Man pages for almeidasilvaf/syntenet
Inference And Analysis Of Synteny Networks

angiosperm_phylogenyMicrosynteny-based angiosperm phylogeny.
annotationFiltered genome annotation for Ostreococcus sp. species
binarize_and_transposeBinarize and transpose the phylogenomic profile matrix
blast_listList of data frames containing BLAST-like tabular output
check_inputCheck if input objects are ready for further analyses
cluster_networkCluster the synteny network using the Infomap algorithm
clustersSynteny network clusters of BUSCO genes for 25 eudicot...
collapse_protein_idsCollapse protein IDs into gene IDs in sequence names of...
create_species_id_tableCreate a data frame of species IDs (3-5-character...
diamond_is_installedCheck if DIAMOND is installed
edgesSynteny network of Ostreococcus genomes represented as an...
export_sequencesExport processed sequences as FASTA files
fasta2AAStringSetlistRead FASTA files in a directory as a list of AAStringSet...
find_GS_clustersFind group-specific clusters based on user-defined species...
gff2GRangesListRead GFF/GTF files in a directory as a GRangesList object
infer_microsynteny_phylogenyInfer microsynteny-based phylogeny with IQTREE
infer_syntenetInfer synteny network
interspecies_syntenyDetect interspecies synteny
intraspecies_syntenyDetect intraspecies synteny
iqtree_is_installedCheck if IQTREE is installed
iqtree_versionGet IQ-TREE version
last_is_installedCheck if last is installed
networkSynteny network of BUSCO genes for 25 eudicot species
parse_collinearityParse .collinearity files obtained with MCScan
phylogenomic_profilePerform phylogenomic profiling for synteny network clusters
plot_networkPlot network
plot_profilesPlot a heatmap of phylogenomic profiles
process_inputProcess sequence data
profiles2phylipSave the transposed binary profiles matrix to a file in...
proteomesFiltered proteomes of Ostreococcus sp. species
read_diamondRead DIAMOND/BLAST tables as a list of data frames
run_diamondWrapper to run DIAMOND from an R session
run_lastWrapper to run last from an R session
scerevisiae_annotGenome annotation of the yeast species S. cerevisiae
scerevisiae_diamondIntraspecies DIAMOND output for S. cerevisiae
syntenet-packagesyntenet: Inference And Analysis Of Synteny Networks
almeidasilvaf/syntenet documentation built on Dec. 23, 2024, 6:26 a.m.