#' Annotation and visualisation of Bionano SV, of Single enzyme Duo samples.
#' @param method_entrez character. Input Method for terms. Choices are
#' "Single","Multiple" and "Text".
#' @param decipherpath character. Decipher database path.
#' @param pattern_Proband character. Pattern for proband.
#' @param pattern_Father character. Pattern to identify the father reads.
#' @param pattern_Mother character. Pattern to identify the mother reads.
#' @param termPath character. Path and file name for textfile.
#' @param term character. Single or Multiple Terms.
#' @param outpath character. Path where gene lists are saved.
#' @param omim character. omim2gene file name and location.
#' @param omimID character. Omim ID.
#' @param RNASeqData dataFrame. RNAseq data with gene names.
#' @param RNASeqPATH character. RNAseq dataset path .
#' @param clinvar character. clinvar file name and location.
#' @param gtr character. gtr file name and location.
#' @param removeClinvar logical. Deletes the Clinvar database if TRUE.
#' @param removeGTR logical. Deletes the GTR database if TRUE.
#' @param downloadClinvar logical. Downloads the Clinvar database if TRUE.
#' @param downloadGTR logical. Downloads the GTR database if TRUE.
#' @param url_gtr character. url for GTR.
#' @param thresh integer. Threshold for the number of terms sent to entrez.
#' Note if large lists are sent to ncbi, it might fail to get
#' processed. Default is 5.
#' @param internalBNDB character. internak Bionano merged databse.
#' @param smap character. Path to SMAP file.
#' @param labelType character. Type of labels used for mapping.
#' Choices are Dual, DLE and Both.
#' @param SVMerge_path character. Path for the Dual labelled cmap
#' @param SVMerge_pattern character. pattern of the dual files.
#' @param SE_path character. Path for the Dual labelled cmap
#' @param SE_pattern character. pattern of the dual files.
#' @param Samplecodes character. File containing relations and IDs
#' associated to them.
#' @param mergeKey character. File containing sample ID and relation.
#' @param mergedKeyoutpath character. File path storing sample name and nanoID
#' key information.
#' @param mergedKeyFname character. File name storing sample name and nanoID
#' key information.
#' @param bed Text Bionano Bed file.
#' @param EnzymeType Character. Type of enzyme. Options Dual and DLE.
#' @param inputfmtBed character Whether the bed input is UCSC bed or Bionano bed.
#' @param outpath character Path for the output files.
#' @param n numeric Number of genes to report which are nearest to the breakpoint.
#' Default is 3.
#' @param termListPresent logical Checks whether term list is provided by the user.
#' @param geneListPresent logical Checks whether gene list is provided by the user.
#' @param primaryGenesPresent logical Checks whether
#' primarygene list is provided by the user.
#' @param returnMethod Character. Type of output Dataframe or in Text format.
#' @param mergedFiles character. Path to the merged SV files.
#' @param smappath character. path to the query smap file.
#' @param smap character. File name for the smap
#' @param buildSVInternalDB boolean. Checking whether the merged solo
#' file database exist.
#' @param InternaldatabasePresent boolean. Checking whether
#' internal DB present.
#' @param RNASeqDatasetPresent boolean. Checking whether
#' RNASeq database present or not.
#' @param buildBNInternalDB boolean. Checking whether the merged BNDB
#' file database exist.
#' @param path character. Path to the solo file database.
#' @param pattern character. pattern of the file names to merge.
#' @param outpath character. Path to merged SV solo datasets.
#' @param win_indel_INF Numeric. Insertion and deletion error window.
#' @param win_inv_trans_INF Numeric. Inversion and translocation error window.
#' @param perc_similarity_INF Numeric . ThresholdPercentage similarity
#' of the query SV and reference SV.
#' @param win_indel_DGV Numeric. Insertion and deletion error window for DGV.
#' @param win_inv_trans_DGV Numeric. Inversion and translocation error window
#' for DGV.
