}
#' \item{qc}{
#' - basic: 1 # 1 = yes; 0 = no
#' - extended: 1 # 1 = yes; 0 = no
#' - extendedSummary: 0 # 1 = yes; 0 = no
#' }
#' \item{data}{
#' - enabled : 1 # 1 = yes; 0 = no
#' - silac:
#' - enabled : 0 # 1 for SILAC experiments
#' - filters:
#' - enabled : 1
#' - contaminants : 1
#' - protein_groups : remove #remove, keep
#' - modifications : ab # PH, UB, AB, APMS
#' - sample_plots : 1 # correlation plots }
#' \item{msstats}{
#' - enabled : 1
#' - msstats_input : # blank if not previous msstats input file is available
#' - profilePlots : none # before, after, before-after, none
#' - normalization_method : equalizeMedians # globalStandards
#' (include a reference protein(s) ), equalizeMedians, quantile, 0
#' - normalization_reference : #should be a value in the Protein column
#' - summaryMethod : TMP # "TMP"(default) means Tukey's median polish,
#' which is robust estimation method. "linear" uses linear mixed model.
#' "logOfSum" conducts log2 (sum of intensities) per run.
#' - censoredInt : NA # Missing values are censored or at random. 'NA'
#' (default) assumes that all 'NA's in 'Intensity' column are censored.
#' '0' uses zero intensities as censored intensity. In this case,
#' NA intensities are missing at random. The output from Skyline
#' should use '0'. Null assumes that all NA intensites are randomly missing.
#' - MBimpute : 1 # only for summaryMethod="TMP" and censoredInt='NA' or '0'.
#' TRUE (default) imputes 'NA' or '0' (depending on censoredInt option) by
#' Accelated failure model. FALSE uses the values assigned by cutoffCensored
#' - For all othe features, please check documentation for MSstats' dataProcess function
#' }
#' \item{output_extras}{
#' - output_extras :
#' - enabled : 1 # if 0, it wont do anything in this section
#' - annotate :
#' - enabled: 1 # 1|0 whether to annotate the proteins in the results or not
#' - species : HUMAN # Supported species: HUMAN, MOUSE, ANOPHELES, ARABIDOPSIS,
#' - plots:
#' - volcano: 1
#' - heatmap: 1
#' - LFC : -1.5 1.5 # Range of minimal log2fc
#' - FDR : 0.05
#' - heatmap_cluster_cols : 0
#' - heatmap_display : log2FC # log2FC or pvalue}
#' }
#' CORUM Protein Complexes database use for complex enrichment analysis
#' @description The list of protein complexes has been enriched with
#' mitochondria proteins from mouse, as described in this paper:
#' 2018 - Ruchi Masand, Esther Paulo, Dongmei Wu , Yangmeng Wang,
#' Danielle L. Swaney, David Jimenez-Morales, Nevan J. Krogan, and Biao Wang
#' Proteome Imbalance of Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain in Brown
#' Adipocytes Leads to Metabolic Benefits.
#' Cell Metab. 2018 Mar 06; 27(3):616-629.e4
#' @details LAST CORUM DOWNLOAD DATE: 2017-08-01
#' @format Tab delimited file.
#' \describe{
#' To find out more about the format and columns available at CORUM,
#' please visit this
#' [link](http://mips.helmholtz-muenchen.de/corum/)
#' }
#' TB PATHOGEN: Mycobacterium tuberculosis
#' (strain ATCC 35801 / TMC 107 / Erdman) UNIPROTS IDS
#' @format A data.frame of Entry IDs
#' LPN PATHOGEN: Legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila
#' (strain Philadelphia 1 / ATCC 33152 / DSM 7513) UNIPROT IDS
#' @format A data.frame of Entry IDs
#' Evidence file example
#' @description Evidence file from a PH experiment consisting of two
#' head and neck cancer cell lines ("Conditions" `"Cal33"` and `"HSC6"`).
#' Unfortunately, the number of lines was reduced to 1/20 due
#' to bioconductor limitations on data size, but it should be enough to test the
#' qc and quantification functions. The number of total columns
#' from the original evidence file was also reduced to 36
#' (out of the original 66 columns).
