
Defines functions transcriptogramPreprocess

Documented in transcriptogramPreprocess

#' Creates an object of class Transcriptogram
#' Constructor for the Transcriptogram object.
#' @param association A matrix, or data.frame, containing two columns of
#' ENSEMBL Peptide IDs (character); or the path for a file containing two
#' columns, no header, with rows composed by the ENSEMBL Peptide IDs of two
#' proteins that are connected.
#' @param ordering A character vector containing ordered ENSEMBL Peptide IDs;
#' a data.frame containing two columns, the first one with ENSEMBL Peptide IDs
#' (character), and the second containing its respective position (non-negative
#' integer); or the path for a file containing two columns, a row for the
#' headers, with rows composed respectively by a ENSEMBL Peptide ID and its
#' respective position.
#' @param radius An non-negative integer referring to the window radius required
#' for some methods.
#' @return A preprocessed object of class Transcriptogram.
#' @examples
#' transcriptogram <- transcriptogramPreprocess(association, Hs900)
#' @seealso
#' \link[transcriptogramer]{Transcriptogram-class},
#' \link[transcriptogramer]{association},
#' \link[transcriptogramer]{Hs900}
#' @author
#' Diego Morais
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export

transcriptogramPreprocess <- function(association,
    ordering, radius = 0L) {
    message("preprocessing input data... step 1 of 1")
    association = check_association(association)
    ordering = check_ordering(ordering)
    radius = check_radius(radius)
    if (!(length(unique(association$p1)) ==
        nrow(ordering) && all(ordering$Protein %in%
        unique(association$p1)))) {
        stop("arguments association and ordering - identifiers do not match! Make sure that the ",
            "ordering was generated from the association!")
    object <- methods::new("Transcriptogram",
        association = association, ordering = ordering,
        radius = radius, status = 0L)
arthurvinx/transcriptogramer documentation built on March 21, 2023, 9:15 a.m.