#' @name mbqnGetThreshold
#' @title Calculates the rank invariance threshold from which on MBQN
#' should be used instead of 'classical' QN
#' @description Calculates the rank invariance threshold from which on
#' MBQN should be used instead of 'classical' QN
#' @param mtx Matrix with samples in columns and features in rows
#' @param meanMedian Offset function for the MBQN calculation
#' @param plot Boolean values if logistic regression curves that are
#' used to calculate intersection point should be plotted
#' @return threshold value
#' @examples
#' set.seed(30)
#' n <- 20
#' m <- 20
#' mtx <- matrix(rnorm(m * n), m, n)
#' mbqnGetThreshold(mtx)
#' @export
mbqnGetThreshold <- function(mtx, meanMedian="mean", plot=TRUE) {
mbqn.mtx <- mbqn(mtx,FUN = meanMedian)
qn.mtx <- mbqn(mtx,FUN = NULL)
pvalues_mbqn <- getPvalue(mbqn.mtx, mtx)
pvalues_qn <- getPvalue(qn.mtx, mtx)
low_thr <- 0.0
res <- mbqnGetNRIfeatures(mtx, low_thr = low_thr)
nri_df <- data.frame(res$nri)
nri_freq <- c()
for (row in seq_len(nrow(nri_df))){
freq <- nri_df[row,]$Freq
nri_freq <- c(nri_freq, freq)
# Contain RI, p value and statistic
combined_mbqn <- data.frame(nri_freq, pvalues_mbqn)
combined_qn <- data.frame(nri_freq, pvalues_qn)
thr = 0.01
mbqnGetIntersect(combined_qn, combined_mbqn, thr, plot)
#' @name mbqnGetIntersect
#' @title Helper function for mbqnGetThreshold
#' @description Helper function for mbqnGetThreshold
#' @param combined_qn Data frame containing RI, p value and statistic
#' calculated for QN
#' @param combined_mbqn Data frame containing RI, p value and statistic
#' calculated for MBQN
#' @param threshold Significance threshold for p value of Pitman-Morgan
#' variance test
#' @param plot Boolean values if logistic regression curves that are used
#' to calculate intersection point should be plotted
#' @return threshold value
#' @export
mbqnGetIntersect <- function(combined_qn, combined_mbqn, threshold, plot=TRUE){
thr <- 0.01
combined_qn$sign <- ifelse(combined_qn$pvalue < thr, 1, 0)
combined_mbqn$sign <- ifelse(combined_mbqn$pvalue < thr, 1, 0)
model_qn <- stats::glm(sign ~ nri_freq, data = combined_qn,
family = "binomial")
model_mbqn <- stats::glm(sign ~ nri_freq, data = combined_mbqn,
family = "binomial")
if (model_qn$rank == 1){
print("QN: GLM model rank is 1.")
if (model_mbqn$rank == 1){
print("MBQN: GLM model rank is 1.")
z_value_qn <- summary(model_qn)$coefficients[2,3]
sign_value_qn <- summary(model_qn)$coefficients[2,4]
sign_value_qn <- oneSidedTest(sign_value_qn, z_value_qn)
print(paste("Sign right-tailed QN: ", round(sign_value_qn, 3)))
z_value_mbqn <- summary(model_mbqn)$coefficients[2,3]
sign_value_mbqn <- summary(model_mbqn)$coefficients[2,4]
sign_value_mbqn <- oneSidedTest(sign_value_mbqn, z_value_mbqn)
print(paste("Sign right-tailed MBQN: ", round(sign_value_mbqn, 3)))
# extract fitted probabilities
predProbs_qn = stats::predict(model_qn, type="response")
predProbs_mbqn = stats::predict(model_mbqn, type="response")
f1 <- stats::approxfun(predProbs_qn - predProbs_mbqn,
combined_qn$nri_freq, rule=2)
# truncate to two decimal digits
intersect <- truncateDecimals(f1(0)/100, digits=2)
print(paste('Intersect: ',intersect))
# get probability values at right end of curves
rightEndMBQN <- unname(predProbs_mbqn[which(
combined_mbqn$nri_freq == max(combined_mbqn$nri_freq))[1]])
rightEndQN <- unname(predProbs_qn[which(
combined_qn$nri_freq == max(combined_qn$nri_freq))[1]])
if ((sign_value_qn < 0.01) && (rightEndQN-rightEndMBQN > 0)) { #0.001
if (intersect == min(combined_qn$nri_freq)){
message('QN Problem: Use MBQN for whole dataset.')
