#' Import RMATS Turbo results files as a rmatsDataSet
#' @param filePath path to RMATS differential splicing output files
#' @param type type of counts to use. "JC" or "JCEC"
#' @return rmatsDataSet
#' @export
#' @import methods
#' @family rmats data processing
#' @author Beth Signal
#' @examples
#' rmats_filePath <- system.file("extdata", "rmats_small/", package = "GeneStructureTools")
#' rds <- readRmatsDataSet(rmats_filePath)
readRmatsDataSet <- function(filePath, type = "JC") {
rds <- new("rmatsDataSet", filePath = filePath)
rmatsEventTypes <- c("SE", "MXE", "RI", "A3SS", "A5SS")
rmatsFileList <- paste0(rmatsEventTypes, ".MATS.", type, ".txt")
allFiles <- list.files(filePath, full.names = TRUE)
diffSpliceFiles <- allFiles[basename(allFiles) %in% rmatsFileList]
if (length(diffSpliceFiles) == 0) {
stop("no rmats files in the specified filePath")
} else if (!all(rmatsFileList %in% basename(diffSpliceFiles))) {
for (f in rmatsFileList[which(!(rmatsFileList %in% basename(diffSpliceFiles)))]) {
message(paste0("Can't find file: ", f, " please check if this file should exist in the filePath"))
for (eventType in c("SE", "MXE", "RI", "A3SS", "A5SS")) {
if (any(basename(diffSpliceFiles) == paste0(eventType, ".MATS.", type, ".txt"))) {
slot(rds, eventType) <- fread(diffSpliceFiles[basename(diffSpliceFiles) == rmatsFileList[rmatsEventTypes == eventType]], header = TRUE, data.table = FALSE)
#' Filter out significant events from a RMATS dataset
#' @param rmatsDataSet rmatsDataSet generated from \code{readRmatsDataSet()}
#' @param FDR maximum FDR required to call event as significant
#' @param psiDelta minimum change in psi required to call an event as significant
#' @param idList (optional) list of gene ids to filter for
#' @param minCounts minumum number of counts for all replicates
#' in at least one condition to call an event as significant
#' @param medianCounts median count for all replicates
#' in at least one condition to call an event as significant
#' @param sampleTable data.frame with sample names and conditions.
#' Only needed if filtering with counts.
#' @return filtered rmatsDataSet
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @import stringr
#' @family rmats data processing
#' @author Beth Signal
#' @examples
#' rmats_directory <- system.file("extdata", "rmats_small/", package = "GeneStructureTools")
#' rds <- readRmatsDataSet(rmats_directory)
#' rds.filtered <- filterRmatsEvents(rds, FDR = 0.01, psiDelta = 0.1)
#' # filter by gene name/id
#' rds.Tmem208 <- filterRmatsEvents(rds, idList = "Tmem208", FDR = 1, psiDelta = 0)
filterRmatsEvents <- function(rmatsDataSet,
FDR = 0.05,
psiDelta = 0.1,
idList = NA,
minCounts = NA,
medianCounts = NA,
sampleTable) {
# set FDR/psiDelta if NA
if (is.na(FDR[1])) {
FDR <- 1
if (is.na(psiDelta[1])) {
psiDelta <- 0
for (eventType in c("SE", "MXE", "RI", "A3SS", "A5SS")) {
tmp <- slot(rmatsDataSet, eventType)
if (nrow(tmp) > 0) {
significantEventsIndex <- which(tmp$FDR <= FDR & abs(tmp$IncLevelDifference) > psiDelta)
slot(rmatsDataSet, eventType) <- tmp[significantEventsIndex, ]
if (!is.na(idList[1])) {
for (eventType in c("SE", "MXE", "RI", "A3SS", "A5SS")) {
tmp <- slot(rmatsDataSet, eventType)
if (nrow(tmp) > 0) {
significantEventsIndex <- which(tmp$GeneID %in% idList | tmp$geneSymbol %in% idList)
slot(rmatsDataSet, eventType) <- tmp[significantEventsIndex, ]
if (!is.na(minCounts[1])) {
for (eventType in c("SE", "MXE", "RI", "A3SS", "A5SS")) {
tmp <- slot(rmatsDataSet, eventType)
if (nrow(tmp) > 0) {
