##' Functional Profile of a gene set at specific GO level.
##' Given a vector of genes, this function will return the GO profile at
##' a specific level.
##' @param gene a vector of entrez gene id.
##' @param OrgDb OrgDb
##' @param keytype keytype of input gene
##' @param ont One of "MF", "BP", and "CC" subontologies.
##' @param level Specific GO Level.
##' @param readable if readable is TRUE, the gene IDs will mapping to gene
##' symbols.
##' @return A \code{groupGOResult} instance.
##' @seealso \code{\link{groupGOResult-class}}, \code{\link{compareCluster}}
##' @keywords manip
##' @importFrom methods new
##' @importClassesFrom methods data.frame
##' @importFrom DOSE setReadable
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu \url{http://ygc.name}
##' @examples
##' data(gcSample)
##' yy <- groupGO(gcSample[[1]], 'org.Hs.eg.db', ont="BP", level=2)
##' head(summary(yy))
##' #plot(yy)
groupGO <- function(gene, OrgDb, keytype="ENTREZID", ont="CC", level = 2, readable=FALSE) {
ont %<>% toupper
ont <- match.arg(ont, c("BP", "CC", "MF"))
GO_DATA <- get_GO_data(OrgDb, ont, keytype)
GOLevel <- getGOLevel(ont, level) ##get GO IDs of specific level.
require(DOSE, character.only = TRUE)
TERMID2EXTID <- eval(parse(text=paste0(DOSE, ":::", "TERMID2EXTID")))
TERM2NAME <- eval(parse(text=paste0(DOSE, ":::", "TERM2NAME")))
GO2ExtID <- TERMID2EXTID(GOLevel, GO_DATA) ## mapping GOID to External Gene IDs.
geneID.list <- lapply(GO2ExtID, function(x) gene[gene %in% x]) ## retain External Gene IDs which appear in *gene*
## if (readable) {
## mapping Gene IDs to Gene Names.
## geneID.list <- lapply(geneID.list, EXTID2NAME, organism=organism)
## }
geneID <- sapply(geneID.list, function(i) paste(i, collapse="/"))
Count <- unlist(lapply(geneID.list, length))
GeneRatio <- paste(Count, length(unique(unlist(gene))), sep="/")
Descriptions <- TERM2NAME(GOLevel, GO_DATA)
result = data.frame(ID=as.character(GOLevel),
x <- new("groupGOResult",
ontology = ont,
level = level,
organism = get_organism(OrgDb),
gene = gene,
keytype = keytype
if(readable == TRUE)
x <- setReadable(x, OrgDb)
## show method for \code{groupGOResult} instance
## @name show
## @docType methods
## @rdname show-methods
## @title show method
## @param object A \code{groupGOResult} instance
## @return message
## @importFrom methods show
## @author Guangchuang Yu \url{http://ygc.name}
setMethod("show", signature(object="groupGOResult"),
function (object){
ont = object@ontology
Level = object@level
Organism = object@organism
Gene = object@gene
cat ("GO", ont, "Profiles", "at level", Level, "of", length(Gene), Organism, "genes", "\n")
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