
Defines functions WriteCloseByAllRegions

Documented in WriteCloseByAllRegions

#' Extract clusters of CpG probes located closely
#' @param fileName Name of the RDS file where the output genomic regions will be
#'   saved.
#' @param regions GRanges of input genomic regions
#' @param genome Human genome of reference: hg19 or hg38
#' @param arrayType Type of array: "450k" or "EPIC"
#' @param ignoreStrand Whether strand can be ignored, default is TRUE
#' @param maxGap an integer, genomic locations within maxGap from each other
#'    are placed into the same cluster
#' @param minCpGs an integer, minimum number of CpGs for each resulting region
#' @param ... Dots for internal arguments. Currently unused.
#' @return Nothing. Instead, file with the genomic regions containing CpGs
#'   located closely within each inputting pre-defined genomic region will be 
#'   written to the disk
#' @details For \code{maxGap} = 200 and \code{minCpGs} = 3, we have already
#'   calculated the clusters of CpGs. They are saved in folder
#'   \code{/inst/extdata/}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' regions <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
#'   seqnames = c("chr4", "chr6", "chr16", "chr16", "chr22", "chr19"),
#'   ranges = c(
#'     "174202697-174203520", "28226203-28227482", "89572934-89574634",
#'     "67232460-67234167", "38244199-38245362", "39402823-39403373"
#'   )
#' )
#' # Uncomment out the example code below:
#' # WriteCloseByAllRegions(
#' #   regions = regions,
#' #   arrayType = "EPIC",
#' #   maxGap = 50,
#' #   minCpGs = 3,
#' #   fileName = "closeByRegions.rds"
#' # )
WriteCloseByAllRegions <- function(
  genome = c("hg19","hg38"),
  arrayType = c("450k","EPIC"),
  ignoreStrand = TRUE,
  maxGap = 200,
  minCpGs = 3,
  # browser()

  ###  Check Inputs  ###
  if (maxGap == 200 & minCpGs == 3) {
      "A file of close by CpGs for maxGap = 200 and minCpGs = 3 for genic and
  intergenic regions already exists in /inst/extdata/ or at 
      call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE
  if (!is(regions, "GRanges")) {
      "The object regions must be a GRanges object from package GenomicRanges.",
      call. = FALSE
  ###  The GRanges Object  ###
  arrayType <- match.arg(arrayType)
  genome <- match.arg(genome)
  manifest <- paste(
    switch(arrayType, "450k" = "HM450", "EPIC" = "EPIC"),
    genome, "manifest",
    sep = "."
  CpGlocations.gr <- ImportSesameData(manifest)  
  ###  Convert input from GRanges to list of vectors of CpGs  ###
  hits_df <- as.data.frame(
    findOverlaps(query = regions, subject = CpGlocations.gr)
  hits_df$probes <- names(CpGlocations.gr)[hits_df$subjectHits]
  regionCpGs_ls <- split(hits_df$probes, hits_df$queryHits)
  regionCpGs_ls[lengths(regionCpGs_ls) < minCpGs] <- NULL
  ###  Find close by clusters in all the regions  ###
  # 45.92571 secs for 1000 regions
  closeByRegions_ls <- lapply(
    X = regionCpGs_ls,
    FUN = CloseBySingleRegion,
    manifest_gr = CpGlocations.gr,
    maxGap = maxGap,
    minCpGs = minCpGs
  # Remove 'NULL' elements of the list
  closeByRegionsNoNull_ls <- unlist(closeByRegions_ls, recursive = FALSE)
  ###  Order CpGs in each cluster by location to name the cluster  ###
  # 8.202557 secs for 162 regions, after unlisting 1000 regions
  closeByRegionsOrderedDF_ls <- lapply(
    X = closeByRegionsNoNull_ls,
    FUN = OrderCpGsByLocation,
    manifest_gr = CpGlocations.gr,
    ignoreStrand = ignoreStrand,
    output = "dataframe"
  # Name each cluster with genomic region
  closeByRegionsNames_char <- vapply(
    FUN = NameRegion,
    FUN.VALUE = character(1)
  ###  Order CpGs in each cluster by location  ###
  closeByRegionsOrdered_ls <- lapply(
    closeByRegionsOrderedDF_ls, FUN = `[[`, "cpg"
  names(closeByRegionsOrdered_ls) <- closeByRegionsNames_char
  ###  Select and return output  ###
  message("Writing to file ", fileName)
  saveRDS(closeByRegionsOrdered_ls, fileName)

TransBioInfoLab/coMethDMR documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 12:52 a.m.