#TODO - unit tests for non-numeric accessors, & all normalisation methods
# unit test stubs, the idea is that whenever we work on a function
# we create a unit test. any function for strictly internal use should be moved
# to test_internal.R
# TODO: dasenGds.R dbGdsn.R dfsfitGdsn.R
# ecc.gdsn.R es2gds.R gds2mlumi.R gdsnclass_methods.R
# GEOtoGDS.R inout.R pfilterGds.R prcompGdsn.R pwodGdsn.R
# qnGdsn.R ranknorm.R zzz.R
# es2gds.R
test_es2gds <- function(m, file, qc = TRUE){
#t1 - basic tests to ensure function creates object and linked file
d <- es2gds(cantaloupe,'t0.gds')
checkTrue(file_test('-f', d$filename))
#e1 - error condition 1 - use existing filename
checkException(e <- es2gds(cantaloupe,'t0.gds'))
#e2 - error condition 2 - use non methylumi set object
checkException(e <- es2gds(pData(cantaloupe),'t1.gds'))
# inout.R
test_app2gds <- function(m, bmln){
f <- es2gds(cantaloupe,'t2.gds')
numsamp <- length(colnames(f))
#t1 - append to an existing gds.class object
f <- app2gds(cantaloupe,f)
checkTrue(length(colnames(f)) == numsamp * 2)
#close all opened GDS files (for test 3)
#rv <- showfile.gds()
#nm <- NULL; rd <- NULL
#for (i in 1:length(rv)){
# names(rv[[i]]) <- c("filename", "id", "root", "readonly")
# class(rv[[i]]$root) <- "gdsn.class"
# class(rv[[i]]) <- "gds.class"
# nm <- c(nm, rv[[i]]$filename)
# rd <- c(rd, rv[[i]]$readonly)
#for (i in 1:length(rv)){
# closefn.gds(rv[[i]])
#t2 - append to existing file (already linked to by another gds object)
#test doesn't work: I'm not able to recreate this scenario in test (works for user
#e <- es2gds(cantaloupe,'t1.gds')
#g <- app2gds(cantaloupe,'t1.gds')
#checkTrue(file_test('-f', g$filename))
#checkTrue(length(colnames(g)) == numsamp * 2)
#t3 - append to existing file not already linked
#test doesn't work: I'm not able to recreate this scenario, due to the
#close.fn function not cleaning up properly, which makes the file look as if it's
#still open (this wont be the case for the user)
#h <- app2gds(cantaloupe,'t2.gds')
#checkTrue(file_test('-f', h$filename))
#checkTrue(length(colnames(h)) == numsamp * 3)
#t4 - append to new file
i <- app2gds(cantaloupe,'t3.gds')
checkTrue(file_test('-f', i$filename))
checkTrue(length(colnames(i)) == numsamp)
#e1 - error condition 1 - try to use non gds.class object
checkException(j <- app2gds(cantaloupe,cantaloupe))
unlink("t1.gds", force=TRUE)
unlink("t2.gds", force=TRUE)
unlink("t3.gds", force=TRUE)
#test_iadd <- function( bar, ipath=NULL, gds ){
# Will test mset and minfi methods and will test fot!
# if(require('minfiData')){
# bd <- system.file('extdata', package='minfiData')
# setwd(file.path(bd, '5723646052'))
# gfile <- iadd2('./', gds = 'mi.gds')
# gfile <- iadd(bfp('./')[1], gds = 'mi.gds')
# rg <- read.metharray(bfp('./'))
# gf <- eset2gds(rg, 'mi2.gds')
# checkTrue(length(fot(gfile)) > 1)
# checkTrue(length(fot(gf)) > 1)
# closefn.gds(gf)
# closefn.gds(gfile)
# unlink('mi2.gds')
# unlink('mi.gds')
#commented out as need to have idat files to test
#m <- methylumIDAT("barcode1")
#n <- es2gds(m,"midat.gds")
#o <- iadd("barcode2",n)
#unlink("midat.gds", force=TRUE)
# }
test_beta <- function(object ){
tempB <- head((betas(cantaloupe)))
rownames(tempB) <- NULL
colnames(tempB) <- NULL
j <- es2gds(cantaloupe,'t4.gds')
test_methylated <- function(object ){
tempB <- head((methylated(cantaloupe)))
rownames(tempB) <- NULL
colnames(tempB) <- NULL
k <- es2gds(cantaloupe,'t5.gds')
test_unmethylated<- function(object ){
tempB <- head((unmethylated(cantaloupe)))
rownames(tempB) <- NULL
colnames(tempB) <- NULL
l <- es2gds(cantaloupe,'t6.gds')
test_pvals <- function(object ){
tempB <- head((pvals(cantaloupe)))
rownames(tempB) <- NULL
colnames(tempB) <- NULL
m <- es2gds(cantaloupe,'t7.gds')
#test_fData <- function(object ){}
#test_pData <- function(object ){}
test_QCmethylated<- function(object ){
tempB <- head(methylated(QCdata(cantaloupe)))
rownames(tempB) <- NULL
colnames(tempB) <- NULL
n <- es2gds(cantaloupe,'t8.gds')
test_QCunmethylated<- function(object ){
tempB <- head(unmethylated(QCdata(cantaloupe)))
rownames(tempB) <- NULL
colnames(tempB) <- NULL
o <- es2gds(cantaloupe,'t9.gds')
#test_QCrownames <- function(object ){}
#test_getHistory <- function(object ){}
#test_colnames1 <- function(x, do.NULL=TRUE, prefix=NULL){}
#test_rownames1 <- function(x, do.NULL=TRUE, prefix=NULL){}
#test_exprs <- function(object ){}
#test_betaqn <- function(bn ){}
#test_naten <- function(mn, fudge=100 ){}
#test_nanet <- function(mn, fudge=100 ){}
#test_zot <- function(x ){}
#test_nanes <- function(mns, fudge=100 ){}
#test_danes <- function(mn, fudge=100, ...){}
#test_danet <- function(mn, fudge=100, ...){}
#test_daten1 <- function(mn, fudge=100, ...){}
#test_daten2 <- function(mn, fudge=100, ...){}
#test_nasen <- function(mns, fudge=100 ){}
#test_dasen <- function(mns, fudge=100, roco=NULL){}
#test_danen <- function(mns, fudge=100, ...){}
#test_tost1 <- function(mn ){}
#test_fuks1 <- function(data ){}
#test_swan1 <- function(mn, da=NULL ){}
#test_genki1 <- function(bn, se=TRUE ){}
#test_dmrse1 <- function(betas, idmr=iDMR() ){}
#test_dmrse_row1 <- function(betas, idmr=iDMR() ){}
#test_dmrse_col1 <- function(betas, idmr=iDMR() ){}
#test_seabi1 <- function( bn, stop=1, sex, X){}
#test_pfilter1 <- function( mn ){}
#test_BMIQ1 <- function(x ){}
#test_normalizeQuantiles.gdsn.class <- function (node, selection){}
#test_dfsfit.gdsn.class.1 <- function (mn, roco ){}
#test_dasen2 <- function(mns, fudge=100, roco=NULL){}
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