
#' Example methylRawList object.
#'  \code{methylBase}, \code{methylDiff} and \code{methylRawList}.
#'   You can load the data using \code{data(methylKit)}
#' @name methylRawList.obj
#' @docType data
#' @format  Methylation data from multiple the samples regardless 
#'   of common coverage are stored in  methylRawList.obj object. 
#'   \code{methylRawList} extends \code{list} S3 class
#' Example methylBase object.
#'  \code{methylBase}, \code{methylDiff} and \code{methylRawList}. 
#'  You can load the data using \code{data(methylKit)}
#' @name methylBase.obj
#' @docType data
#' @format methylBase.obj object stores the location and methylation 
#' information for bases that
#'   are covered in all samples. \code{methylBase} partially extends 
#'   \code{data.frame} S3 class.
#' Example methylKit objects.
#'  \code{methylBase}, \code{methylDiff} and \code{methylRawList}. 
#'  You can load the data using \code{data(methylKit)}
#' @name methylDiff.obj
#' @docType data
#' @format The Differential methylation information is stored in 
#' methylDiff.obj object.
#'   \code{methylBase} partially extends \code{data.frame} S3 class.
al2na/methylKit documentation built on Jan. 12, 2025, 7:56 a.m.