cond1 <- mapply(function(x, y) as.numeric(x) + as.numeric(y), x = stringr::str_split(tmp$IJC_SAMPLE_1, ","), y = stringr::str_split(tmp$SJC_SAMPLE_1, ","))
cond2 <- mapply(function(x, y) as.numeric(x) + as.numeric(y), x = stringr::str_split(tmp$IJC_SAMPLE_2, ","), y = stringr::str_split(tmp$SJC_SAMPLE_2, ","))
significantEventsIndex <- which(apply(rbind(cond1, cond2), 2, function(x) all(x >= minCounts)))
slot(rmatsDataSet, eventType) <- tmp[significantEventsIndex, ]
if (!is.na(medianCounts[1])) {
for (eventType in c("SE", "MXE", "RI", "A3SS", "A5SS")) {
tmp <- slot(rmatsDataSet, eventType)
if (nrow(tmp) > 0) {
cond1 <- mapply(function(x, y) as.numeric(x) + as.numeric(y), x = stringr::str_split(tmp$IJC_SAMPLE_1, ","), y = stringr::str_split(tmp$SJC_SAMPLE_1, ","))
cond2 <- mapply(function(x, y) as.numeric(x) + as.numeric(y), x = stringr::str_split(tmp$IJC_SAMPLE_2, ","), y = stringr::str_split(tmp$SJC_SAMPLE_2, ","))
significantEventsIndex <- which(apply(cond1, 2, median) >= medianCounts | apply(cond2, 2, median) >= medianCounts)
slot(rmatsDataSet, eventType) <- tmp[significantEventsIndex, ]
#' Compare open reading frames for RMATS differentially spliced events
#' @param rmatsDataSet rmatsDataSet generated from \code{readRmatsDataSet()}
#' @param eventTypes which event type to filter for? default="all"
#' @param exons GRanges gtf annotation of exons
#' @param BSgenome BSGenome object containing the genome for the species analysed
#' @param NMD Use NMD predictions? (Note: notNMD must be installed to use this feature)
#' @param exportGTF file name to export alternative isoform GTFs (default=NULL)
#' @return data.frame containing significant RMATS differential splicing data and ORF change summaries
#' @export
#' @importFrom rtracklayer export.gff
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @family rmats data processing
#' @author Beth Signal
#' @examples
#' gtf <- rtracklayer::import(system.file("extdata", "gencode.vM25.small.gtf", package = "GeneStructureTools"))
#' exons <- gtf[gtf$type == "exon"]
#' g <- BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10::BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10
#' rmats_directory <- system.file("extdata", "rmats_small/", package = "GeneStructureTools")
#' rds <- readRmatsDataSet(rmats_directory)
#' rds.filtered <- filterRmatsEvents(rds, FDR = 0.01, psiDelta = 0.1)
#' rmats_summary <- rmatsTranscriptChangeSummary(rmatsDataSet = rds.filtered, exons, BSgenome = g)
rmatsTranscriptChangeSummary <- function(rmatsDataSet,
exons = NULL,
eventTypes = "all",
exportGTF = NULL) {
if (eventTypes[1] == "all") {
eventTypes <- c("SE", "MXE", "RI", "A3SS", "A5SS")
allTranscripts <- GRanges()
orfChanges <- NULL
diffSplice.SE.signif <- extractEvent(rmatsDataSet, "SE")
if (nrow(diffSplice.SE.signif) > 0 & "SE" %in% eventTypes) {
message(paste0("Creating isoforms for ", nrow(diffSplice.SE.signif), " SE events"))
isoforms.SE <- skipExonByJunction(diffSplice.SE.signif, eventType = "SE", exons = exons)
orfChanges.SE <- transcriptChangeSummary(isoforms.SE[isoforms.SE$set == "included_exon"],
isoforms.SE[isoforms.SE$set == "skipped_exon"],
BSgenome = BSgenome, NMD = NMD, exportGTF = exportGTF, dataSet = rmatsDataSet
m <- match(unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(orfChanges.SE$id, "[-]"), "[[", 1)), diffSplice.SE.signif$ID)
orfChanges <- rbind(orfChanges, cbind(diffSplice.SE.signif[m, c("ID", "GeneID", "geneSymbol", "PValue", "FDR", "IncLevelDifference")], type = "SE", orfChanges.SE))
allTranscripts <- c(allTranscripts, isoforms.SE)
diffSplice.MXE.signif <- extractEvent(rmatsDataSet, "MXE")
