
#' A list of edinfo objects from ERDDAP data sources
#' A list of edinfo objects, mostly used internally for functions. These objects
#' represent different environmental data sources from ERDDAP servers and are
#' used to download environmental data.
#' @format A list with objects of class edinfo
#' @source Southwest Fisheries Science Center / NMFS / NOAA

#' A list of edinfo objects from HYCOM data sources
#' A list of edinfo objects, mostly used internally for functions. These objects
#' represent different environmental data sources from HYCOM servers and are
#' used to download environmental data.
#' @format A list with objects of class edinfo
#' @source Southwest Fisheries Science Center / NMFS / NOAA
TaikiSan21/PAMmisc documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:29 p.m.