#' Draw heatmap
#' @docType methods
#' @name HeatmapView
#' @rdname HeatmapView
#' @param mat Matrix like object, each row is gene and each column is sample.
#' @param limit Max value in heatmap
#' @param na_col Color for missing values
#' @param colPal colorRampPalette.
#' @param filename File path where to save the picture.
#' @param width Manual option for determining the output file width in inches.
#' @param height Manual option for determining the output file height in inches.
#' @param ... Other parameters in pheatmap.
#' @return Invisibly a pheatmap object that is a list with components.
#' @author Wubing Zhang
#' @examples
#' file3 = file.path(system.file("extdata", package = "MAGeCKFlute"),
#' "testdata/mle.gene_summary.txt")
#' dd = ReadBeta(file3)
#' gg = cor(dd[,2:ncol(dd)])
#' HeatmapView(gg, display_numbers = TRUE)
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
HeatmapView <- function(mat, limit=c(-2, 2), na_col = "gray70",
colPal = rev(colorRampPalette(c("#c12603", "white", "#0073B6"), space = "Lab")(199)),
filename = NA, width = NA, height = NA, ...){
mat[mat>limit[2]] = limit[2]
mat[mat< limit[1]] = limit[1]
breaks = seq(limit[1], limit[2], length.out = 200)
if (!requireNamespace("pheatmap", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"pheatmap\" is required. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
pheatmap::pheatmap(mat, color=colPal, breaks=breaks, border_color=NA,
fontfamily = "Helvetica", filename=filename,
width=width, height = height, ...)
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