if (nrow(diffSplice.MXE.signif) > 0 & "MXE" %in% eventTypes) {
message(paste0("Creating isoforms for ", nrow(diffSplice.MXE.signif), " MXE events"))
isoforms.MXE <- skipExonByJunction(diffSplice.MXE.signif, eventType = "MXE", exons = exons)
orfChanges.MXE <- transcriptChangeSummary(isoforms.MXE[isoforms.MXE$set == "included_exon1"],
isoforms.MXE[isoforms.MXE$set == "included_exon2"],
BSgenome = BSgenome, NMD = NMD, exportGTF = exportGTF, dataSet = rmatsDataSet
m <- match(unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(orfChanges.MXE$id, "[-]"), "[[", 1)), diffSplice.MXE.signif$ID)
orfChanges <- rbind(orfChanges, cbind(diffSplice.MXE.signif[m, c("ID", "GeneID", "geneSymbol", "PValue", "FDR", "IncLevelDifference")], type = "MXE", orfChanges.MXE))
allTranscripts <- c(allTranscripts, isoforms.MXE)
diffSplice.RI.signif <- extractEvent(rmatsDataSet, "RI")
if (nrow(diffSplice.RI.signif) > 0 & "RI" %in% eventTypes) {
message(paste0("Creating isoforms for ", nrow(diffSplice.RI.signif), " RI events"))
isoforms.RI <- altIntronRmats(diffSplice.RI.signif, exons = exons)
orfChanges.RI <- transcriptChangeSummary(isoforms.RI[isoforms.RI$set == "spliced_intron"],
isoforms.RI[isoforms.RI$set == "retained_intron"],
BSgenome = BSgenome, NMD = NMD, exportGTF = exportGTF, dataSet = rmatsDataSet
m <- match(unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(orfChanges.RI$id, "[-]"), "[[", 1)), diffSplice.RI.signif$ID)
orfChanges <- rbind(orfChanges, cbind(diffSplice.RI.signif[m, c("ID", "GeneID", "geneSymbol", "PValue", "FDR", "IncLevelDifference")], type = "RI", orfChanges.RI))
allTranscripts <- c(allTranscripts, isoforms.RI)
diffSplice.A3SS.signif <- extractEvent(rmatsDataSet, "A3SS")
if (nrow(diffSplice.A3SS.signif) > 0 & "A3SS" %in% eventTypes) {
message(paste0("Creating isoforms for ", nrow(diffSplice.A3SS.signif), " A3SS events"))
isoforms.A3SS <- altSpliceSiteRmats(diffSplice.A3SS.signif, eventType = "A3SS", exons = exons)
orfChanges.A3SS <- transcriptChangeSummary(isoforms.A3SS[isoforms.A3SS$set == "alt3_splicesite_long"],
isoforms.A3SS[isoforms.A3SS$set == "alt3_splicesite_short"],
BSgenome = BSgenome, NMD = NMD, exportGTF = exportGTF, dataSet = rmatsDataSet
m <- match(unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(orfChanges.A3SS$id, "[-]"), "[[", 1)), diffSplice.A3SS.signif$ID)
orfChanges <- rbind(orfChanges, cbind(diffSplice.A3SS.signif[m, c("ID", "GeneID", "geneSymbol", "PValue", "FDR", "IncLevelDifference")], type = "A3SS", orfChanges.A3SS))
allTranscripts <- c(allTranscripts, isoforms.A3SS)
diffSplice.A5SS.signif <- extractEvent(rmatsDataSet, "A5SS")
if (nrow(diffSplice.A5SS.signif) > 0 & "A5SS" %in% eventTypes) {
message(paste0("Creating isoforms for ", nrow(diffSplice.A5SS.signif), " A5SS events"))
isoforms.A5SS <- altSpliceSiteRmats(diffSplice.A5SS.signif, eventType = "A5SS", exons = exons)
orfChanges.A5SS <- transcriptChangeSummary(isoforms.A5SS[isoforms.A5SS$set == "alt5_splicesite_long"],
isoforms.A5SS[isoforms.A5SS$set == "alt5_splicesite_short"],
BSgenome = BSgenome, NMD = NMD, exportGTF = exportGTF, dataSet = rmatsDataSet
m <- match(unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(orfChanges.A5SS$id, "[-]"), "[[", 1)), diffSplice.A5SS.signif$ID)
orfChanges <- rbind(orfChanges, cbind(diffSplice.A5SS.signif[m, c("ID", "GeneID", "geneSymbol", "PValue", "FDR", "IncLevelDifference")], type = "A5SS", orfChanges.A5SS))
allTranscripts <- c(allTranscripts, isoforms.A5SS)
if (!is.null(exportGTF)) {
con = exportGTF,
format = "gtf"
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