Man pages for TaikiSan21/PAMmisc
Miscellaneous Functions for Passive Acoustic Analysis

addPgAnnoAdd Spectrogram Annotations to Pamguard Database
addPgEventAdd Pamguard Event to Database
addPgGpsAdd GPS to a Pamguard Database
browseEdinfoBrowse a List of Environmental Datasets
createSSPCreate Sound Speed Profiles
dataToRangesCreate List of the Ranges of Coordinates
decimateWavFilesDecimate Wave Files
downloadEnvDownload Environmental Data
edinfoToURLCreate a URL for Downloading Data from a edinfo Object
erddapListA list of edinfo objects from ERDDAP data sources
erddapToEdinfoCreate an edinfo Object from an ERDDAP Dataset Id
fastReadWaveLoad Wave File
findEchoTimesFind Estimated Echo Times
formatURLFormat URL for Environmental Data Download
getEdinfoBrowse a List of Curated Environmental Datasets
hycomListA list of edinfo objects from HYCOM data sources
matchEnvDataMatch Data From an Existing Netcdf File or Download and Match
ncToDataMatch Data From a Netcdf File
peakTroughFind Peaks and Troughs in a Spectrum
pwelchEstimate Power Spectral Density Using Welch's Method
raytraceRaytrace Through a Soundspeed Profile
readGPXTrackRead Tracks from a GPX File
readSpecAnnoRead Pamguard Spectrogram Annotation Table
soundtrapQAQCPerform QA/QC on Soundtrap Files
squishListCompress a List by Name
straightPathMark Straight Path Segments in GPS Track
updateUIDUpdate Detection UIDs
varSelectUtility for Selecting Variables to Download
wignerTransformCalculate the Wigner-Ville Transform of a Signal
writeAMWaveWrite Amplitude Modulated Waveform
writeClickWaveWrite Click Waveform
TaikiSan21/PAMmisc documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:29 p.m.