Man pages for bhklab/ToxicoGx
Analysis of Large-Scale Toxico-Genomic Data

availableTSetsReturn a table of ToxicoSets available for download
checkTSetStructureA function to verify the structure of a ToxicoSet
computeAUCComputes the AUC for a Drug Dose Viability Curve
computeICnComputes the ICn for any n in 0-100 for a Drug Dose Viability...
computeLimmaDiffExprGeneric method for performing differential expression...
computeLimmaDiffExpr-ToxicoSet-methodConduct differential expression analysis using the limma R...
dim-ToxicoSet-methodGet the dimensions of a ToxicoSet
downloadTSetDownload a ToxicoSet object
drugGeneResponseCurveCompares gene expression for a specificed set of features...
drugPerturbationSigDrug perturbation analysis
drugTimeResponseCurveCompares viabilities at a given dose over different...
geneDrugPerturbationCompute gene-drug associations
HCC_sigHCC_sig dataset
logLogisticRegressionFits curves of the form E = E_inf + (1 - E_inf)/(1 +...
showSigAnnotShow the Annotations of a signature object
show-ToxicoSet-methodShow a ToxicoSet
show-ToxicoSig-methodShow ToxicoGx Signatures
subsetToA function to subset a ToxicoSet to data containing only...
summarizeMolecularProfilesTakes molecular data from a ToxicoSet, and summarises them...
summarizeSensitivityProfilesTakes the sensitivity data from a ToxicoSet, and summarises...
TGGATESsmallTGGATESsmall dataset
ToxicoSetToxicoSet constructor
ToxicoSet-accessorsAccessing and modifying information in a 'CoreSet'
ToxicoSet-classClass to contain Toxico-genomic Data
ToxicoSigToxicoSig Constructor
updateObject-ToxicoSet-methodUpdate the ToxicoSet class after changes in it struture or...
bhklab/ToxicoGx documentation built on March 18, 2023, 6:44 a.m.