# ######code of pathifier
# ".getmeasuredgenesinpathway"<- function(syms,allgenes){
# l<-length(syms)
# pathways<-vector('list',l)
# for (i in 1:l) {
# n<-length(syms[[i]])
# isin<-matrix(FALSE,n)
# for(j in 1:n) {
# isin[j]<-
# (length(grep(paste('\\b',R.oo::trim(syms[[i]][j]),'\\b',sep=""),allgenes))>0)
# }
# pathways[[i]]<-unique(syms[[i]][isin])
# }
# pathways
# }
# getPathway <- function(sym,allgenes,data){
# l <- length(sym)
# x <- NULL
# isin <- rep(FALSE,l)
# #---------------------------------------------
# for(i in 1:l) {
# ind <- unique(grep(paste('\\b',R.oo::trim(sym[i]),'\\b',sep=""),allgenes))
# n<-length(ind)
# if (n>0) {
# if (n==1)
# t<-data[ind,]
# else
# t<-colMeans(data[ind,])
# if (var(t)>0) {
# isin[i]=TRUE;
# x<-c(x,t)
# }
# }
# }
# #-----------------------------------------------
# if (is.null(x)) {
# list(x=NULL,isin=isin)
# } else {
# list(x=matrix(x,nrow=ncol(data)),isin=isin)
# }
# }
# getPathway1 <- function(sym,allgenes,data,threads = 4){
# l <- length(sym)
# x <- NULL
# isin <- rep(FALSE,l)
# temp.fun <- function(i, sym = sym, allgenes = allgenes, data = data) {
# ind <- unique(grep(paste('\\b',R.oo::trim(sym[i]),'\\b',sep=""),allgenes))
# n<-length(ind)
# if (n>0) {
# if (n==1)
# t <- data[ind,]
# else
# t <- colMeans(data[ind,])
# if (var(t)>0) {
# isin <- TRUE
# t <- t
# }else{
# isin <- FALSE
# t <- NA
# }
# result <- c(list(isin), list(t))
# }
# }
# result <- BiocParallel::bplapply(c(1:l), temp.fun,
# BPPARAM =BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads),
# sym = sym, allgenes = allgenes, data = data)
# result <- result[-which(unlist(lapply(result, is.null)))]
# isin <- unlist(lapply(result, function(x) x[[1]]))
# x <- unlist(lapply(result, function(x) x[[2]]))
# x <- x[!is.na(x)]
# if (is.null(x)) {
# list(x=NULL,isin=isin)
# } else {
# list(x=matrix(x,nrow=ncol(data)),isin=isin)
# }
# }
# # system.time(a <- getPathway(sym = pathway.data[[1]][[3]], allgenes = allgenes, data = data))
# # system.time(b <- getPathway1(sym = pathway.data[[1]][[3]], allgenes = allgenes, data = data, threads = 4))
# setGeneric(name = "scorePathway",
# def = function(x,m,ranks,
# calcerr=FALSE,
# thresh = 0.0005,
# maxit=200,start,logfile = ""){
# x<-x[,apply(x,2,sd)>0.001]
# k<-dim(x)[2]
# if (k<3) {
# c <- NULL
# cat(file=logfile,append=TRUE,'scoring failed (k=',k,').\n')
# } else {
# d <- matrix(0,1,m)
# if (start == "by pca") {
# start <- NULL
# } else if (start == "by ranks") {
# start <- aggregate(x, by=list(ranks), FUN=mean)
# start <- as.matrix(start[,-1])
# }
# c <- princurve::principal.curve(x, ranks, start=start,
# thresh=thresh, maxit=maxit, plot.true=FALSE)
# }
# if (!is.null(c)) {
# d[c$tag[1]]=0
# for (j in 2:m) {
# d[c$tag[j]]<-d[c$tag[j-1]]+dist(c$s[c$tag[(j-1):j],])
# }
# d=d/d[c$tag[m]]
# if (calcerr) {
# e<-matrix(0,1,k)
# for (i in 1:k) {
# e[i]<-mean((c$s[,i]-x[,i])^2)
# }
# } else {
# e <- FALSE;
# }
# list(score=d,error=e,thecurve=c)
# } else {
# cat(file=logfile,append=TRUE,'scoring failed.