# curl -s "http://rest.kegg.jp/list/organism" | grep "Homo sapiens"
# T01001 hsa Homo sapiens (human) Eukaryotes;Animals;Vertebrates;Mammals
# cd ~/Documents/Batcave/GEO/crossmeta/data-raw/KEGG/hsa
# curl "http://rest.kegg.jp/list/pathway/T01001" | cut -f 1 | while read A; do curl -o "${A}.xml" "http://rest.kegg.jp/get/${A}/kgml" ; done
# log date downloaded
# touch "$('%Y-%m-%d')"
# KEGG database
mapkKGML <- list.files('~/Documents/Batcave/GEO/crossmeta/data-raw/KEGG/hsa', pattern = '^path:hsa', full.names = TRUE)
gslist <- lapply(mapkKGML, KEGGgraph::parseKGML)
names(gslist) <- lapply(gslist, function(path) path@pathwayInfo@number)
gs.names <- sapply(gslist, function(path) path@pathwayInfo@title)
gslist <- lapply(gslist, function(path) {
# nodes and node types
nodes <- path@nodes
types <- sapply(nodes, function(node) node@type)
# get genes in pathway
unlist(lapply(nodes[types == 'gene'], function(node) gsub('^hsa:', '', node@name)), use.names = FALSE)
# get symbols
enids <- unique(unlist(gslist))
enids <- enids[enids %in% hs$ENTREZID]
syms <- toupper(hs[enids, SYMBOL_9606])
names(syms) <- enids
# add symbols names
gslist <- lapply(gslist, function(path) {
names(path) <- syms[path]
# pathways in both only
inboth <- intersect(names(gslist), names(gs.names))
gslist <- gslist[inboth]
gs.names <- gs.names[inboth]
# save
saveRDS(gslist, 'data-raw/KEGG/gslist.rds')
saveRDS(gs.names, 'data-raw/KEGG/gs.names.rds')
# save for use by other packages (ccmap)
usethis::use_data(gslist, gs.names, overwrite = TRUE)
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