#' @param perc_similarity_DGV Numeric . ThresholdPercentage similarity
#' of the query SV and reference SV, for DGV..
#' @param indelconf Numeric. Threshold for insertion and deletion confidence.
#' @param invconf Numeric. Threshold for inversion confidence.
#' @param transconf Numeric. Threshold for translocation confidence.
#' @param returnMethod character. Choice between Text and DataFrame.
#' @param hgpath character. Path to Database of Genomic Variants (DGV)
#' Text file.
#' @param RZIPpath character. Path to RZippath.
#' @param labelType character. Type of labels used for mapping.
#' Choices are Dual, DLE and Both.
#' @param SVMerge_path character. Path for the Dual labelled cmap
#' @param SVMerge_pattern character. pattern of the dual files.
#' @param SE_path character. Path for the Dual labelled cmap
#' @param SE_pattern character. pattern of the dual files.
#' @param Samplecodes character. File containing relations and IDs
#' associated to them.
#' @param mergeKey character. File containing sample ID and relation.
#' @param mergedKeyoutpath character. File path storing sample name and nanoID
#' key information.
#' @param smappath character. Path and file name for textfile.
#' @param outpath character. Path where gene lists are saved.
#' @param indexfile character. indexfile containing nano ID
#' and sample relation.
#' @param perc_similarity_INF_parents Numeric . ThresholdPercentage similarity
#' for parent zygosity calculation. Default threshold 0.9.
#' @param thresh integer. Threshold for the number of terms sent to entrez.
#' Note if large lists are sent to ncbi, it might fail to get
#' processed. Default is 5.
#' @param returnMethod character. Choice between text or data frame as the output.
#' @param RNAseqcombo boolean whether RNASeq datasets are combined or not.
#' @param RNASeqDir boolean Directory for RNASeq.
#' @param datGeneListPath Character Path for genelist.
#' @param outpath Character Directory to the output file.
#' @param limsize Numeric. Minimum size for SV. Default 1000.
#' @param outputType Variants in excel tabs or in different csv files.
#' Options Excel or csv.
#' @param fileprefix character Prefix to use for each of the files in the directory.
#' @param directoryName Directory name where individual SV files will be stored.
#' @param outputFilename Character Output filename.
#' @return Excel file containing the annotated SV map, tabs divided based on
#' type of SVs.
#' @return Text files containg gene list and terms associated with them
#' are stored as text files.
#' @examples
#' terms="Muscle Weakness"
#' smapName="NA12878_DLE1_VAP_solo5.smap"
#' smap = system.file("extdata", smapName, package="nanotatoR")
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "HomoSapienGRCH19_lift37.bed", package="nanotatoR")
#' hgpath=system.file("extdata", "GRCh37_hg19_variants_2016-05-15.txt", package="nanotatoR")
#' decipherpath = system.file("extdata", "population_cnv.txt", package="nanotatoR")
#' omim = system.file("extdata", "mim2gene.txt", package="nanotatoR")
#' clinvar = system.file("extdata", "localPDB/", package="nanotatoR")
#' gtr = system.file("extdata", "gtrDatabase.txt", package="nanotatoR")
#' labelType = c("SE")
#' SE_path = system.file("extdata", "SoloFile/", package="nanotatoR")
