#' Download SRA data using fastq-dump
#' Parses list of SRA accession numbers and uses fastq-dump to download FASTQ files directly from NCBI.
#' Downloaded files are gziped by default.
#' @importFrom curl curl_download
#' @param object S4 object of type fastq2otu (i.e. fastq2otu_paired or fastq2otu_single)
#' @param useFastqDump Default is FALSE. If TRUE, fastqdump is used to download sequence files.
#' @return path to directory
#' @export
getSeqs <- function(object, useFastqDump = FALSE) {
# Get bash script
retrieveSRAData <- system.file("bash", "retrieve_sra_sequences.sh", package = "FASTQ2OTU")
if (useFastqDump) {
# Extract required inputs
# Get path to fastq-dump executable script
# Check for objects returning NA/NULL or empty strings
first_check <- ifelse(is.na(object@pathToFastqDump) | object@pathToFastqDump == "", TRUE, FALSE)
if (first_check) { stop("Path Not Found Error: Invalid path supplied for pathToFastqDump. Please check config file") }
if (!is.null(object@pathToFastqDump) & file.exists(object@pathToFastqDump)) {
fDumpScript <- object@pathToFastqDump
} else {
stop(paste0("Invalid input for pathToFastqDump. ", object@pathToFastqDump, " could not be found."))
# Get path to output directory
# Check for objects returning NA/NULL or empty strings
second_check <- ifelse(is.na(object@outDir) | object@outDir == "", TRUE, FALSE)
if (second_check) { stop("Path Not Found Error: Invalid path supplied for pathToData: ", object@outDir, ". Please check config file") }
# Get path to sample IDs
# Check for objects returning NA/NULL or empty strings
ifelse(is.na(object@pathToSampleIDs) | object@pathToSampleIDs == "", stop("Invalid path supplied for pathToSampleIDs. Please check config file"), FALSE)
if (!is.null(object@pathToSampleIDs) & file.exists(object@pathToSampleIDs)) {
sraList <- object@pathToSampleIDs
output <- object@outDir # Writes to input directory (validated when object was created)
} else {
stop(paste0("Path Not Found Error: Invalid input for pathToSampleIDs. ", object@pathToSampleIDs, " could not be found."))
# Set system command - Example: ./retrieve_sra_sequences.sh ~/.sra-toolkit/bin/fastq-dump ../inst/examples/paired/paired-example_SRR_Acc_List.txt ./
command <- paste(retrieveSRAData, fDumpScript, sraList, output, sep = " ")
message("Executed: ", command, "\n")
} else {
# Get path to output directory
# Check for objects returning NA/NULL or empty strings
second_check <- ifelse(is.na(object@outDir) | object@outDir == "", TRUE, FALSE)
if (second_check) { stop("Invalid path supplied for pathToData: ", object@outDir, ". Please check config file") }
# Extract required inputs
# Get path to sample URLs -- obtained from SRA Explorer site
# Check for objects returning NA/NULL or empty strings
ifelse(is.na(object@pathToSampleURLs) | object@pathToSampleURLs == "", stop("Invalid path supplied for pathToSampleURLs. Please check config file"), FALSE)
if (!is.null(object@pathToSampleIDs) & file.exists(object@pathToSampleURLs)) {
sample.urls <- object@pathToSampleURLs
} else {
stop(paste0("Invalid input for pathToSampleURLs. ", object@pathToSampleURLs, " could not be found."))
# Set system command
if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
command <- paste0("wget -i ", sample.urls, " -P ", " -c ", object@outDir)
message("This is my output path: ", object@outDir)
output <- object@outDir # Writes to input directory
} else {
con = file(sample.urls, "r")
write("\n", file = sample.urls, append = TRUE) # Append newline to end of file
while ( TRUE ) {
line = readLines(con, n = 1)
if ( grepl('^ftp', line) ) {
# Download file only if it does not already exist
if (!file.exists(file.path(object@outDir, basename(line)))) {
curl::curl_download(line, file.path(object@outDir, basename(line)))
} else {
output <- object@outDir # Writes to input directory
# Execute command
# Return vector containing output directory and input command
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