## Copywrite 2015 Oregon Health and Science University.
## All rights reserved.
## Originally developed by Google Inc and distributed in the
## GoogleGenomics package with this licence.
## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
## You may obtain a copy of the License at
## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
## distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
## limitations under the License.
##' Get one page of reads from a GA4GH compliant server.
##' In general, use the searchReads method instead. It calls this method,
##' returning reads from all of the pages that comprise the requested
##' genomic range.
##' Note that the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health API uses a 0-based
##' coordinate system. For more detail, please see GA4GH discussions such
##' as the following:
##' \itemize{
##' \item\url{https://github.com/ga4gh/schemas/issues/168}
##' \item\url{https://github.com/ga4gh/schemas/issues/121}
##' }
##' @param base_url the base URL of the GA4GH server to which
##' requests will be sent to.
##' @param readGroupIds The read group set ID.
##' @param referenceId The chromosome.
##' @param start Start position on the chromosome in 0-based coordinates.
##' @param end End position on the chromosome in 0-based coordinates.
##' @param fields A subset of fields to retrieve. The default (NULL) will
##' return all fields.
##' @param pageToken The page token. This can be NULL (default) for the first
##' page.
##' @return A two-element list is returned by the function.
##' reads: A list of R objects corresponding to the JSON objects returned
##' by the GA4GH Reads API.
##' nextPageToken: The token to be used to retrieve the next page of
##' results, if applicable.
##' @family page fetch functions
##' @examples
##' readsPage <- searchReadsPage()
##' summary(readsPage)
##' summary(readsPage$reads[[1]])
##' @export
searchReadsPage <- function(base_url,
readGroupIds = list("MWtnLXAzLXN1YnNldDpIRzAwNTM0OkVSUjAyMDIzOA=="),
referenceId = "R1JDaDM4LXN1YnNldDoz",
start = NULL,
end = NULL,
fields = NULL,
pageToken = NULL) {
if (class(readGroupIds) != "list") {
readGroupIds <- list(readGroupIds)
body <- list(readGroupIds = readGroupIds,
referenceId = referenceId,
start = start, end = end,
pageToken = pageToken)
results <- sendRequest(base_url = base_url,
endpoint = "reads",
method = "POST",
body = body,
query_fields = fields,
pageToken = pageToken)
list(reads = results$alignments,
nextPageToken = results$nextPageToken)
##' Get reads from a GA4GH compliant server.
##' This function will return all of the reads that comprise the requested
##' genomic range, iterating over paginated results as necessary.
##' Optionally pass a converter as appropriate for your use case. By passing it
##' to this method, only the converted objects will be accumulated in memory. The
##' converter function should return an empty container of the desired type
##' if called without any arguments.
##' @param base_url the base URL of the GA4GH server to which
##' requests will be sent to.
##' @param readGroupIds The read group set ID.
##' @param referenceId The chromosome.
##' @param start Start position on the chromosome in 0-based coordinates.
##' @param end End position on the chromosome in 0-based coordinates.
##' @param fields A subset of fields to retrieve. The default (NULL) will
##' return all fields.
##' @param converter A function that takes a list of read R objects and returns
##' them converted to the desired type.
##' @return By default, the return value is a list of R objects
##' corresponding to the JSON objects returned by the GA4GH
##' Reads API. If a converter is passed, object(s) of the type
##' returned by the converter will be returned by this function.
searchReads <- function(base_url,
readGroupIds = list("MWtnLXAzLXN1YnNldDpIRzAwNTM0OkVSUjAyMDIzOA=="),
referenceId = "R1JDaDM4LXN1YnNldDoz",
start = NULL,
end = NULL,
fields = NULL,
converter = c) {
pageToken <- NULL
reads <- converter()
repeat {
result <- searchReadsPage(base_url = base_url,
readGroupIds = readGroupIds,
referenceId = referenceId,
start = start,
end = end,
fields = fields,
pageToken = pageToken)
pageToken <- result$nextPageToken
## TODO improve performance,
## see https://github.com/Bioconductor/GoogleGenomics/issues/17
reads <- c(reads, converter(result$reads))
if (is.null(pageToken)) {
message(paste("Continuing read query with the nextPageToken:", pageToken))
message("Reads are now available.")
## Transformation helpers
cigar_enum_map <- list(
PAD = "P",
SKIP = "N")
getCigar <- function(read) {
function(cigarPiece) {
collapse = "")
getPosition <- function(read) {
getReferenceName <- function(read) {
getFlags <- function(read) {
flags <- 0
if (isTRUE(read$numberReads == 2)) {
flags <- flags + 1 # read_paired
if (isTRUE(read$properPlacement)) {
flags <- flags + 2 # read_proper_pair
if (is.null(getPosition(read))) {
flags <- flags + 4 # read_unmapped
if (is.null(read$nextMatePosition$position)) {
flags <- flags + 8 # mate_unmapped
if (isTRUE(read$alignment$position$reverseStrand)) {
flags <- flags + 16 # read_reverse_strand
if (isTRUE(read$nextMatePosition$reverseStrand)) {
flags <- flags + 32 # mate_reverse_strand
if (isTRUE(read$readNumber == 0)) {
flags <- flags + 64 # first_in_pair
if (isTRUE(read$readNumber == 1)) {
flags <- flags + 128 # second_in_pair
if (isTRUE(read$secondaryAlignment)) {
flags <- flags + 256 # secondary_alignment
if (isTRUE(read$failedVendorQualityChecks)) {
flags <- flags + 512 # failed_quality_check
if (isTRUE(read$duplicateFragment)) {
flags <- flags + 1024 # duplicate_read
if (isTRUE(read$supplementaryAlignment)) {
flags <- flags + 2048 # supplementary_alignment
##' Convert reads to GAlignments.
##' Note that the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health API uses a 0-based
##' coordinate system. For more detail, please see GA4GH discussions such
##' as the following:
##' \itemize{
##' \item\url{https://github.com/ga4gh/schemas/issues/168}
##' \item\url{https://github.com/ga4gh/schemas/issues/121}
##' }
##' @param reads A list of R objects corresponding to the JSON objects
##' returned by the GA4GH Reads API.
##' @param oneBasedCoord Convert genomic positions to 1-based coordinates.
##' @param slStyle The style for seqnames (chrN or N or...). Default is UCSC.
##' @return \link[GenomicAlignments]{GAlignments}
##' @family reads converter functions
##' @examples
##' alignments1 <- searchReads(converter = readsToGAlignments)
##' summary(alignments1)
##' alignments2 <- readsToGAlignments(searchReads())
##' print(identical(alignments1, alignments2))
##' @export
readsToGAlignments <- function(reads, oneBasedCoord = TRUE,
slStyle = "UCSC") {
if (missing(reads)) {
names <- sapply(reads, "[[", "fragmentName")
cigars <- sapply(reads, getCigar)
positions <- sapply(reads, getPosition)
if (oneBasedCoord) {
positions <- as.integer(positions + 1)
flags <- sapply(reads, getFlags)
chromosomes <- sapply(reads, getReferenceName)
isMinusStrand <- bamFlagAsBitMatrix(as.integer(flags),
bitnames = "isMinusStrand")
alignments <- GAlignments(
seqnames = Rle(chromosomes),
strand = strand(as.vector(ifelse(isMinusStrand, "-", "+"))),
pos = positions, cigar = cigars, names = names, flag = flags)
seqlevelsStyle(alignments) <- slStyle
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