#' SE_pattern = "*_DLE1_*"
#' Samplecodes = system.file("extdata", "nanotatoR_sample_codes.csv", package="nanotatoR")
#' mergeKey = system.file("extdata", "nanotatoR_control_sample_codes.csv", package="nanotatoR")
#' mergedKeyoutpath = system.file("extdata", package="nanotatoR")
#' mergedKeyFname = "Sample_index.csv"
#' RNASeqDir = system.file("extdata", "NA12878_P_Blood_S1.genes.results", package="nanotatoR")
#' path = system.file("extdata", "Bionano_config/", package = "nanotatoR")
#' pattern = "_hg19.txt"
#' outputFilename <- "GM24385_DLE-1_P_trio_hg19_out"
#' outpath <- system.file("extdata", smapName, package = "nanotatoR")
#' RZIPpath <- system.file("extdata", "zip.exe", package = "nanotatoR")
#' nanotatoR_main_Duo_SE(
#' smap = smap, bed = bedFile, inputfmtBed = c("bed"), limsize = 1000,
#' n=3,EnzymeType = c("SE"),
#' buildBNInternalDB=TRUE,
#' path = path , pattern = pattern,
#' buildSVInternalDB = TRUE,
#' labelType = c("SE"),
#' SE_path = SE_path, SE_pattern = SE_pattern,
#' win_indel_INF = 10000, win_inv_trans_INF = 50000,
#' perc_similarity_INF= 0.5, indelconf = 0.5, invconf = 0.01,
#' transconf = 0.1, perc_similarity_INF_parents = 0.9,
#' hgpath = hgpath, win_indel_DGV = 10000, win_inv_trans_DGV = 50000,
#' perc_similarity_DGV = 0.5,
#' method_entrez=c("Single"),
#' term = "Liver cirrhosis",
#' omim = omim, clinvar = clinvar, gtr = gtr,
#' removeClinvar = TRUE, removeGTR = TRUE,
#' downloadClinvar = FALSE, downloadGTR = FALSE,
#' RNASeqDatasetPresent = FALSE,
#' RNAseqcombo = TRUE,
#' RNASeqDir = RNASeqDir, returnMethod = "dataFrame",
#' pattern_Proband = "*_P_*",
#' outpath = outpath,
#' outputFilename = outputFilename,
#' termListPresent = FALSE, primaryGenesPresent = FALSE,
#' InternaldatabasePresent = TRUE,
#' outputType = c("Excel"))
#' }
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
nanotatoR_main_Duo_SE <- function(
smap, bed, inputfmtBed = c("bed", "BNBed"),
buildBNInternalDB = TRUE,
mergedFiles , smappath ,
buildSVInternalDB = FALSE,
path, pattern,
win_indel_INF = 10000, win_inv_trans_INF = 50000,
perc_similarity_INF= 0.5, indelconf = 0.5, invconf = 0.01,
transconf = 0.1, perc_similarity_INF_parents = 0.9,
hgpath, win_indel_DGV = 10000, win_inv_trans_DGV = 50000,
perc_similarity_DGV = 0.5,
method_entrez = c("Single","Multiple","Text"), termPath,
term, thresh=5, limsize = 1000,
EnzymeType = c("SVmerge", "SE"),
labelType = c("SVMerge", "SE", "Both"),
SVMerge_path ,SVMerge_pattern ,
SE_path , SE_pattern,
Samplecodes ,mergeKey,
mergedKeyoutpath, mergedKeyFname,
termListPresent = TRUE,
internalBNDB, clinvar,
InternaldatabasePresent = TRUE,
RNASeqDatasetPresent = TRUE,
geneListPresent = TRUE,
omim, gtr,
removeClinvar = FALSE, removeGTR = FALSE,
downloadClinvar = FALSE, downloadGTR = FALSE,
url_gtr, omimID,
RZIPpath, directoryName, fileprefix,
datGeneListPath, decipherpath,
primaryGenesPresent = TRUE,
outputType = c("Excel", "csv"))
print("####PipeLine Starts####")
start_time <- Sys.time()
termListPresent = termListPresent
if(termListPresent == TRUE){
dat_geneList <- tryCatch(
method_entrez = method_entrez,
termPath = termPath,
term = term,
thresh = 5,
omimID = omimID,
returnMethod = c("dataFrame"), omim = omim,
clinvar = clinvar,