\n')
# }
# })
# setGeneric(name = "samplingsStdev",
# def = function(m,n,attempts,z,ranks,
# samplings,start,logfile = ""){
# dall<-array(dim=c(attempts,n))
# skip<-0
# for(a in 1:attempts) {
# res<-scorePathway(z[samplings[a,],],m,ranks[samplings[a,]],
# start=start,logfile=logfile)
# if (!is.null(res)) {
# dall[a,samplings[a,]] <- res$score
# } else {
# skip <- skip+1
# }
# }
# if (skip < attempts/2) {
# mean(apply(dall,2,sd,'na.rm'=TRUE), 'na.rm'=TRUE)
# } else {
# Inf
# }
# })
# setGeneric(name = "score_all_pathways_helper",
# def = function(z, ranks, samplings,
# i, attempts, maximize_stability,
# logfile = "",start){
# n<-dim(z)[1]
# k<-dim(z)[2]
# m<-dim(samplings)[2]
# mincheck<-5
# kmin=max(floor(0.8*k),mincheck+1)
# mindelta=min(0.009,max(0.002,1.5/k))
# sig<-matrix(0,1,k)
# res<-scorePathway(z,n,ranks,calcerr=TRUE,start=start,logfile=logfile)
# if (is.null(res)) {
# cat(file=logfile,append=TRUE,'pathway ', i, '> scoring failed 1.\n')
# } else {
# sig<-samplingsStdev(m,n,attempts,z,ranks,samplings,start=start)
# if (sig>10000) {
# cat(file=logfile,append=TRUE,
# 'pathway ', i, '> scoring failed 2 (sig:', sig, ').\n')
# res<-NULL
# } else {
# origsig<-sig
# cat(file=logfile,append=TRUE,'pathway ', i, '> sig:', sig, '\n')
# isin<-1:k
# if (maximize_stability) {
# testsig<-max(mincheck,floor(0.1*k))
# newsig<-rep(0,testsig)
# while ((k>=kmin)&(sig>0.05)) {
# se<-sort(res$error,index.return=TRUE,decreasing=TRUE)
# for (j in 1:testsig) {
# newsig[j] <- samplingsStdev(m,n,attempts,z[,-se$ix[j]],
# ranks,samplings,start=start)
# }
# wj<-which.min(newsig)
# cat(file=logfile,append=TRUE,
# 'pathway ', i, ' k=', k, '(', ncol(res$thecurve$s),
# ') wj=', wj, '>new sig:', newsig[wj])
# if (sig-newsig[wj]<mindelta) {
# cat(file=logfile,append=TRUE,' x rejected\n')
# break
# }
# cat(file=logfile,append=TRUE,' | accepted!\n')
# sig<-newsig[wj]
# isin<-isin[-se$ix[wj]];
# z<-z[,-se$ix[wj]]
# k<-k-1
# res<-
# scorePathway(z,n,ranks,calcerr=TRUE,
# start=start,logfile=logfile)
# if (is.null(res)) {
# cat(file=logfile,append=TRUE,
# 'pathway ', i, '> scoring failed 3.\n')
# break;
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# if (is.null(res)) {
# } else {
# list(score=res$score,thecurve=res$thecurve,z=z,
# isin=isin,sig=sig,origsig=origsig,k=k)
# }
# })
# setGeneric(name = "single2module",
# def = function(data, allgenes, syms,
# pathwaynames, normals = NULL,
# ranks = NULL, attempts = 100,
# maximize_stability = TRUE,
# logfile = "", samplings=NULL,
# min_exp=4,
# min_std=0.4){
# #
# # cat(file=logfile,append=FALSE,
# # 'robust_score_bydist. min_exp=',
# # min_exp,', min_std=',min_std,'\n')
# data[data < min_exp] = min_exp;
# n<-ncol(data)
# if (is.null(normals)) {
# normals <- rep(TRUE,n);
# start <- "by pca";
# } else {
# start <- "by ranks"
# }
# if (is.null(ranks)) ranks <- !normals;
# ranks <- rank(ranks)
# if ((length(normals)!=n)||(length(ranks)!=n)) {
# stop("invalid dimentions");S
# }
# l <- length(syms)
# nn <- sum(normals)
# m <- floor(0.8*(n-nn))+nn
# if (is.null(samplings)) {
# samplings<-matrix(0,attempts,m)
# w<-which(!normals)
# for(a in 1:attempts) {
# samplings[a,]<-sort(c(w[sample(n-nn,m-nn)],which(normals)))
# }
# }
# s <- NULL
# ind <- NULL
# # s <- foreach::foreach(i = 1:l,
# # .options.multicore = list(preschedule = FALSE),
# # .combine = rbind,
# # .inorder = FALSE,
# # .verbose = FALSE,
# # .errorhandling = 'stop',
# # .multicombine = TRUE) %dopar% {
# for (i in 1:l) {