#' Check `colnames(artms_data_ph_evidence)` for details
#' @format A data frame with all the columns available in an evidence file
#' generated with MaxQuant version
#' Keys File Example
#' @description the `artMS` keys file provides the details of the experimental
#' design for any given proteomics experiment.
#' This particular example belongs to a PH experiment consisting of two
#' head and neck cancer cell lines ("Conditions" `"Cal33"` and `"HSC6"`),
#' with 2 biological replicates each (in this reduced version)
#' @format Tab delimited file with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{Raw.file}{Raw file processed. Each one should be a unique
#' biological (or technical) replicate}
#' \item{IsotopeLabelType}{Type of labeling. `L` is used for label free
#' experiments}
#' \item{Condition}{Label for conditions. VERY IMPORTANT: Only alpha-numeric
#' characters and `underscore (_)` are allowed}
#' \item{BioReplicate}{Label for the Biological replicates. VERY IMPORTANT:
#' Use the same labeling for bioreplicate as the Condition, but adding a
#' `dash (-)` corresponding to the number of biological replicate.
#' For example, for `Condition` `"Cal"`, use `Cal-1`, `Cal-2`, `Cal-3`, etc
#' for the bioreplicates}
#' \item{Run}{The MS run number}
#' }
#' Contrast example for the PH dataset
#' @description Contrast file with the relative quantification to be performed
#' for the two conditions available in the example dataset: "Cal33-HSC6".
#' See vignette for more details on how to prepare the contrast file.
#' @format list with one comparison: "Cal33-HSC6"
#' MSstats results example
#' @description Relative quantification results obtained running MSstats
#' on the available PH datasets (global analysis).
#' Changes in protein phosphorylation were quantified between two conditions
#' (check `artms_data_ph_contrast`)
#' @format A data frame resulting from running the latest version of MSstats
#' MSstats modelQC example
#' @description Normalized data obtained from the `artmsQuantification()` step
#' of the PH dataset (global analysis)
#' @format A data frame resulting from running the latest version of
#' `MSstats::groupComparison` function required as input for
#' artmsAnalysisQuantifications()
#' Random data set
#' Dataset randomly generated for testing purposes
#' @format A data frame with 100 rows and 10 variables:
#' \describe{
#' Dataset generated using this code
#' `data.frame(replicate(10,sample(0:1,100,rep=TRUE)))`
#' }
#' artMS configuration for the available PH dataset
#' @description The configuration file with default options to run the
#' available PH dataset with `artmsQuantification()``
#' @format The configuration (`yaml`) file contains the following sections:
#' \describe{
#' \item{files}{
#' - `evidence` : Empty. To test an example, run `artms_data_ph_config$files$evidence <- artms_data_ph_evidence`
#' - `keys` : Empty To test an example datasets run `artms_data_ph_config$files$keys <- artms_data_ph_keys`
#' - `contrasts` : Empty. To test the example datasets, run `artms_data_ph_config$files$contrasts <- artms_data_ph_contrast`
#' - `summary` :
#' - `output` : "results.txt"
#' }
#' \item{qc}{
#' - basic: 0
#' - extended: 0
#' - extendedSummary: 0
#' }
#' \item{data}{
#' - enabled : 1
#' - silac:
#' - enabled : 0
#' - filters:
#' - enabled : 1
#' - contaminants : 1
#' - protein_groups : remove
#' - modifications : PH
#' - sample_plots : 1
#' }
#' \item{msstats}{
#' - enabled : 1
#' - msstats_input : # blank if not previous msstats input file is available
#' - profilePlots : none # before, after, before-after, none
#' - normalization_method : equalizeMedians
#' - normalization_reference : #should be a value in the Protein column
#' - summaryMethod : TMP
#' - censoredInt : NA
#' - cutoffCensored : minFeature
#' - MBimpute : 1
#' - feature_subset: all
#' }
#' \item{output_extras}{
#' - output_extras :
#' - enabled : 1
#' - annotate :
#' - enabled: 1
#' - species : HUMAN
#' - plots:
#' - volcano: 1
#' - heatmap: 1
#' - LFC : -1 1
#' - FDR : 0.05
#' - heatmap_cluster_cols : 0
#' - heatmap_display : log2FC}
#' }
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