gtr = gtr,
removeClinvar = removeClinvar,
removeGTR = removeGTR,
downloadClinvar = downloadClinvar,
downloadGTR = downloadGTR,
url_gtr = url_gtr
error = function(e) {
print(paste("gene_list_generation fails"))
return (NA)
}else if (geneListPresent == TRUE)
dat_geneList <- read.table(datGeneListPath, header = TRUE)
}else{ dat_geneList <- NULL }
#start_time <- Sys.time()
end_time <- Sys.time()
print(paste("Time taken to run gene_list_generation is:" , start_time-end_time))
start_time <- Sys.time()
datcompSmap <- tryCatch(overlapnearestgeneSearch(smap=smap,
inputfmtBed = inputfmtBed,
n = 3,
EnzymeType = EnzymeType,
returnMethod_bedcomp = "dataFrame",
input_fmt_SV = "Text" ),
error = function(e) {
stop(paste("nanotatoR Pipeline cannot work"))
return (NA)
end_time <- Sys.time()
print(paste("Time taken to run overlapnearestgeneSearch is:" , start_time-end_time))
start_time <- Sys.time()
datDGV <- tryCatch(
hgpath = hgpath,
smap_data = datcompSmap,
win_indel_DGV = win_indel_DGV,
input_fmt_SV = "dataFrame",
EnzymeType = EnzymeType,
win_inv_trans_DGV = win_inv_trans_DGV,
perc_similarity_DGV = perc_similarity_DGV,
returnMethod = c("dataFrame")
error = function(e) {
print(paste("DGVfrequency cannot work"))
return (datcompSmap)
end_time <- Sys.time()
print(paste("Time taken to run DGVfrequency is:" , start_time-end_time))
start_time <- Sys.time()
buildSVInternalDB = buildSVInternalDB
datInf <- tryCatch(internalFrequencyTrio_Duo(
mergedFiles = mergedFiles ,
buildSVInternalDB = FALSE,
smapdata = datDGV,
input_fmt_SV = "dataFrame",
perc_similarity_parents = perc_similarity_INF_parents,
EnzymeType = EnzymeType,
win_indel = win_indel_INF ,
win_inv_trans = win_inv_trans_INF,
perc_similarity = perc_similarity_INF,
indelconf = indelconf ,
invconf = invconf,
transconf = transconf,
limsize = limsize,
indexfile = indexfile),
error = function(e) {
print(paste("internalFrequency cannot work"))
return (datDGV)
} else{
datInf <- tryCatch(
buildSVInternalDB = TRUE,
smapdata = datDGV,
labelType = labelType,
SVMerge_path = SVMerge_path,
SVMerge_pattern = SVMerge_pattern,
SE_path = SE_path,
perc_similarity_parents = perc_similarity_INF_parents,
SE_pattern = SE_pattern,
input_fmt_SV = "dataFrame",
EnzymeType = EnzymeType,
Samplecodes = Samplecodes,
mergeKey = mergeKey,
outpath = outpath,
mergedKeyoutpath = mergedKeyoutpath,
mergedKeyFname = mergedKeyFname,
limsize = limsize,
win_indel = win_indel_INF,
win_inv_trans = win_inv_trans_INF,
perc_similarity = perc_similarity_INF,
indelconf = indelconf,
invconf = invconf,
transconf = transconf,
indexfile = indexfile),
error = function(e) {
print(paste("internalFrequency cannot work"))
return (datDGV)
end_time <- Sys.time()
print(paste("Time taken to run internalFrequency is:" , start_time-end_time))
start_time <- Sys.time()
buildBNInternalDB = buildBNInternalDB
datchort <- tryCatch(
internalBNDB = internalBNDB,
buildBNInternalDB = FALSE,
smapdata = datInf,
input_fmt_SV = "dataFrame",
EnzymeType = EnzymeType,
win_indel = win_indel_INF,
win_inv_trans = win_inv_trans_INF,
perc_similarity = perc_similarity_INF,
indelconf = indelconf,
invconf = invconf,
limsize = limsize,
transconf = transconf,
returnMethod = c("dataFrame")),
error = function(e) {
print(paste("BNDBfrequency cannot work"))
