test_GenotypeData <- function() {
# simulate data
ncfile <- tempfile()
simulateGenotypeMatrix(n.snps=10, n.chromosomes=26,
n.samples=20, filename=ncfile, file.type="ncdf")
nc <- NcdfGenotypeReader(ncfile)
scanID <- getScanID(nc)
sex <- c(rep("M", 10), rep("F", 10))
plate <- rep(paste("batch", 1:4, sep=""), 5)
scandf <- data.frame(scanID=scanID, sex=sex, plate=plate)
scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(scandf)
snpID <- getSnpID(nc)
chrom <- getChromosome(nc)
pos <- getPosition(nc)
rsID <- paste("rs", snpID, sep="")
snpdf <- data.frame(snpID=snpID, chromosome=chrom, position=pos, rsID=rsID,
snpAnnot <- SnpAnnotationDataFrame(snpdf)
# creation with only ncdf
obj <- GenotypeData(nc)
checkIdentical(getSnpAnnotation(obj), NULL)
checkIdentical(getScanAnnotation(obj), NULL)
# creation with only snpAnnot
obj <- GenotypeData(nc, snpAnnot=snpAnnot)
checkIdentical(getSnpAnnotation(obj), snpAnnot)
# creation with only scanAnnot
obj <- GenotypeData(nc, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)
checkIdentical(getScanAnnotation(obj), scanAnnot)
# creation with both annotations
obj <- GenotypeData(nc, snpAnnot=snpAnnot, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)
checkIdentical(getScanAnnotation(obj), scanAnnot)
checkIdentical(getSnpAnnotation(obj), snpAnnot)
# required variables
geno <- getGenotype(obj)
checkIdentical(c(nsnp(obj),nscan(obj)), dim(geno))
checkIdentical(length(getSnpID(obj)), nsnp(obj))
checkIdentical(length(getChromosome(obj)), nsnp(obj))
checkIdentical(length(getPosition(obj)), nsnp(obj))
checkIdentical(length(getScanID(obj)), nscan(obj))
# annotation variables - snp
checkTrue(hasSnpVariable(obj, "rsID"))
checkTrue(!hasSnpVariable(obj, "foo"))
checkIdentical(NULL, getSnpVariable(obj, "foo"))
# annotation variables - scan
checkTrue(hasScanVariable(obj, "plate"))
checkTrue(!hasScanVariable(obj, "foo"))
checkIdentical(NULL, getScanVariable(obj, "foo"))
# annotation mismatch
snpAnnot <- snpAnnot[1:100,]
checkException(GenotypeData(nc, snpAnnot=snpAnnot))
scanAnnot$scanID[1] <- 25L
checkException(GenotypeData(nc, scanAnnot=scanAnnot))
test_GenotypeData_Gds <- function() {
file <- tempfile()
gds <- createfn.gds(file)
snp <- 1:260
chrom <- rep(1:26, each=10)
pos <- rep(1001:1026, 10)
samp <- 1231:1235
nsnp <- length(snp)
nsamp <- length(samp)
geno <- matrix(sample(0:3, nsnp*nsamp, replace=TRUE),
nrow=nsnp, ncol=nsamp)
add.gdsn(gds, "snp.id", snp)
add.gdsn(gds, "snp.chromosome", chrom)
add.gdsn(gds, "snp.position", pos)
add.gdsn(gds, "sample.id", samp)
add.gdsn(gds, "genotype", geno, storage="bit2")
snpAnnot <- SnpAnnotationDataFrame(data.frame(snpID=snp, chromosome=chrom, position=pos))
scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(data.frame(scanID=samp))
gdsobj <- GdsGenotypeReader(file)
obj <- GenotypeData(gdsobj, snpAnnot=snpAnnot, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)
geno[geno == 3] <- NA
checkIdentical(geno, getGenotype(obj))
checkIdentical(snp, getSnpID(obj))
checkIdentical(chrom, getChromosome(obj))
checkIdentical(pos, getPosition(obj))
checkIdentical(samp, getScanID(obj))
test_GenotypeData_Matrix <- function() {
snp <- 1:260
chrom <- rep(1:26, each=10)
pos <- rep(1001:1026, 10)
samp <- 1231:1235
nsnp <- length(snp)
nsamp <- length(samp)
geno <- matrix(sample(c(0,1,2,NA), nsnp*nsamp, replace=TRUE),
nrow=nsnp, ncol=nsamp)
mgr <- MatrixGenotypeReader(genotype=geno, snpID=snp, chromosome=chrom, position=pos, scanID=samp)
