#' Plot RI/NRI feature frequencies and normalized/unnormalized features
#' @description Check data matrix for rank invariant (RI) and
#' nearly rank invariant (NRI) features/rows across samples and visualize
#' result for different normalizations.
#' @param show_nri_only logical indicating to display only the RI/NRI
#' detection graph.
#' @param ... additional plot arguments passed to \code{mbqnBoxplot},
#' and \code{mbqnPlotRI}.
#' @inheritParams mbqnGetNRIfeatures
#' @inheritParams mbqn
#' @inheritParams mbqnBoxplot
#' @inheritParams mbqnPlotRI
#' @importFrom graphics abline layout plot text
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @details Rank data and check if lower and upper intensity tails are
#' dominated by few features. Apply quantile
#' normalization without and with mean-balancing and check the standard
#' deviation of normalized features located in the tails.
#' @return A set of figures that display the detected RI/NRI features and a
#' list with elements:
#' \item{\code{p}}{a matrix with the rank invariance frequencies \code{ri.freq}
#' and the sample coverage \code{sample.coverage} for all detected
#' RI/NRI features}
#' \item{\code{max_p}}{maximum rank invariance frequency in percent}
#' \item{\code{ip}}{index of feature with maximum rank invariance frequency}
#' \item{\code{nri}}{table of the rank invariance frequencies in percent for
#' each NRI/RI feature}
#' \item{\code{var0_feature}}{indices of features with zero sample variance
#' after QN.}
#' @seealso [mbqnPlotRI()] and [mbqnBoxplot()] for the generation of figures,
#' and [mbqn()] for normalization.
#' @references Brombacher, E., Schad, A., Kreutz, C. (2020). Tail-Robust
#' Quantile Normalization. BioRxiv.
#' @examples ## Check data matrix for RI and NRI features
#' X <- matrix(c(5,2,3,NA,4,1,4,2,3,4,6,NA,1,3,1),ncol=3)
#' mbqnPlotAll(X, mean, low_thr = 0.5)
#' @author Ariane Schad
# 2017
#' @export mbqnPlotAll
mbqnPlotAll <- function(x, FUN = NULL,
low_thr = 0.5,
show_nri_only = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,...){
opt.args <- list(...)
res <- mbqnGetNRIfeatures(x,
low_thr = low_thr,
verbose = verbose)
# Quantile normalisation and its standard deviation
mbqn.dat <- mbqn(x = x, FUN = median, verbose = FALSE)
qn.dat <- mbqn(x = x, FUN = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
mbqn_ri.dat <- mbqnNRI(x = x, FUN = median, low_thr = low_thr,
verbose = FALSE)
####### Graphical output #########
current.dir = getwd()
# Occupation or rank invariance frequencies and sample coverage of RI/NRI
# features
verbose = verbose, ...)
# Boxplot of quantile normalized data and maximum RI/NRI feature after
# qn and mbqn
low <- floor(min(range(mbqn.dat,na.rm = TRUE)))
up <- ceiling(max(range(mbqn.dat,na.rm = TRUE)))
df <- t(rbind(qn.dat[res$ip,],mbqn.dat[res$ip,]))
colnames(df) <- c(paste0("QN",res$ip),paste0("MBQN",res$ip))
df <- as.data.frame(df)
low2 <- floor(min(range(mbqn.dat,na.rm = TRUE)))
up2 <- ceiling(max(range(mbqn.dat,na.rm = TRUE)))
df2 <- t(rbind(qn.dat[res$ip,],mbqn.dat[res$ip,]))
colnames(df2) <- c(paste0("QN",res$ip),paste0("MBQN",res$ip))
df2 <- as.data.frame(df2)
mtx <- matrix(c(2, 1, 1, 3), byrow=TRUE, nrow=1)
nf <- layout(mtx, heights=c(1), widths=c(6,5,1,0.5))
ylim2 <- c(low2,up2)
ylim <- c(low,up)
if(!is.null(opt.args$ylim)) {ylim <- ylim2 <- opt.args$ylim}
opt.args.var <- opt.args
if(!is.null(opt.args$ylim)) opt.args.var <- .optargsReplace(
..., replace = list(ylim = ylim))
opt.args.var <- .optargsRemove(
opt.args.var, remove = c("main", "ylab"))
# boxplot of mbqn data and with balanced qn RI/NRI features
opt.args.var$ylab <- ""
# remove empty list elements
opt.args.var[which(lapply(opt.args.var, length)<1)] <- NULL
do.call(mbqnBoxplot, c(list(mtx = mbqn.dat,
vals = df2,
add.leg = TRUE,
main = "MBQN data with RI/NRI feature"),
# boxplot of qn data and with balanced qn RI/NRI features
opt.args.var$ylab <- "normalized intensity"
do.call(mbqnBoxplot, c(list(mtx = mbqn_ri.dat,
vals = df,
main = "QN data with RI/NRI feature",
add.leg = FALSE),opt.args.var))
# boxplot of qn data and with balanced qn RI/NRI features
#fig4.name <- NULL
# if(is.null(filename)) {
# fig4.name <- "Figure_example_mbqn.pdf"
# }else{fig4.name <- paste0("Figure_example_mbqn_", filename ,".pdf")}
#if(verbose) message(paste("Save figure to ",fig4.name))
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