#' @name matching-funs
#' @aliases matchingStage
#' @title Functions to match a peak-intensity table to KEGG database
#' @description
#' Function \code{matchingStage} performs a fast matching of the
#' peak-intensity table to KEGG database
#' using adducts and fragments knowledge.
#' @param Peak.List
#' Data frame containing the LC-MS features.
#' Columns should contain:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Peak.Id}{ for a peak identifier}
#' \item{mz}{ for a mass-to-charge ratio value}
#' \item{rt}{ for the retention time}
#' \item{Intensities for each sample}
#' }
#' @param force.mass.range
#' Logical. If TRUE, the m/z range is computed
#' using the user-defined
#' ppm tolerance or mz.range (Def: TRUE).
#' @param mass.range.type
#' A character indicating if the m/z range
#' computation is performed
#' using tolerance in ppm ("ppm.mode").
#' or m/z uncertainty ("mz.range") (Def: "ppm.mode").
#' @param mz.range
#' If mass.range.type = "mz.range", it
#' indicates the m/z range
#' uncertainty (i.e. mz.range = 0.001).
#' @param ppm
#' If mass.range.type = "ppm.mode", it
#' indicates the tolerance in
#' ppm (i.e. ppm = 10).
#' @param polarity
#' Acquisition mode of the study.
#' It can be "positive" or "negative".
#' @param Add.List
#' List of adducts or fragments to consider.
#' @param Cpd.Add
#' Compound to adduct matrix. It can be built
#' using \code{CpdaddPreparation}
#' function.
#' If NULL, the default information will be used.
#' @param do.Par
#' Logical. If parallel computing is required
#' (Def: TRUE).
#' @param nClust
#' Number of clusters that may be used (Def: 2)
#' @return
#' Function \code{matchingStage} returns a list
#' containing the input peak
#' list and the table of annotated peaks,
#' containing all the potential KEGG candidates
#' for each LC-MS feature.
#' @examples
#' data("sample.keggDB")
#' Cpd.Add <- CpdaddPreparation(KeggDB = sample.keggDB,
#' do.Par = FALSE)
#' data(sample.dataset)
#' Peak.List <- sample.dataset$Positive$Input
#' Annotated.List <- matchingStage(Peak.List = Peak.List,
#' Cpd.Add = Cpd.Add,
#' polarity = "positive",
#' do.Par = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
matchingStage <- function(Peak.List, force.mass.range = TRUE,
mass.range.type = "ppm.mode", mz.range = NULL,
ppm = 10, polarity = "positive", Add.List = NULL,
Cpd.Add, do.Par = TRUE, nClust = 2){
cat("Matching the input peak list to KEGG database...")
Peak.List <- mass.range.format(
Peak.List = Peak.List, force.mass.range = force.mass.range,
mass.range.type = mass.range.type, mz.range = mz.range, ppm = ppm)
if (!is.null(Add.List)){
Cpd.Add <- Cpd.Add[as.character(Cpd.Add$Add.name) %in% Add.List,]
}; Cpd.Add <- Cpd.Add[Cpd.Add$Polarity %in% polarity,]
if (max(Peak.List$mzmax)>2000){
Peak.List1 <- Peak.List[Peak.List$mzmax<=2000,]
Cpd.Add1 <- subset(Cpd.Add, Cpd.Add$mz.Add<=2000)
gr.PeakList1 <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = 'dummy', strand = '*',
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = round(Peak.List1$mzmin*10^6, 0),
end = round(Peak.List1$mzmax*10^6, 0)))
gr.CpdAdd1 <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = 'dummy', strand = "*",
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
start = round(Cpd.Add1$mz.Add*10^6, 0), width = 1))
query = gr.PeakList1, subject = gr.CpdAdd1))
Peak.Cpd1 <- cbind(Peak.List1[overlaps1$queryHits,c("Peak.Id", "mz", "rt")],
Cpd.Add1[overlaps1$subjectHits, c("Compound", "exact_mass", "Add.name")])
Peak.List2 <- Peak.List[Peak.List$mz>2000,]
Cpd.Add2 <- subset(Cpd.Add, Cpd.Add$mz.Add>2000)
gr.PeakList2 <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = 'dummy', strand = '*',
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = round(Peak.List2$mzmin*10^4, 0),
end = round(Peak.List2$mzmax*10^4, 0)))
gr.CpdAdd2 <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = 'dummy', strand = "*",
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = round(Cpd.Add2$mz.Add*10^4, 0),
width = 1))
query = gr.PeakList2, subject = gr.CpdAdd2))
Peak.Cpd2 <- cbind(Peak.List2[overlaps2$queryHits,c("Peak.Id", "mz", "rt")],
Cpd.Add2[overlaps2$subjectHits, c("Compound", "exact_mass", "Add.name")])
Peak.Cpd <- rbind(Peak.Cpd1, Peak.Cpd2)
} else {
Cpd.Add <- subset(Cpd.Add, Cpd.Add$mz.Add<=2000)
gr.PeakList <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = 'dummy', strand = '*',
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = round(Peak.List$mzmin*10^6, 0),
end = round(Peak.List$mzmax*10^6, 0)))
gr.CpdAdd <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = 'dummy', strand = "*",
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = round(Cpd.Add$mz.Add*10^6, 0),
width = 1))
query = gr.PeakList, subject = gr.CpdAdd))
Peak.Cpd <- cbind(Peak.List[overlaps$queryHits,c("Peak.Id", "mz", "rt")],
Cpd.Add[overlaps$subjectHits, c("Compound", "exact_mass", "Add.name")])
};cat("DONE!","\n"); return(list(Peak.List = Peak.List, Peak.Cpd = Peak.Cpd))
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