r library("knitr")
r opts_chunk$set(cache=FALSE, fig.width=9, message=FALSE,
warning=FALSE, fig.align = "left")
Adria Caballe Mestres adria.caballe@irbbarcelona.org
library( hrunbiased )
The R package hrunbiased
contains several diagnoses
which can be useful to decide whether an adjustment in estimating
hazard ratios for gene signatures is needed and, in some extent, which
class of correction could be appropriate. The underlying methodology
is described at
Caballe Mestres A, Berenguer Llergo A and Stephan-Otto Attolini C. Adjusting for systematic technical biases in risk assessment of gene signatures in transcriptomic cancer cohorts. bioRxiv (2018).
We encourage anybody wanting to use the R package to first read the associated paper.
In Section 2 of this manual we present the breast cancer dataset nda.brca
from the
ExperimentHub package mcsurvdata
that is used as example to
illustrate some of the main utilities of the hrunbiased package. In
Section 3 we perform the analysis for one of the cohorts
(GSE1456). The same type of plots could be generated for any
other breast cancer cohort available in nda.brca
and the resulting output,
which is stored in
data(out.brca, package="hrunbiased")
is presented in Section 4.
The mcsurvdata::nda.brca
data contains a merged expression set object
with the normalized gene expression profile of several breast cancer
cohorts standardized using as reference the metabric data.
Only ER+ samples are included.
Time to relapse event is provided by all datasets except GSE3494,
where time to death from breast cancer is used instead.
Besides, hrunbiased::mammaprint.sig
is a character string with the mammaprint
gene signature as defined in Cardoso et al. (2016) which will be used to generate positive
control signatures.
eh <- ExperimentHub() nda.brca <- query(eh, "mcsurvdata")[["EH1497"]] nda.gse1456 <- nda.brca[,nda.brca$dataset=="GSE1456"] data(mammaprint.sig, package="hrunbiased") mammaprint.sig <- intersect(mammaprint.sig, rownames(nda.gse1456)) mammaprint.sig
As first control, we compute the distribution of log Hazard ratio (lHR) test statistics using
random gene signatures. We fix a random generator seed to generate
random signatures of several sizes
diagnostic.type <- "density.rs" nrs <- 300 seed <- 12313 set.seed(seed) sigSize <- c(1, 50, 100, 200)
We consider a correction type by negative controls gene signatures, which are determined by least variable genes using as score the mean absolute deviation (mad). We take several cut-offs for the empirical cumulative distribution of the mad including zero (no correction) and one (global signature correction).
correction.type <- "NCsignatures" seqquant <- c(0,0.05, 0.2, 1) vargenes.score <- apply(exprs(nda.gse1456),1,mad)
Another general attribute we fix is the number of cores used to speed up the process (only for unix system)
mc.cores <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "unix", 8, 1)
An object of class hrunbiasedDensityRS
is obtained using function
out1 <- hrunbiasedDiagnostic(nda.gse1456, correction.type = correction.type, score = vargenes.score, seqquant = seqquant, mc.cores = mc.cores, diagnostic.type = diagnostic.type, sigSize = sigSize, nrs = nrs, id.size = 2, executation.info = FALSE)
Figure 1 shows a density plot for lHR statistic
as function of signature size, which can be achieved by the plot method
of an hrunbiasedDensityRS
object setting attribute diagnostic.plot
= "density.rs.size"
. The Cox model with no adjustment for negative
controls (q_0) presents a positive bias. This is not rare in breast
cancer studies (Venet et al., 2011). The interpretation of the underlying HR for a
target signature can be misleading though. For instance, a large number
(more than expected by chance) of random signatures might be considered of
risk without being to much special in comparison to the whole distribution of
random signatures. Besides, as the signature size increases the variance of
the statistics decreases due to higher signature-signature correlations.
Adjusting by negative control signatures reduces the observed bias but the
statistic distributions still depends on the signature size. The correction by
global signature (q_1) solves this problem with all the empirical
distributions looking much alike.
plot(out1, diagnostic.plot = "density.rs.size", lwd=3)
We proposed to find the association between a gene signature and survival by
averaging the expression across the genes of the signature. This enhances the
power of detecting biological signal in comparison to finding a summary of
gene-to-survival associations for all genes belonging in the target signature.
