## > #' Extend base S4 methods for `cell_data_set` class
## > #'
## > #' @name base-cell_data_set
## > #' @keywords internal
## > #' @note Updated 2021-10-13.
## > #'
## > #' @inheritParams AcidRoxygen::params
## > #'
## > #' @return Varies, depending on the generic.
## > NULL
## > ## Updated 2019-08-02.
## > `GeneToSymbol,cell_data_set` <- # nolint
## > function(object, ...) {
## > assert(isSubset("gene_short_name", colnames(rowData(object))))
## > df <- DataFrame(
## > "geneId" = rownames(object),
## > "geneName" = rowData(object)[["gene_short_name"]],
## > row.names = rownames(object)
## > )
## > GeneToSymbol(object = df, ...)
## > }
## >
## > #' @rdname base-cell_data_set
## > #' @export
## > setMethod(
## > f = "GeneToSymbol",
## > signature = signature(object = "cell_data_set"),
## > definition = `GeneToSymbol,cell_data_set`
## > )
## > ## Note that monocle3 currently defines the generic using "x" instead of
## > ## "object", and requires "reduction_method" in definition.
## > ##
## > ## For `reduction`, note that positional scalar works.
## > ##
## > ## Updated 2019-08-02.
## > `clusters,cell_data_set` <- # nolint
## > function(object, reduction) {
## > validObject(object)
## > assert(isScalar(reduction))
## > monocle3::clusters(
## > x = object,
## > reduction_method = reduction
## > )
## > }
## >
## > f <- methodFormals(
## > f = "clusters",
## > signature = signature(x = "cell_data_set"),
## > package = "monocle3"
## > )
## > formals(`clusters,cell_data_set`)[["reduction"]] <-
## > f[["reduction_method"]]
## >
## > #' @rdname clusters
## > #' @export
## > setMethod(
## > f = "clusters",
## > signature = signature(object = "cell_data_set"),
## > definition = `clusters,cell_data_set`
## > )
## > ## Updated 2020-01-30.
## > `logcounts,cell_data_set` <- # nolint
## > function(object) {
## > monocle3::normalized_counts(
## > cds = object,
## > norm_method = "log",
## > pseudocount = 1L
## > )
## > }
## >
## > #' @rdname base-cell_data_set
## > #' @export
## > setMethod(
## > f = "logcounts",
## > signature = signature(object = "cell_data_set"),
## > definition = `logcounts,cell_data_set`
## > )
## > ## This method will automatically add "ident" and strip "cell" column.
## > ## Updated 2019-08-06.
## > `metrics,cell_data_set` <- # nolint
## > function(object, return) {
## > validObject(object)
## > ## Strip invalid columns from column data.
## > colData(object)[c("cell", "ident", "Size_Factor")] <- NULL
## > data <- metrics(
## > object = as(object, "SingleCellExperiment"),
## > return = return
## > )
## > ident <- tryCatch(
## > expr = clusters(object),
## > error = function(e) NULL
## > )
## > if (is.factor(ident)) {
## > data[["ident"]] <- ident
## > }
## > data
## > }
## >
## > f <- methodFormals(
## > f = "metrics",
## > signature = "SingleCellExperiment",
## > package = "basejump"
## > )
## > formals(`metrics,cell_data_set`)[["return"]] <- f[["return"]]
## >
## > #' @rdname base-cell_data_set
## > #' @export
## > setMethod(
## > f = "metrics",
## > signature = signature(object = "cell_data_set"),
## > definition = `metrics,cell_data_set`
## > )
## > ## Updated 2020-01-30.
## > `normalize,cell_data_set` <- # nolint
## > function(object) {
## > alert(
## > "Normalizing with {.pkg monocle3}::{.fun preprocess_cds}."
## > )
## > monocle3::preprocess_cds(
## > cds = object,
## > method = "PCA",
## > norm_method = "log",
## > pseudo_count = 1L,
## > scaling = TRUE,
## > verbose = TRUE
## > )
## > }
## >
## > #' @rdname normalize
## > #' @export
## > setMethod(
## > f = "normalize",
## > signature = signature(object = "cell_data_set"),
## > definition = `normalize,cell_data_set`
## > )
## > ## Updated 2020-01-30.
## > `normcounts,cell_data_set` <- # nolint
## > function(object) {
## > monocle3::normalized_counts(
## > cds = object,
## > norm_method = "size_only",
## > pseudocount = NULL
## > )
## > }
## >
## > #' @rdname base-cell_data_set
## > #' @export
## > setMethod(
## > f = "normcounts",
## > signature = signature(object = "cell_data_set"),
## > definition = `normcounts,cell_data_set`
## > )
## > ## Updated 2019-08-06.
## > `sizeFactors,cell_data_set` <- # nolint
## > function(object) {
## > colData(object)[["Size_Factor"]]
## > }
## >
## > #' @rdname base-cell_data_set
## > #' @export
## > setMethod(
## > f = "sizeFactors",
## > signature = signature(object = "cell_data_set"),
## > definition = `sizeFactors,cell_data_set`
## > )
## > ## Updated 2019-08-06.
## > `sizeFactors<-,cell_data_set,ANY` <- # nolint
## > function(object, value) {
## > if (!is.null(value)) {
## > assert(
## > all(!is.na(value)),
## > all(is.finite(value)),
## > all(value > 0L)
## > )
## > value <- unname(value)
## > }
## > colData(object)[["Size_Factor"]] <- value
## > object
## > }
## >
## > #' @rdname base-cell_data_set
## > #' @export
## > setReplaceMethod(
## > f = "sizeFactors",
## > signature = signature(
## > object = "cell_data_set",
## > value = "ANY"
## > ),
## > definition = `sizeFactors<-,cell_data_set,ANY`
## > )
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