knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.align = "center", eval = TRUE )
library(ggplot2) library(ggrepel) library(tibble) library(evabic) library(tictoc) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(zazou) library(purrr) library(ape) theme_set(theme_minimal())
tree <- read.tree(text = "(((A:1,B:1):1,C:2):1,(D:1,E:1):2);") tree$tip.label
incidence_mat <- incidence_matrix(tree) incidence_mat + 0
true_shifts <- c(0, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0) true_zscores <- incidence_mat %*% true_shifts obs_zscores <- true_zscores <- true_zscores[, 1] covar_mat <- diag(nrow = 5, ncol = 5)
covarianceOU_matrix(tree, alphaOU = 10^3)
plot_shifts(tree, true_shifts, true_scores = true_zscores)
estimation <- estimate_shifts(zscores = obs_zscores, tree = tree, alphaOU = 10^3, lambda = 0) estimation plot(estimation)
Solution without penalty is not sparse due to ill-conditioning of the incidence matrix.
estimation <- estimate_shifts(zscores = obs_zscores, tree = tree, alphaOU = 10^3, lambda = 2) estimation plot(estimation)
With a low penalty, the solution is much sparser and closer to the true shifts on branches.
tree <- read.tree(text = "(((A:1,B:1):1,C:2):1,(D:1,E:1):2);") set.seed(2019) covar_mat <- covarianceOU_matrix(tree, alphaOU = 1) corrplot::corrplot(covar_mat, type = "upper") true_shifts <- c(-3, -3, 0, -2, 0) sqrtcovar <- t(chol(covar_mat)) zscores <- true_shifts + sqrtcovar %*% rnorm(5) # simulate zscores <- zscores[, 1] zscores
The fit is perfect since all observed $z$-scores are negative.
estimation <- estimate_shifts(zscores = zscores, tree = tree, alphaOU = 1, lambda = 0) estimation plot(estimation, true_scores = true_shifts) round(data.frame(true = true_shifts, observed = zscores, estimated = estimation$zscores_est), digits = 4)
The fit degrades as we increase sparsity. [Well, not so much...]
estimation <- estimate_shifts(zscores = zscores, tree = tree, alphaOU = 1, lambda = 0.1) estimation plot(estimation, true_scores = true_shifts) round(data.frame(true = true_shifts, observed = zscores, estimated = estimation$zscores_est), digits = 4)
The fit does not depend a lot (on this toy example) on the initial solution.
estimation <- estimate_shifts(zscores = zscores, tree = tree, beta0 = c(0, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0), alphaOU = 1, lambda = 0.1) estimation plot(estimation, true_scores = true_shifts) round(data.frame(true = true_shifts, observed = zscores, estimated = estimation$zscores_est), digits = 4)
set.seed(42) data(alcohol) abund <- alcohol$X[, alcohol$Y == "Low"] groups <- sample(c("A", "B"), size = ncol(abund), replace = TRUE) tree <- force_ultrametric(alcohol$tree) otu_to_keep <- names(which(rowSums(abund > 0) > 20)) abund <- abund[otu_to_keep, ] tree <- drop.tip(tree, setdiff(tree$tip.label, otu_to_keep)) N_branch <- length(tree$edge.length)
pvalues_original <- test_wilcoxon(abund, groups)$p.value zscores_original <- p2z(pvalues_original) plot_shifts(tree, shifts = NA, obs_scores = zscores_original)
clustering <- create_clusters(tree, N_clusters = 20, method = "paraphyletic")
clusters <- sample(10, 4) table(clustering[which(clustering %in% clusters)]) otus_da <- names(clustering[which(clustering %in% clusters)]) pi0 <- 1 - length(otus_da) / length(otu_to_keep) abund[otus_da, groups == "B"] <- 4 * abund[otus_da, groups == "B"]
pvalues <- test_wilcoxon(abund, groups)$p.value zscores <- p2z(pvalues) plot_shifts(tree, NA, obs_scores = zscores, sup_scores = list(list(scores = clustering, title = "Clusters", color = as.character(clustering)), list(scores = zscores - zscores_original, title = "Difference in z-scores after fold-change", color = as.character(sign(zscores - zscores_original)))))
tic() estimation_shooting <- estimate_shifts(zscores = zscores, tree = tree, alphaOU = c(0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5), method = "lasso", constraint_type = "beta") estimation_scla <- estimate_shifts(zscores = zscores, tree = tree, alphaOU = c(0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5), method = "scaled lasso", constraint_type = "beta") confint_scoresystem <- estimate_confint(estimation_scla, method = "score system") toc() estimation_shooting estimation_scla confint_scoresystem plot(estimation_shooting, sup_scores = list(list(scores = zscores - zscores_original, title = "Difference in z-scores after fold-change", color = as.character(sign(zscores - zscores_original))))) plot(estimation_scla, sup_scores = list(list(scores = zscores - zscores_original, title = "Difference in z-scores after fold-change", color = as.character(sign(zscores - zscores_original))))) plot(confint_scoresystem) estimation_shooting$optim_info$bic_selection %>% mutate(n_shifts = map_dbl(shifts_est, ~ sum(. != 0))) %>% select(-shifts_est)
