Prep some fake data. Environmental download functions require columns named exatly Longitude, Latitude, and UTC. UTC must be converted to POSIXct format.

data <- data.frame(Latitude = c(38, 22.2, 15),
                   Longitude = c(-123.5, -152.9, 144),
                   UTC = c('2022-09-27 19:00:48',
                           '2022-09-27 17:57:48',
                           '2018-07-20 20:49:00'))
data$UTC <- as.POSIXct(data$UTC, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz='UTC')

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HYCOM Download

HYCOM has different datasets depending on the date, by passing this hycomList object PAMmisc will sort out which one you need based on your date ranges in your data, even figuring out if your download needs to span multiple datasets.

The Hycom servers can be a bit slow, so this may take some time

hycomData <- matchEnvData(data, nc=PAMmisc::hycomList, var=c('water_temp', 'salinity'), raw=TRUE, depth = 0:1000)

Normally the matchEnvData function will just add the environmental variables to your dataframe, averaging them over any depth values. By setting raw=TRUE, we instead have it return all values at the depths so that we can work with them. The output is a list with length equal to the number of rows in our dataframe.


The matchXXX data show the coordinate values in the NetCDF files that your data were matched to. The function will match your data to the closest value in the NetCDF file.

Thermocline Varibales

Now lets use the temperature at depth data to estimate thermocline variables. This function returns estimates of mixed layer depth (mldDepth), mixed layer temperature (mldTemp), thermocline depth (ttDepth), and thermocline temperature (ttTemp). You don't need to worry about the xxxMode parameters, they are place holders in case we want to add different estimation methods in the future.

calcThermoVars <- function(depth, temp, mldMode='SST8', thermMode='variso', plot=FALSE) {
    # depthInterp <- approxfun(x=temp, y=depth)
           'SST8' = {
               mldTemp <- temp[1] - 0.8
               # first few temps are likely to have repeat values that trigger
               # warnings for approxfun, so cut off to only values after mldTemp
               useMin <- min(which(temp <= mldTemp)) - 1
               useIx <- useMin:length(temp)
               depthInterp <- approxfun(x=temp[useIx], y=depth[useIx])
               mld <- depthInterp(mldTemp)
           'variso' = {
               t400 <- approx(x=depth, y=temp, xout=400)$y
               # therm end is half way to t400 temp
               tEnd <- mldTemp + (t400 - mldTemp)/2
               # therm temp is midpt from mld to end
               tt <- (mldTemp + tEnd)/2
               # tt <- mldTemp - .25 * (mldTemp - t400)
               ttDepth <- depthInterp(tt)
               tEndDepth <- depthInterp(tEnd)
    if(plot) {
        to300 <- depth <= 300
        plot(x=temp[to300], y=-depth[to300],
             main = paste0('MixLayer: ', round(mld,0), 'm ', round(mldTemp, 1), 'C',
                           '\nTherm: ', round(ttDepth, 0), 'm ', round(tt, 1), 'C'),
             xlab='Temp (C)', ylab='Depth (m)')

        lines(x=temp[to300], y=-depth[to300])
        lines(x=c(mldTemp, tEnd), y=c(-mld, -tEndDepth), col='darkgray', lwd=4)
        points(x=c(mldTemp, tt), y=c(-mld, -ttDepth), col='blue', cex=1.5, pch=15)
    list(mldDepth = mld, mldTemp = mldTemp,
         ttDepth = ttDepth, ttTemp = tt)

We can calculate these and plot the results for our first data point. The points are the temperature values at the depths in the HYCOM data. The light gray line is the estimated thermocline based on the calculations in Fiedler 2010. The blue squares mark the calculated mixed layer depth and thermocline depth.

calcThermoVars(hycomData[[1]]$matchDepth, hycomData[[1]]$water_temp, plot=TRUE)

And here's how we would connect these to our original dataframe, adding in the temp & salinity at 400m. The list hycomData is in the same order as the original rows, so we can just cbind them.

thermData <- bind_rows(lapply(hycomData, function(x) {
    # do thermo calcs
    result <- calcThermoVars(x$matchDepth, x$water_temp)
    # get specific values
    result$temp400 <- x$water_temp[x$matchDepth == 400]
    result$sal400 <- x$salinity[x$matchDepth == 400]
data <- cbind(data, thermData)

TaikiSan21/PAMmisc documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:29 p.m.