In the diagnostic.plot = "geneMean.geneSign"
, see Figure 2, the relationship between lHR
for single genes, random signatures and average lHR for single genes in
random signatures is presented, in this case for signatures of size 50, as
determined by attribute id.size
in using the hrunbiasedDiagnostic
function. Under no adjustment in the Cox models, a small positive bias
observed when linking survival with single genes is magnified for random
signatures of size 50.
plot(out1, diagnostic.plot = "geneMean.geneSign")
We found that biases can be due to the sampling process and the implicit
gene-to-gene correlation structure. This is shown using the function
with diagnostic.type = "permutations"
where the association between survival and random signatures is obtained
under an outcome shuffling. In this way, we break the association
between survival and the covariates while keeping the gene dependence
structure. For computational reasons we show the results in only 5
permutations of the outcome in Figure 3. Biases are distinctively positive and negative
in each instance tending towards the association with the global
signature (GS). In order to remove the observed biases, we are encouraged
to adjust for a global signature that contains this common tendency.
nperm <- 5 diagnostic.type <- "permutations" out2 <- hrunbiasedDiagnostic(nda.gse1456, correction.type = "none", mc.cores=mc.cores, diagnostic.type = diagnostic.type, sigSize = sigSize, nrs = nrs, nperm = nperm, executation.info = FALSE)
par(mfrow=c(3,1)) plot(out2, diagnostic.plot = "perm.violin", ylab="lHR-stat",xlab="Instances") plot(out2, diagnostic.plot = "perm.GSvsEvents", ylab="Global signature", xlab="Instances") plot(out2, diagnostic.plot = "perms.corr.GS", ylab="mean.GS(ev) - mean.GS(noev)", xlab="mean lHR-stat")
We consider hrunbiased::mammaprint
genes to create positive control
signatures as these have been found to be good markers for
prognosis. Random signatures of size 20 using only positive control
genes are used to approximate the power of the non-zero lHR
hypothesis testing for different adjusted Cox models (by negative
control signatures).
propseq <- 1 nrpcs <- 200 out3 <- hrunbiasedDiagnostic(nda.gse1456, correction.type = correction.type, score = vargenes.score, seqquant = seqquant, mc.cores=mc.cores, positive.controls = mammaprint.sig, diagnostic.type = c("positive.cont.power"), sigSize = 20, nrs = nrs, nrpcs = nrpcs, executation.info = FALSE)
Three diagnostic plots (see Figure 4) are available for an object of class
, "positive.cont.power" shows the approximated power
curves, "bias.power" compares average lHR for random signatures with
proportion of rejections, and "corNCsig.power" compares correlation between
correction variables (negative control signatures) and positive controls
with proportion of rejections. The proportion of rejections decreases slightly
with the adjustment by negative controls and even more with the adjustment by
the global signature. This can be due to positive controls and global
signature being positively correlated (see right-hand side figure).
par(mfrow=c(1,3)) seq.alpha <- seq(0,.5, length.out=50) seq.alpha.pow <- c(0.05, 0.1) plot(out3, diagnostic.plot = "positive.cont.power", seq.alpha.pow = seq.alpha.pow, lwd = 3, legend.out = FALSE) plot(out3, diagnostic.plot = "bias.power", seq.alpha = seq.alpha, lwd = 3, legend.out=FALSE) plot(out3, diagnostic.plot = "corNCsig.power", seq.alpha = seq.alpha, lwd = 3, legend.out=FALSE)
Assessing the association between a target gene signature and survival can be done using the
function. Below we show the R commands
and outcome (see Figure 5) of the test employing both asymptotic and random
signatures null distributions, and both no correction and adjustment by
global signature. We also consider the testing for each of the genes of the
signature to make some emphasis in the impact that creating a signature out
of a group of genes that share a similar signal may have on survival. We
shall see that the lHR statistic for single genes is much smaller (in
average) than the one obtained by the signature of the corresponding genes.