# # if(i == 7)
# # cat(i); cat(" ")
# # if using pathifier for large number of pathways,
# # you might want to use the doMC library to parallelize your code,
# # in that case replace the above for with:
# # s <- foreach (i=1:l, .options.multicore=list(preschedule=FALSE),
# # .combine=rbind, .inorder=FALSE, .verbose=FALSE, .errorhandling='stop',
# # .multicombine=TRUE) %dopar% {
# pathway <- syms[[i]]
# pathwayindata <-
# getPathway(pathway, allgenes, data)
# k1 = sum(pathwayindata$isin)
# if (k1 < 3) {
# si <- NULL
# cat(file = logfile,
# append = TRUE,
# 'skipping pathway ',
# i,
# ' k1=',
# k1,
# '\n')
# } else {
# x <- pathwayindata$x
# pathway <-
# pathway[pathwayindata$isin]
# xm <- colMeans(x[normals, ])
# xs <- apply(x[normals, ], 2, sd)
# xs[xs < min_std] = min_std
# if (0 %in% xs) {
# si <- NULL
# cat(file = logfile,
# append = TRUE,
# 'skipping pathway ',
# i,
# ' (0 in xs)\n')
# } else {
# z <- (x - matrix(rep(xm, each = n), nrow = n)) / (matrix(rep(xs, each =
# n), nrow = n))
# t <- prcomp(z)
# k2 = max(sum(t$sdev > 1.1), 4)
# k2 = min(k2, k1, 0.75 * dim(x)[1], sum(t$sdev >
# 0.25))
# if (k2 < 3) {
# si <- NULL
# cat(file = logfile,
# append = TRUE,
# 'skipping pathway ',
# i,
# ' k2=',
# k2,
# '\n')
# } else {
# pca <- t$x[, 1:k2]
# check <-
# tryCatch({res <-
# score_all_pathways_helper(pca,
# ranks,
# samplings,
# i,
# attempts,
# maximize_stability,
# logfile,
# start = start)},
# error = function(e){
# }
# )
# if(is.null(check)){
# res <- NULL
# }else{
# res <-
# score_all_pathways_helper(pca,
# ranks,
# samplings,
# i,
# attempts,
# maximize_stability,
# logfile,
# start = start)
# }
# if (is.null(res)) {
# si <- NULL
# cat(file = logfile,
# append = TRUE,
# 'skipping pathway ',
# i,
# '\n')
# } else {
# ind <- c(ind, i)
# si <-
# list(
# res$score,
# pathway,
# res$sig,
# res$origsig,
# res$k,
# res$thecurve$s,
# res$thecurve$tag,
# res$z,
# res$isin,
# xm,
# xs,
# t$center,
# t$rotation,
# k2
# )
# }
# }
# }
# }
# s <- rbind(s,si) # if using doMC foreach above replace this line with simply: si
# # si
# }
# cat(file=logfile,append=TRUE,
# length(ind),'pathways processed with start=',
# start,'\n')
# rownames(s)<-pathwaynames[ind]
# list(scores = s[,1], genesinpathway=s[,2], newmeanstd=s[,3],
# origmeanstd=s[,4], pathwaysize=s[,5], curves=s[,6],
# curves_order=s[,7], z=s[,8],compin=s[,9],xm=s[,10],
# xs=s[,11],center=s[,12],rot=s[,13],pctaken=s[,14],
# samplings=samplings,sucess=ind,logfile=logfile)
# })
# # syms <- pathway.data[[1]][1:20]
# # system.time(a <- single2module(data = data, allgenes = allgenes,
# # syms = syms,pathwaynames = pathway.data$pathwaynames[1:20],
# # normals = normals))
# #
# # system.time(b <- single2module1(data = data, allgenes = allgenes,
# # syms = syms,pathwaynames = pathway.data$pathwaynames[1:20],
# # normals = normals))
# setGeneric(name = "single2module1",
# def = function(data, allgenes, syms,
# pathwaynames, normals = NULL,
# ranks = NULL, attempts = 100,
# maximize_stability = TRUE,
# logfile = "", samplings=NULL,
# min_exp=4,
# min_std=0.4,
# threads = parallel::detectCores()-3){
# #
# # cat(file=logfile,append=FALSE,
# # 'robust_score_bydist. min_exp=',
# # min_exp,', min_std=',min_std,'\n')
# data[data < min_exp] = min_exp;
# n<-ncol(data)
# if (is.null(normals)) {
# normals <- rep(TRUE,n);
# start <- "by pca";
# } else {
# start <- "by ranks"
# }
# if (is.null(ranks)) ranks <- !normals;
# ranks <- rank(ranks)
# if ((length(normals)!