# ADImpute predicts unmeasured gene expression values from single cell
# RNA-sequencing data (dropout imputation). This R-package combines multiple
# dropout imputation methods, including a novel gene regulatory
# network-based method. Copyright (C) 2020 Ana Carolina Leote This program
# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
# of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
# <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' @title Get dropout probabilities
#' @description \code{GetDropoutProbabilities} computes dropout probabilities
#' (probability of being a dropout that should be imputed rather than a true
#' biological zero) using an adaptation of scImpute's approach
#' @usage GetDropoutProbabilities(data, thre, cell.clusters, labels = NULL,
#' type = 'count', cores, BPPARAM, genelen = ADImpute::transcript_length)
#' @param data matrix; original data before imputation
#' @param thre numeric; probability threshold to classify entries as biological
#' zeros
#' @param cell.clusters integer; number of cell subpopulations
#' @param labels character; vector specifying the cell type of each column of
#' \code{data}
#' @param type A character specifying the type of values in the expression
#' matrix. Can be 'count' or 'TPM'
#' @param cores integer; number of cores used for paralell computation
#' @param BPPARAM parallel back-end to be used during parallel computation.
#' See \code{\link[BiocParallel]{BiocParallelParam-class}}.
#' @param genelen matrix with at least 2 columns: 'hgnc_symbol' and
#' 'transcript_length'
#' @details This function follows scImpute's model to distinguish between
#' true biological zeros and dropouts, and is based on adapted code from the
#' scImpute R package.
#' @return matrix with same dimensions as \code{data} containing the dropout
#' probabilities for the corresponding entries
GetDropoutProbabilities <- function(data, thre, cell.clusters = 2,
labels = NULL, type = "count", cores = BiocParallel::bpworkers(BPPARAM),
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(type = "SOCK"),
genelen = ADImpute::transcript_length) {
labeled <- !is.null(labels)
if (type == "TPM") {
common <- intersect(rownames(data), genelen$hgnc_symbol)
data <- data[common, ]
genelen <- genelen[match(common, genelen$hgnc_symbol), ]
count_lnorm = read_count(raw_count = data, type = type, genelen = genelen)
if (!labeled) {
dropmat = imputation_model8(count = count_lnorm, labeled = labeled,
point = log10(1.01), drop_thre = thre, Kcluster = cell.clusters,
cores = cores, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
} else {
dropmat = imputation_wlabel_model8(count = count_lnorm,
labeled = labeled, cell_labels = labels, point = log10(1.01),
drop_thre = thre, cores = cores, BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
Kcluster = NULL)
#' @title Get dropout probabilities
#' @description \code{GetDropoutProbabilities} computes dropout probabilities
#' (probability of being a dropout that should be imputed rather than a true
#' biological zero) using an adaptation of scImpute's approach
#' @usage HandleBiologicalZeros(data, imputed, thre = 0.5, cell.clusters,
#' labels = NULL, type = 'count', cores = BiocParallel::bpworkers(BPPARAM),
#' BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(type = "SOCK"),
#' genelen = ADImpute::transcript_length, prob.mat = NULL)
#' @param data matrix; original data before imputation
#' @param imputed list; imputation results for considered methods
#' @param thre numeric; between 0 and 1 specifying the threshold to determine
#' dropout values
#' @param cell.clusters integer; number of cell subpopulations
#' @param labels character; vector specifying the cell type of each column of
#' \code{data}
#' @param type A character specifying the type of values in the expression
#' matrix. Can be 'count' or 'TPM'
#' @param cores integer; number of cores used for paralell computation
#' @param BPPARAM parallel back-end to be used during parallel computation.
#' See \code{\link[BiocParallel]{BiocParallelParam-class}}.
#' @param genelen matrix with at least 2 columns: 'hgnc_symbol' and
#' 'transcript_length'
#' @param prob.mat matrix with same dimensions as \code{data} containing the
#' dropout probabilities for the corresponding entries
#' @details This function follows scImpute's model to distinguish between
#' true biological zeros and dropouts, and is based on adapted code from the
#' scImpute R package.
#' @return list with 2 components: \code{zerofiltered}, a list equivalent to
#' \code{imputed} but with entries of imputed likely biological zeros set back
#' to zero, and \code{dropoutprobabilities}
#' matrix with same dimensions as \code{data} containing the dropout
#' probabilities for the corresponding entries
HandleBiologicalZeros <- function(data, imputed, thre = 0.5, cell.clusters,
labels = NULL, type = "count", cores = BiocParallel::bpworkers(BPPARAM),
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(type = "SOCK"),
genelen = ADImpute::transcript_length, prob.mat = NULL) {
# the probability is not given - compute it
if (is.null(prob.mat))
prob.mat <- GetDropoutProbabilities(data = data, thre = thre,
cell.clusters = cell.clusters, labels = labels, type = type,
cores = cores, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, genelen = genelen)
# use probability matrix
zerofiltered <- BiocParallel::bplapply(imputed, SetBiologicalZeros,
drop_probs = prob.mat, thre = thre, was_zero = data == 0,
return(list(zerofiltered = zerofiltered, dropoutprobabilities = prob.mat))
#' @title Set biological zeros
#' @description \code{SetBiologicalZeros} sets some of the entries back to zero
#' after dropout imputation, as they likely correspond to true biological zeros
#' (genes not expressed in given cell)
#' @usage SetBiologicalZeros(imputation, drop_probs, thre = .2, was_zero)
#' @param imputation matrix; imputed values
#' @param drop_probs matrix; dropout probabilities for each entry in
#' \code{imputation}. 0 means certain biological zero, while 1 means certain
#' dropout to be imputed
#' @param thre numeric; probability threshold to classify entries as biological
#' zeros
#' @param was_zero matrix; logical matrix: was the corresponding entry of
#' \code{imputation} originally a zero?
#' @details Entries which were originally zero and have dropout probability
#' below \code{thre} are considered biological zeros and, if they were imputed,
#' are set back to 0.
#' @return matrix containing likely biological zeros set back to 0.
SetBiologicalZeros <- function(imputation, drop_probs, thre = 0.2, was_zero) {
if (!all.equal(dim(imputation), dim(drop_probs))) {
# limit both to the set of common genes / cells
common_genes <- intersect(rownames(imputation), rownames(drop_probs))
common_cells <- intersect(colnames(imputation), colnames(drop_probs))
imputation <- imputation[common_genes, common_cells]
drop_probs <- drop_probs[common_genes, common_cells]
# do not impute entries with NA probability (give prob = 0)
drop_probs[is.na(drop_probs)] <- 0
# set prob < threshold to zero
set_to_zero <- drop_probs < thre
imputed_entries <- was_zero & (imputation != 0) # limit to imputed values
imputation[set_to_zero & imputed_entries] <- 0
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