Similar conclusions are achieved using or not using the GS adjustment, being the adjusted model slightly more conservative in the random signatures based test.
nrs <- 500 correction.type <- "none" tout.none <- hrunbiasedTesting(nda.gse1456, gene.signature = mammaprint.sig, test.type = c("asymptotic", "random.signatures", "random.genes"), correction.type = correction.type, mc.cores=mc.cores, nrs = nrs, executation.info = FALSE) correction.type <- "Gsignature" tout.GS <- hrunbiasedTesting(nda.gse1456, gene.signature = mammaprint.sig, test.type = c("asymptotic", "random.signatures", "random.genes"), correction.type = correction.type, mc.cores=mc.cores, nrs = nrs, executation.info = FALSE) print(tout.none) print(tout.GS) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(tout.none, main="testing mammaprint signature no adj", xlab="lHR-stat", show.stat = TRUE,legend.out = FALSE) plot(tout.GS, main="testing mammaprint signature GS adj", xlab="lHR-stat", show.stat = TRUE, legend.out= FALSE)
The obtained output in data out.brca
could be found from nda.brca
using the following R commands and will be used from now onwards to avoid
computational burden.
#namesForER <- unique(nda.brca$dataset) #adjusted.var <- c(rep(NA,5), "cohort") #vargenes.score <- sapply(namesForER, function(o) apply(exprs(nda.brca[,nda.brca$dataset == o]),1,mad)) #names(adjusted.var) <- namesForER #propseq <- c(0.2, 0.6, 1) #nrs = 1000; npcrs = 500 #mc.cores <- 8 #sigSize <- c(1, 50, 100, 200) #seqquant <- c(0,0.05, 0.2, 1) #mammaprint.sig <- intersect(mammaprint.sig, rownames(nda.gse1456)) #for(o in namesForER){ # out.brca[[o]] <- hrunbiasedDiagnostic(nda.brca[,nda.brca$dataset == o], # correction.type = c("NCsignatures"), score = vargenes.score[,o], # seqquant = seqquant, mc.cores=mc.cores, id.size = 2, # diagnostic.type = c("density.rs", "positive.cont.power"), # bootstrapping = TRUE, alternative ="two.sided", # positive.controls = mammaprint.sig, prop.pos.cont = propseq, # sigSize = sigSize, nrs = nrs, npcrs = npcrs, # adj.var.GS = "GSadj", adjusted.var.fixed = adjusted.var[o]) #}
The general behaviour of the lHR statistic on random signatures for 6 breast cancer cohorts is shown for a fixed signature size of 100 in Figure 6. Under no correction, positive average lHR are observed in GSE1456, GSE3494 and metabric and centered distributions are observed in GSE2034, GSE2990 and GSE7390.
ln <- length(out.brca[[1]]$seqquant) op <- par(mfrow = c(3+1,2), oma = c(3,2,2,2) + 0.1, mar = c(2,1,1,2) + 0.1) layout(rbind(t(sapply(2*c(0:2), function(l) l+c(1,2))), c(7,7)), widths=c(.5,.5), heights= c(rep(1,3), min(1, 3 * 0.18))) for(o in names(out.brca)) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "density.rs", main = o, xlab = "lhr.stat", ylab="", lwd=3, legend.out = FALSE, id.size = 3 ) plot(0,0, axes=FALSE,frame.plot=FALSE, main="", bty = 'n', type = 'n', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', xlab="", ylab="") legend("top", horiz =TRUE, legend = paste0(round(out.brca[[1]]$seqquant,3)), title = "neg.cont.quantile", col = grey.colors(ln), lty = 1:ln, lwd = 3)
For the huge dataset avaialble in the metabric, we show the association between random gene signatures and recurrence in several signature sizes in Figure 7. A positive bias gets evident with an increase of the sample size unless an ajdustment by global signature is performed.
plot(out.brca[["metabric"]], diagnostic.plot = "density.rs.size", legend.out = TRUE, lwd= 3)
Random gene signature relationship with survival depends heavily on the dataset under consideration, for instance on one hand, for GSE7390 (see Figure 8) we observe almost no bias in either association at gene level nor association in signature level. On the other hand, for the metabric dataset (see Figure 9), a small positive bias at gene level is magnified when using random signatures of size 50.
