abodein/netOmics: Multi-Omics (time-course) network-based integration and interpretation

netOmics is a multi-omics networks builder and explorer. It uses a combination of network inference algorithms and and knowledge-based graphs to build multi-layered networks. The package can be combined with timeOmics to incorporate time-course expression data and build sub-networks from multi-omics kinetic clusters. Finally, from the generated multi-omics networks, propagation analyses allow the identification of missing biological functions (1), multi-omics mechanisms (2) and molecules between kinetic clusters (3). This helps to resolve complex regulatory mechanisms.

Getting started

Package details

Bioconductor views GraphAndNetwork Network NetworkInference Software SystemsBiology TimeCourse WorkflowStep
URL https://github.com/abodein/netOmics
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
abodein/netOmics documentation built on Oct. 20, 2024, 9:25 a.m.