return (datInf)
} else{
datchort <- tryCatch(
buildBNInternalDB = TRUE,
dbOutput = c("dataframe"),
smapdata = datInf,
BNDBpath = path,
BNDBpattern = pattern,
input_fmt_SV = "dataFrame",
EnzymeType = EnzymeType,
win_indel = win_indel_INF,
win_inv_trans = win_inv_trans_INF,
perc_similarity = perc_similarity_INF,
indelconf = indelconf,
invconf = invconf,
transconf = transconf,
returnMethod = c("dataFrame")),
error = function(e) {
print(paste("BNDBfrequency cannot work"))
return (datInf)
end_time <- Sys.time()
print(paste("Time taken to run BNDBfrequency is:" , start_time-end_time))
start_time <- Sys.time()
datdecipher <- tryCatch(
decipherpath = decipherpath,
smap_data = datchort,
win_indel = win_indel_INF,
input_fmt_SV = "dataFrame",
EnzymeType = EnzymeType,
perc_similarity = perc_similarity_INF,
returnMethod = c("dataFrame")),
error = function(e) {
print(paste("Decipherfrequency cannot work"))
return (datchort)
end_time <- Sys.time()
print(paste("Time taken to run Decipherfrequency is:" , start_time-end_time))
start_time <- Sys.time()
RNASeqDatasetPresent = RNASeqDatasetPresent
RNAseqcombo = RNAseqcombo
if(RNASeqDatasetPresent == TRUE){
RNASeqData <- tryCatch(RNAseqcombo(RNASeqDir = RNASeqDir,
error = function(e) {
print(paste("RNAseqcombo cannot work"))
return (NA)
datRNASeq <- tryCatch(
input_fmt_SV = "dataFrame",
smapdata = datdecipher,
smappath = smappath,
EnzymeType = EnzymeType,
input_fmt_RNASeq = "dataFrame",
RNASeqData = RNASeqData,
outputfmt = "datFrame",
pattern_Proband = pattern_Proband),
error = function(e) {
print(paste("RNAseqcombo cannot work"))
return (datdecipher)
datRNASeq <- tryCatch(
input_fmt_SV = "dataFrame",
smapdata = datdecipher,
smappath = smappath,
EnzymeType = EnzymeType,
input_fmt_RNASeq = "Text",
outputfmt = "datFrame",
pattern_Proband = pattern_Proband),
error = function(e) {
print(paste("RNAseqcombo cannot work"))
return (datdecipher)
end_time <- Sys.time()
print(paste("Time taken to run SmapRNAseqquery is:" , start_time-end_time))
start_time <- Sys.time()
'r3 <-read.csv("C:/Annotator/Data/RNASeq_F1.1.csv")
datRNASeq <- cbind(datdecipher, r3[, 2:ncol(r3)])
#dat_geneList<-read.table("C:/Annotator/Data/F3.1_UDN992683_GeneList.txt",header=TRUE,sep=" ")'
input_fmt_geneList = "dataFrame",
input_fmt_SV = "dataFrame",
svData = datRNASeq,
dat_geneList = dat_geneList,
outpath = outpath,
EnzymeType = EnzymeType,
outputType = outputType,
directoryName = directoryName,
fileprefix = fileprefix,
outputFilename = outputFilename,
RZIPpath = RZIPpath,
primaryGenesPresent = primaryGenesPresent),
error = function(e) {
print(paste("run_bionano_filter cannot work"))
return (datRNASeq)
} else{
input_fmt_geneList = "dataFrame",
input_fmt_SV = "dataFrame",
svData = datdecipher,
dat_geneList = dat_geneList,
outpath = outpath,
EnzymeType = EnzymeType,
outputType = outputType,
directoryName = directoryName,
fileprefix = fileprefix,
outputFilename = outputFilename,
RZIPpath = RZIPpath,
primaryGenesPresent = primaryGenesPresent),
error = function(e) {
print(paste("run_bionano_filter cannot work"))
return (datdecipher)
end_time <- Sys.time()
print(paste("Time taken to run run_bionano_filter is:" , start_time-end_time))
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