plot(out.brca[["GSE7390"]], diagnostic.plot = "geneMean.geneSign", legend.out = FALSE, lwd= 2)
plot(out.brca[["metabric"]], diagnostic.plot = "geneMean.geneSign", legend.out = FALSE, lwd= 2)
Approximation of power curves using (contaminated) positive control
signatures of size 20 are presented for the remaining 5 datasets in
(Figure 10-14). We consider three levels of contamination: 0.2 (4 genes
randomly selected from mamma print and 16 randomly selected from all
genes), 0.6 (12 genes randomly selected from mamma print and 8
randomly selected from all genes), and 1 (all 20 genes randomly
selected from mammaprint). We further use a rejection level of 0.01 to compare
random signature biases and proportion of positive control rejections.
seq.alpha.pow = 0.01
The proportion of rejection is high in most of the cases and negative control corrections, even for contaminated signatures. Thus, when the signal is strong as it happens with the mamma print genes, statistically relevant associations are found when adjusting by global signatures, and results in a conservative testing procedure for randomly generated signatures.
par(mfrow=c(3,3)) o <- "GSE2034" for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "positive.cont.power", power.whplots = k, lwd=3, main = names(out.brca[[o]]$hr.pc)[k],legend.out= FALSE) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "bias.power", power.whplots = k, lwd=3, seq.alpha.pow = 0.01, legend.out=FALSE) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "corNCsig.power", power.whplots = k, seq.alpha.pow = 0.01, legend.out=FALSE)
o <- "GSE2990" par(mfrow=c(3,3)) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "positive.cont.power", power.whplots = k, lwd=3, main = names(out.brca[[o]]$hr.pc)[k],legend.out= FALSE) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "bias.power", power.whplots = k, lwd=3, seq.alpha.pow = 0.01, legend.out=FALSE) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "corNCsig.power", power.whplots = k, seq.alpha.pow = 0.01, legend.out=FALSE)
o <- "GSE3494" par(mfrow=c(3,3)) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "positive.cont.power", power.whplots = k, lwd=3, main = names(out.brca[[o]]$hr.pc)[k],legend.out= FALSE) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "bias.power", power.whplots = k, lwd=3, seq.alpha.pow = 0.01, legend.out=FALSE) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "corNCsig.power", power.whplots = k, seq.alpha.pow = 0.01, legend.out=FALSE)
o <- "GSE7390" par(mfrow=c(3,3)) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "positive.cont.power", power.whplots = k, lwd=3, main = names(out.brca[[o]]$hr.pc)[k],legend.out= FALSE) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "bias.power", power.whplots = k, lwd=3, seq.alpha.pow = 0.01, legend.out=FALSE) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "corNCsig.power", power.whplots = k, seq.alpha.pow = 0.01, legend.out=FALSE)
o <- "metabric" par(mfrow=c(3,3)) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "positive.cont.power", power.whplots = k, lwd=3, main = names(out.brca[[o]]$hr.pc)[k],legend.out= FALSE) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "bias.power", power.whplots = k, lwd=3, seq.alpha.pow = 0.01, legend.out=FALSE) for(k in 1:3) plot(out.brca[[o]], diagnostic.plot = "corNCsig.power", power.whplots = k, seq.alpha.pow = 0.01, legend.out=FALSE)
Approximation of power curves using (contaminated) positive control
signatures of size 20 are presented for the six datasets under
several gene signature definitions (GSVA, GS-corr and GS-adj). The three methods take into account the overall structure of
random sets of genes of the same size, GSVA does it in a ranking based
approach whereas GS-cor and GS-adj use the GS to account for the global
trend (a priori or as a covariate in the Cox model). GS adjusted and GS-cor
signatures tend to find better rejection rates than GSVA
approaches. Figures 15-21 are generated employing the object
par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for(l in 1:4){ seqalpha <- seq(0,0.15,by=0.001) pow.gsva <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$gsva[[paste0("nda","GSE1456","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) pow.gscor <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$GScor[[paste0("nda","GSE1456","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) pow.GS <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$GSadj[[paste0("nda","GSE1456","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) plot(seqalpha,pow.gsva, type="l", lwd=3, lty=1, xlab="alpha", ylab="prop.rejections", ylim=c(0,1), main = paste0("prop.pos ", signmethods.mp$prop.cont.sig[l])) lines(seqalpha,pow.gscor, type="l", lwd=3, col=2, lty=2) lines(seqalpha,pow.GS, type="l", lwd=3, col=3, lty=3) }