data.frame(punct_scla = estimation_scla$shifts_est, punct_scoresystem = confint_scoresystem$shifts_est$estimate) %>% ggplot() + aes(punct_scla, punct_scoresystem) + geom_point() data.frame(punct_scla = estimation_scla$zscores_est, punct_scoresystem = confint_scoresystem$zscores_est$estimate) %>% ggplot() + aes(punct_scla, punct_scoresystem) + geom_point()
detected_sh <- names(which(estimation_shooting$zscores_est != 0)) pvalues_bh <- p.adjust(pvalues, method = "BH") detected_bh <- names(which(pvalues_bh < 0.05)) pvalues_bonf <- p.adjust(pvalues, method = "bonferroni") detected_bonf <- names(which(pvalues_bonf < 0.05)) mm <- c("TPR", "FPR", "FDR", "ACC", "F1", "BACC") ebc_tidy(detected_sh, otus_da, m = length(otu_to_keep), measures = mm) ebc_tidy(detected_bh, otus_da, m = length(otu_to_keep), measures = mm) ebc_tidy(detected_bonf, otus_da, m = length(otu_to_keep), measures = mm) ebc_tidy(c(), otus_da, m = length(otu_to_keep), measures = mm) ebc_tidy(otu_to_keep, otus_da, m = length(otu_to_keep), measures = mm) map_dfr(list(detected_sh, detected_bh, detected_bonf, c(), otu_to_keep), ebc_tidy, detected = otus_da, m = length(otu_to_keep), measures = mm) %>% mutate(method = c("zazou", "bh", "bonf", "nothing", "everything")) %>% select(method, everything())
plot(estimation_shooting, sup_scores = list(list(scores = zscores - zscores_original, title = "Difference in z-scores after fold-change", color = as.character(sign(zscores - zscores_original))), list(scores = pvalues_bh, title = "Detected by BH", color = pvalues_bh < 0.05), list(scores = pvalues_bonf, title = "Detected by Bonferroni", color = pvalues_bonf < 0.05)))
df_measures_zazou <- estimation_shooting$zscores_est %>% ebc_tidy_by_threshold(true = otus_da, m = length(otu_to_keep), measures = mm) %>% mutate(method = "zazou") df_measures_bh <- ebc_tidy_by_threshold(pvalues_bh, true = otus_da, m = length(otu_to_keep), measures = mm) %>% mutate(method = "bh") df_measures_bonf <- ebc_tidy_by_threshold(pvalues_bonf, true = otus_da, m = length(otu_to_keep), measures = mm) %>% mutate(method = "bonferonni") df_measures <- rbind(df_measures_zazou, df_measures_bh, df_measures_bonf) df_measures %>% arrange(FPR, TPR) %>% ggplot() + aes(x = FPR, y = TPR, color = method) + geom_point() + geom_line() estimation_shooting$zscores_est %>% ebc_AUC(true = otus_da, m = length(otu_to_keep)) ebc_AUC(pvalues_bh, true = otus_da, m = length(otu_to_keep)) ebc_AUC(pvalues_bonf, true = otus_da, m = length(otu_to_keep))
several_confint <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.01) %>% enframe(value = "level", name = NULL) %>% mutate(model = map(level, update_confint, x = confint_scoresystem), da_species = map(model, extract_significant_leaves, side = "left"), N = map_dbl(.data$da_species, length)) %>% group_split(N) %>% map(head, 1) %>% reduce(bind_rows) %>% select(-N) %>% add_row(level = Inf, model = list(NULL), da_species = list(otu_to_keep)) %>% mutate(nested_measures = map(da_species, ebc_tidy, true = .env$otus_da, m = length(otu_to_keep))) %>% unnest(nested_measures) %>% mutate(method = "despars") several_confint evabic::ebc_AUC_from_measures(several_confint)
all_measures <- df_measures %>% select(level = threshold, TPR:method) %>% bind_rows(select(several_confint, -model, -da_species)) all_measures %>% group_by(method) %>% summarise(AUC = evabic:::area_rect(FPR, TPR)) ggplot(all_measures) + aes(x = FPR, y = TPR, color = method) + geom_point() + geom_line() + geom_text_repel(aes(label = round(FDR, 2)), show.legend = FALSE) ggplot(all_measures) + aes(x = level, y = FDR, color = method) + geom_point() + geom_line() + geom_abline(slope = pi0, intercept = 0) + facet_grid(cols = vars(method), scales = "free_x")
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