This tutorial explore a phyloseq version of the dataset from Tengeler et al. (2020) available in the mia
knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", message = FALSE, fig.width = 10 )
library("MicrobiotaProcess") library("MiscMetabar") library("ggplot2") library("patchwork") library("iNEXT")
data(Tengeler2020_pq) ten <- Tengeler2020_pq summary_plot_pq(ten)
hill_pq(ten, "patient_status", one_plot = TRUE)
res_inext <- iNEXT_pq(ten, datatype = "abundance", merge_sample_by = "patient_status_vs_cohort", nboot = 5 ) ggiNEXT(res_inext)
accu_plot( ten, fact = "sample_name", add_nb_seq = TRUE, by.fact = TRUE, step = 100 ) + theme(legend.position = c(.8, .6))
# library(metacoder) # heat_tree_pq( # ten, # node_size = n_obs, # node_color = nb_sequences, # node_label = taxon_names, # tree_label = taxon_names, # node_size_trans = "log10 area" # )
treemap_pq(ten, lvl1 = "Order", lvl2 = "Family")
circle_pq(ten, "patient_status")
upset_pq(ten, "patient_status_vs_cohort")
ggvenn_pq(clean_pq(ten, force_taxa_as_columns = TRUE), "cohort", rarefy_before_merging = TRUE ) + theme(legend.position = "none")
ten_control <- clean_pq(subset_samples(ten, patient_status == "Control")) # p_control <- heat_tree_pq( # ten_control, # node_size = n_obs, # node_color = nb_sequences, # node_label = taxon_names, # tree_label = taxon_names, # node_size_trans = "log10 area" # ) ten_ADHD <- clean_pq(subset_samples(ten, patient_status == "ADHD")) # p_ADHD <- heat_tree_pq( # ten_ADHD, # node_size = n_obs, # node_color = nb_sequences, # node_label = taxon_names, # tree_label = taxon_names, # node_size_trans = "log10 area" # ) # # p_control + ggtitle("Control") + p_ADHD + ggtitle("ADHD")
knitr::kable(track_wkflow(list( "All samples" = ten, "Control samples" = ten_control, "ADHD samples" = ten_ADHD )))
adonis_pq(ten, "cohort + patient_status")
ten@tax_table <- phyloseq::tax_table(cbind( ten@tax_table, "Species" = taxa_names(ten) )) biplot_pq(subset_taxa_pq(ten, taxa_sums(ten) > 3000), merge_sample_by = "patient_status", fact = "patient_status", nudge_y = 0.4 )
multitax_bar_pq(ten, "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "patient_status")
multitax_bar_pq(ten, "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "patient_status", nb_seq = FALSE, log10trans = FALSE )
plot_deseq2_pq(ten, contrast = c("patient_status", "ADHD", "Control"), taxolev = "Genus" )
LEfSe <- diff_analysis( ten, classgroup = "patient_status", mlfun = "lda", ldascore = 2, p.adjust.methods = "bh" ) library(ggplot2) ggeffectsize(LEfSe) + scale_color_manual(values = c( "#00AED7", "#FD9347" )) + theme_bw()
Tengeler, A.C., Dam, S.A., Wiesmann, M. et al. Gut microbiota from persons with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder affects the brain in mice. Microbiome 8, 44 (2020).
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