par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for(l in 1:4){ seqalpha <- seq(0,0.15,by=0.001) pow.gsva <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$gsva[[paste0("nda","GSE2034","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) pow.gscor <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$GScor[[paste0("nda","GSE2034","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) pow.GS <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$GSadj[[paste0("nda","GSE2034","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) plot(seqalpha,pow.gsva, type="l", lwd=3, lty=1, xlab="alpha", ylab="prop.rejections", ylim=c(0,1), main = paste0("prop.pos ", signmethods.mp$prop.cont.sig[l])) lines(seqalpha,pow.gscor, type="l", lwd=3, col=2, lty=2) lines(seqalpha,pow.GS, type="l", lwd=3, col=3, lty=3) }
par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for(l in 1:4){ seqalpha <- seq(0,0.15,by=0.001) pow.gsva <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$gsva[[paste0("nda","GSE2990","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) pow.gscor <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$GScor[[paste0("nda","GSE2990","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) pow.GS <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$GSadj[[paste0("nda","GSE2990","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) plot(seqalpha,pow.gsva, type="l", lwd=3, lty=1, xlab="alpha", ylab="prop.rejections", ylim=c(0,1), main = paste0("prop.pos ", signmethods.mp$prop.cont.sig[l])) lines(seqalpha,pow.gscor, type="l", lwd=3, col=2, lty=2) lines(seqalpha,pow.GS, type="l", lwd=3, col=3, lty=3) }
par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for(l in 1:4){ seqalpha <- seq(0,0.15,by=0.001) pow.gsva <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$gsva[[paste0("nda","GSE3494","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) pow.gscor <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$GScor[[paste0("nda","GSE3494","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) pow.GS <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$GSadj[[paste0("nda","GSE3494","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) plot(seqalpha,pow.gsva, type="l", lwd=3, lty=1, xlab="alpha", ylab="prop.rejections", ylim=c(0,1), main = paste0("prop.pos ", signmethods.mp$prop.cont.sig[l])) lines(seqalpha,pow.gscor, type="l", lwd=3, col=2, lty=2) lines(seqalpha,pow.GS, type="l", lwd=3, col=3, lty=3) }
par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for(l in 1:4){ seqalpha <- seq(0,0.15,by=0.001) pow.gsva <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$gsva[[paste0("nda","GSE7390","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) pow.gscor <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$GScor[[paste0("nda","GSE7390","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) pow.GS <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$GSadj[[paste0("nda","GSE7390","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) plot(seqalpha,pow.gsva, type="l", lwd=3, lty=1, xlab="alpha", ylab="prop.rejections", ylim=c(0,1), main = paste0("prop.pos ", signmethods.mp$prop.cont.sig[l])) lines(seqalpha,pow.gscor, type="l", lwd=3, col=2, lty=2) lines(seqalpha,pow.GS, type="l", lwd=3, col=3, lty=3) }
par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for(l in 1:4){ seqalpha <- seq(0,0.15,by=0.001) pow.gsva <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$gsva[[paste0("nda","metabric","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) pow.gscor <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$GScor[[paste0("nda","metabric","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) pow.GS <- sapply(seqalpha, function(x) mean(do.call(rbind,signmethods.mp$GSadj[[paste0("nda","metabric","wh")]][[l]])[,5]<x)) plot(seqalpha,pow.gsva, type="l", lwd=3, lty=1, xlab="alpha", ylab="prop.rejections", ylim=c(0,1), main = paste0("prop.pos ", signmethods.mp$prop.cont.sig[l])) lines(seqalpha,pow.gscor, type="l", lwd=3, col=2, lty=2) lines(seqalpha,pow.GS, type="l", lwd=3, col=3, lty=3) }
Cardoso, Fatima, Laura J. van't Veer, Jan Bogaerts, Leen Slaets, Giuseppe Viale, Suzette Delaloge, Jean-Yves Pierga, et al. 2016. "70-Gene Signature as an Aid to Treatment Decisions in Early-Stage Breast Cancer." New England Journal of Medicine 375 (8):717-29.
Venet, David, Jacques E. Dumont, and Vincent Detours. 2011. "Most random gene expression signatures are significantly associated with breast cancer outcome." PLoS Computational Biology 7 (10).
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