knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
# path to bed file(s) bed_path <- '/Users/yperez/IdeaProjects/github-repo/BDP/benchmark/ensembl/GRCh38/PepGenome-Peptide-Atlas.bed' # import bed file as dataframe bed_df <- readBedFile(inputFile = bed_path) bed_df <- setBed12Columns(bed_df) # convert dataframe to GRanges # all non-modified peptides granges_peptide <- buildGRangesFromData(data = bed_df, chrColName = "chrom", startColName = "chromStart", endColName = "chromEnd")
# getting number of features(peptides) by chromosome counts <- countsByChromosome(gr = granges_peptide, colName = 'Peptides') print(counts)
# removing duplicated entries from original granges_peptide unique_pep <- getUniqueFeatures(granges_peptide, colFeatures = 'name') # getting unique number of features(peptides) by chromosome counts_unique <- countsByChromosome(gr = unique_pep, colName = 'Peptides') print(counts_unique)
## compute coverage of query (peptide evidences) on subject (transcripts) by crhomosome data("protein_coding_transcript_hg38") # load protein coding transcript as GRanges object coverage <- computeCoverageByChromosome(query = granges_peptide, subject = transcripts_hg38, colName = 'Coverage') print(coverage)
library(circlize) circos.initializeWithIdeogram(species = 'hg19') bed <- bed_df circos.genomicDensity(bed, col = c("#FF000080"), track.height = 0.1, baseline = 0) circos.clear()
dat <- coverage plot3 <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = factor(Chromosome, levels = unique(dat$Chromosome)), y = Coverage)) + geom_col(fill='darkgreen', alpha=0.4) + labs(x = 'Chromosome', y = '% coverage', fill = '') + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text = element_text(size=12), axis.title = element_text(size=14), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black")) plot3
library(Sushi) plotManhattan(bedfile=bed_path,cex=0.75)
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