# odm class
slots = list(h5_file = "character",
dimension = "integer",
feature_ids = "character",
ptr = "externalptr",
integer_id = "integer"))
#' Initialize an `odm` object
#' `initialize_odm_from_backing_file()` initializes an `odm` object from a backing `.odm` file.
#' `initialize_odm_from_backing_file()` is portable: the user can create an `.odm` file (via `create_odm_from_cellranger()` or `create_odm_from_r_matrix()`) on one computer, transfer the `.odm` file to another computer, and then load the `.odm` file (via `initialize_odm_from_backing_file()`) on the second computer.
#' @param odm_file file path to a backing `.odm` file.
#' @return an `odm` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(sceptredata)
#' directories_to_load <- paste0(
#' system.file("extdata", package = "sceptredata"),
#' "/highmoi_example/gem_group_", c(1, 2)
#' )
#' directory_to_write <- tempdir()
#' out_list <- create_odm_from_cellranger(
#' directories_to_load = directories_to_load,
#' directory_to_write = directory_to_write,
#' )
#' gene_odm <- out_list$gene
#' gene_odm
#' # delete the gene_odm object
#' rm(gene_odm)
#' # reinitialize the gene_odm object
#' gene_odm <- initialize_odm_from_backing_file(
#' paste0(tempdir(), "/gene.odm")
#' )
#' gene_odm
initialize_odm_from_backing_file <- function(odm_file) {
# 0. checks on odm_file
odm_file <- expand_tilde(odm_file)
if (!file.exists(odm_file)) {
stop(odm_file, " does not exist.")
if (!(methods::is(odm_file, "character") && length(odm_file) == 1)) {
stop(odm_file, " must be a single string.")
# initialize the odm
out <- methods::new("odm")
h5_file <- odm_file
dimension <- read_integer_vector(h5_file, "dimension", 2L)
integer_id <- read_integer_vector(h5_file, "integer_id", 1L)
feature_ids <- read_feature_ids(h5_file, dimension[1])
ptr <- read_row_ptr(h5_file, dimension[1])
out@h5_file <- h5_file
out@dimension <- dimension
out@integer_id <- integer_id
out@feature_ids <- feature_ids
out@ptr <- ptr
#' Load a row of an `odm` object into memory
#' The operator `[` loads a specified row of an `odm` object into memory. The `odm` object can be indexed either by integer or feature ID.
#' @param x an object of class `odm`
#' @param i the index of the row to load into memory. `i` can be either an integer (specifying the integer-based index of the row to load into memory) or a string (specifying the feature ID of the row to load into memory).
#' @param j not used
#' @param drop not used
#' @export
#' @return an expression vector (of class `numeric`)
#' @examples
#' library(sceptredata)
#' directories_to_load <- paste0(
#' system.file("extdata", package = "sceptredata"),
#' "/highmoi_example/gem_group_", c(1, 2)
#' )
#' directory_to_write <- tempdir()
#' out_list <- create_odm_from_cellranger(
#' directories_to_load = directories_to_load,
#' directory_to_write = directory_to_write,
#' )
#' gene_odm <- out_list$gene
#' # extract rows into memory by index and ID
#' v1 <- gene_odm[10L,]
#' v2 <- gene_odm["ENSG00000173825",]
setMethod(f = "[",
signature = signature(x = "odm", i = "ANY", j = "missing", drop = "missing"),
definition = function(x, i, j, drop) {
if (length(i) != 1L) stop("The index must be a single element (i.e., not a vector).")
if (methods::is(i, "numeric")) {
n_features <- x@dimension[1]
if (i <= 0 || i > n_features) {
stop("The index must be an integer in the range [1, ", n_features, "].")
} else if (methods::is(i, "character")) {
idx <- which(i == x@feature_ids)
if (length(idx) != 1) {
stop("The feature '", i, "' is not contained within the odm.")
i <- idx
} else {
stop("The row index must be of type numeric or character.")
load_row_cpp(file_name_in = x@h5_file, f_row_ptr = x@ptr,
row_idx = i - 1L, n_cells = x@dimension[2])
setMethod(f = "show", signature = "odm", definition = function(object) {
cat(paste0("An object of class ", crayon::blue("odm"), " with the following attributes:",
"\n\t\U2022 ", crayon::blue(object@dimension[1]), " features",
"\n\t\U2022 ", crayon::blue(object@dimension[2]), " cells",
"\n\t\U2022 Backing file: ", crayon::blue(object@h5_file)))
#' Return the rownames of an `odm` object
#' `rownames()` returns the rownames (i.e., feature IDs) of an `odm` object.
#' @param x an object of class `odm`
#' @return the rownames of an `odm` object
#' @aliases rownames
#' @rdname rownames-odm-method
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(sceptredata)
#' directories_to_load <- paste0(
#' system.file("extdata", package = "sceptredata"),
#' "/highmoi_example/gem_group_", c(1, 2)
#' )
#' directory_to_write <- tempdir()
#' out_list <- create_odm_from_cellranger(
#' directories_to_load = directories_to_load,
#' directory_to_write = directory_to_write,
#' )
#' gene_odm <- out_list$gene
#' # return the rownames
#' rownames(gene_odm) |> head()
setMethod(f = "dimnames", signature = "odm", definition = function(x) list(x@feature_ids, NULL))
#' Return the number of columns and rows of an `odm` object
#' `ncol()` and `nrow()` return the number of rows (i.e., features) and columns (i.e., cells), respectively, contained within an `odm` object. `dim()` returns an integer vector of length two whose first and second entries, respectively, indicate the number of rows and columns in an `odm` object.
#' @param x an object of class `odm`
#' @return the dimension of the `odm` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(sceptredata)
#' directories_to_load <- paste0(
#' system.file("extdata", package = "sceptredata"),
#' "/highmoi_example/gem_group_", c(1, 2)
#' )
#' directory_to_write <- tempdir()
#' out_list <- create_odm_from_cellranger(
#' directories_to_load = directories_to_load,
#' directory_to_write = directory_to_write,
#' )
#' gene_odm <- out_list$gene
#' # return the dimension, number of rows, and number of columns
#' dim(gene_odm)
#' nrow(gene_odm)
#' ncol(gene_odm)
setMethod(f = "dim", signature = "odm", definition = function(x) x@dimension)
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