=n)||(length(ranks)!=n)) {
# stop("invalid dimentions");
# }
# l <- length(syms)
# nn <- sum(normals)
# m <- floor(0.8*(n-nn))+nn
# if (is.null(samplings)) {
# samplings<-matrix(0,attempts,m)
# w<-which(!normals)
# for(a in 1:attempts) {
# samplings[a,]<-sort(c(w[sample(n-nn,m-nn)],which(normals)))
# }
# }
# # s <- NULL
# # ind <- NULL
# temp.fun <- function(index, syms, allgenes, attempts,
# normals, data, start, ranks, maximize_stability,
# min_std, n, samplings){
# temp.result <- lapply(index, function(i){
# pathway <- syms[[i]]
# pathwayindata <- getPathway(pathway, allgenes, data)
# k1 = sum(pathwayindata$isin)
# if (k1 < 3) return(NULL)
# x <- pathwayindata$x
# pathway <- pathway[pathwayindata$isin]
# xm <- colMeans(x[normals, ])
# xs <- apply(x[normals, ], 2, sd)
# xs[xs < min_std] = min_std
# if (0 %in% xs) return(NULL)
# z <-
# (x - matrix(rep(xm, each = n), nrow = n)) / (matrix(rep(xs, each =
# n), nrow = n))
# t <- prcomp(z)
# k2 = max(sum(t$sdev > 1.1), 4)
# k2 = min(k2, k1, 0.75 * dim(x)[1], sum(t$sdev > 0.25))
# if (k2 < 3) return(NULL)
# pca <- t$x[, 1:k2]
# check <-
# tryCatch({res <-
# score_all_pathways_helper(pca,
# ranks,
# samplings,
# i,
# attempts,
# maximize_stability,
# logfile,
# start = start)},
# error = function(e){
# }
# )
# if(is.null(check)){
# res <- NULL
# }else{
# res <-
# score_all_pathways_helper(pca,
# ranks,
# samplings,
# i,
# attempts,
# maximize_stability,
# logfile,
# start = start)
# }
# # x <- abc
# if (is.null(res)) return(NULL)
# ind <- i
# si <- list(res$score, pathway, res$sig, res$origsig,
# res$k, res$thecurve$s, res$thecurve$tag, res$z,
# res$isin, xm, xs, t$center, t$rotation, k2)
# c(list(ind), list(si))
# })
# temp.result
# }
# cl <- snow::makeCluster(spec = threads)
# snow::clusterExport(cl = cl, list = c("getPathway",
# "score_all_pathways_helper",
# ".getmeasuredgenesinpathway",
# "samplingsStdev",
# "scorePathway"))
# ichunks <- split(c(1:l), 1:threads)
# result <- snow::clusterApply(cl = cl, ichunks, temp.fun, syms = syms,
# allgenes = allgenes, attempts = attempts,
# normals = normals, data = data, start = start,
# ranks = ranks, maximize_stability = maximize_stability,
# min_std = min_std, n = n,
# samplings = samplings)
# snow::stopCluster(cl)
# result1 <- result[[1]]
# if(length(result) > 1){
# for(i in 2:length(result)) result1 <- c(result1, result[[i]])
# }
# result1 <- result1[order(unlist(ichunks))]
# ind <- lapply(result1, function(x) x[[1]])
# s <- lapply(result1, function(x) x[[2]])
# remove.idx <- which(unlist(lapply(ind, is.null)))
# ind <- ind[-remove.idx]
# s <- s[-remove.idx]
# ind <- unlist(ind)
# s <- do.call(rbind, s)
# rownames(s)<-pathwaynames[ind]
# list(scores = s[,1], genesinpathway=s[,2], newmeanstd=s[,3],
# origmeanstd=s[,4], pathwaysize=s[,5], curves=s[,6],
# curves_order=s[,7], z=s[,8],compin=s[,9],xm=s[,10],
# xs=s[,11],center=s[,12],rot=s[,13],pctaken=s[,14],
# samplings=samplings,sucess=ind,logfile=logfile)
# })
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