snpAnnot <- SnpAnnotationDataFrame(data.frame(snpID=snp, chromosome=chrom, position=pos))
scanAnnot <- ScanAnnotationDataFrame(data.frame(scanID=samp))
obj <- GenotypeData(mgr, snpAnnot=snpAnnot, scanAnnot=scanAnnot)
checkIdentical(geno, getGenotype(obj))
checkIdentical(snp, getSnpID(obj))
checkIdentical(chrom, getChromosome(obj))
checkIdentical(pos, getPosition(obj))
checkIdentical(samp, getScanID(obj))
test_GenotypeData_char <- function() {
snp <- 1:260
chrom <- rep(1:26, each=10)
pos <- rep(1001:1026, 10)
A <- rep("G", length(snp))
B <- rep("C", length(snp))
samp <- 1231:1235
nsnp <- length(snp)
nsamp <- length(samp)
geno <- matrix(sample(c(0,1,2,NA), nsnp*nsamp, replace=TRUE),
nrow=nsnp, ncol=nsamp)
mgr <- MatrixGenotypeReader(genotype=geno, snpID=snp, chromosome=chrom, position=pos, scanID=samp
snpAnnot <- SnpAnnotationDataFrame(data.frame(snpID=snp, chromosome=chrom, position=pos,
obj <- GenotypeData(mgr, snpAnnot=snpAnnot)
gc <- getGenotype(obj, char=TRUE)
checkTrue(all(gc %in% c(NA,"A/A","A/B","B/B")))
checkIdentical(is.na(geno), is.na(gc))
checkIdentical(geno == 0, gc == "B/B")
checkIdentical(geno == 1, gc == "A/B")
checkIdentical(geno == 2, gc == "A/A")
snpAnnot$alleleA <- A
snpAnnot$alleleB <- B
obj <- GenotypeData(mgr, snpAnnot=snpAnnot)
checkIdentical(A, getAlleleA(obj))
checkIdentical(B, getAlleleB(obj))
gc <- getGenotype(obj, char=TRUE, sort=TRUE)
checkTrue(all(gc %in% c(NA,"C/C","C/G","G/G")))
checkIdentical(is.na(geno), is.na(gc))
checkIdentical(geno == 0, gc == "C/C")
checkIdentical(geno == 1, gc == "C/G")
checkIdentical(geno == 2, gc == "G/G")
gc <- getGenotype(obj, char=TRUE, sort=FALSE)
checkTrue(all(gc %in% c(NA,"C/C","G/C","G/G")))
checkIdentical(is.na(geno), is.na(gc))
checkIdentical(geno == 0, gc == "C/C")
checkIdentical(geno == 1, gc == "G/C")
checkIdentical(geno == 2, gc == "G/G")
# check subset of snps and scans
gc <- getGenotype(obj, snp=c(1,10), scan=c(2,2), char=TRUE)
checkIdentical(is.na(geno[1:10,2:3]), is.na(gc))
checkIdentical(geno[1:10,2:3] == 0, gc == "C/C")
checkIdentical(geno[1:10,2:3] == 1, gc == "C/G")
checkIdentical(geno[1:10,2:3] == 2, gc == "G/G")
test_GenotypeData_selection <- function() {
file <- tempfile()
gds <- createfn.gds(file)
snp <- 1:260
chrom <- rep(1:26, each=10)
pos <- rep(1001:1026, 10)
samp <- 1231:1235
nsnp <- length(snp)
nsamp <- length(samp)
geno <- matrix(sample(0:3, nsnp*nsamp, replace=TRUE),
nrow=nsnp, ncol=nsamp)
add.gdsn(gds, "snp.id", snp)
add.gdsn(gds, "snp.chromosome", chrom)
add.gdsn(gds, "snp.position", pos)
add.gdsn(gds, "sample.id", samp)
add.gdsn(gds, "genotype", geno, storage="bit2")
snpAnnot <- SnpAnnotationDataFrame(data.frame(snpID=snp, chromosome=chrom, position=pos, alleleA="C", alleleB="G"))
gdsobj <- GdsGenotypeReader(file)
obj <- GenotypeData(gdsobj, snpAnnot=snpAnnot)
geno[geno == 3] <- NA
checkIdentical(geno[1:10,1:2], getGenotypeSelection(obj, snp=1:10, scan=1:2, use.names=FALSE))
checkIdentical(geno[1:10,1:2], getGenotypeSelection(obj, snpID=1:10, scanID=1231:1232, use.names=FALSE))
geno[geno %in% 0] <- "G/G"
geno[geno %in% 1] <- "C/G"
geno[geno %in% 2] <- "C/C"
checkIdentical(geno[1:10,1:2], getGenotypeSelection(obj, snp=1:10, scan=1:2, char=TRUE, use.names=FALSE))
checkIdentical(geno[1:10,1:2], getGenotypeSelection(obj, snpID=1:10, scanID=1231:1232, char=TRUE, use.names=FALSE))
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