} else {
message(paste('QN Problem: Use MBQN. NRI-threshold =',
if (plot){
plot_combined <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
x=combined_qn$nri_freq, combined_qn$sign),
color="#CC6666", alpha=0.3) +
x=combined_qn$nri_freq, y=predProbs_qn), color="#CC6666") +
x=combined_mbqn$nri_freq, combined_mbqn$sign),
color="#66CC99", alpha=0.3) +
x=combined_mbqn$nri_freq, y=predProbs_mbqn), color="#66CC99") +
ggplot2::ylim(0,1) +
ggplot2::xlim(0,100) +
x = "Frequency of RI proteins [%]",
y = "Probability of significant p-values",
title = paste("Threshold:", threshold, ", QN: red (",
round(sign_value_qn, 3),"),
MBQN: green (", round(sign_value_mbqn, 3), ")"))
#ggsave(paste0("logistRegr_nriVsProbab_QNandMBQN_thresh_", threshold,
#".pdf"), plot = plot_combined, width=10, height=8)
#' @name getPvalue
#' @title Calculates Pitman-Morgan variance test on two matrices
#' @description Calculates Pitman-Morgan variance test on two matrices
#' @param mtx1 Matrix with samples in columns and features in rows
#' @param mtx2 Matrix with samples in columns and features in rows
#' @return Data frame with p values and statistics
#' @examples
#' set.seed(30)
#' n <- 20
#' m <- 20
#' mtx1 <- matrix(rnorm(m * n), m, n)
#' mtx2 <- mbqn(mtx1, FUN = "mean")
#' getPvalue(mtx1, mtx2)
#' @export
getPvalue <- function(mtx1, mtx2){
protnames <- c()
pvalues <- c()
statistics <- c()
options("scipen"=100, "digits"=4)
if (is.null(row.names(mtx1))){
rownames(mtx1) <- 1:nrow(mtx1)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(mtx1))){
protnames <- c(protnames, row.names(mtx1)[i])
# Pitman-Morgan variance test for decreasing variance
pvalues <- c(pvalues, PairedData::Var.test(mtx1[i,],
mtx2[i,], paired=TRUE, alternative="less")$p.value)
statistics <- c(statistics, PairedData::Var.test(mtx1[i,],
mtx2[i,], paired=TRUE, alternative="less")$statistic)
tab <- data.frame(protein=protnames, pvalue=as.numeric(pvalues),
# set NA values, e.g due to no variance in one of the metrices, to 0
tab[is.na(tab)] <- 0
#' @name truncateDecimals
#' @title Truncate float to defined number of decimal values
#' @description Truncate float to defined number of decimal values
#' @param x float
#' @param digits Number of decimal values
#' @return Truncated number
#' @examples
#' x <- 2.567836
#' truncateDecimals(x, 3)
#' @export
truncateDecimals <- function(x, digits = 2) {
up <- 10 ^ digits
x <- x * up
y <- floor(x)
y / up
#' @name oneSidedTest
#' @title Recalulate p value from two-sided to one-sided
#' @description Recalulate p value from two-sided to one-sided
#' @param sign_value P value from two-sided significance test
#' @param z_value Z value from two-sided significance test
#' @return P value from one sided significance test
#' @export
oneSidedTest <- function(sign_value, z_value){
if (z_value < 0){
sign_value <- 1 - (sign_value / 2)
} else {
sign_value <- sign_value / 2
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