
# bin	611	smallint(6)	range	Indexing field to speed chromosome range queries.
# chrom	chr1	varchar(255)	values	Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold
# chromStart	3531624	int(10) unsigned	range	Start position in chromosome
# chromEnd	3531843	int(10) unsigned	range	End position in chromosome
# name	CpG: 27	varchar(255)	values	CpG Island
# length	219	int(10) unsigned	range	Island Length
# cpgNum	27	int(10) unsigned	range	Number of CpGs in island
# gcNum	167	int(10) unsigned	range	Number of C and G in island
# perCpg	24.7	float	range	Percentage of island that is CpG
# perGc	76.3	float	range	Percentage of island that is C or G
# obsExp	0.86	float	range	Ratio of observed(cpgNum) to expected(numC*numG/length) CpG in island

# exons
# the data.frame of exon information containing at least columns gene_id, chr, strand, start, end, transcript_id and symbol.

col_names <- c(

read_cgi_anno <- function(x) {
    x %>%
        read_tsv(col_names = col_names) %>%
            gene_id = name,
            chr = chrom,
            start = chromStart,
            end = chromEnd
        ) %>%
            transcript_id = gene_id,
            strand = "*",
            symbol = gene_id

download_parse_and_save <- function(genome_name, url) {
    temp_path <- tempfile()
    download.file(url, temp_path)

    anno_name <- paste0("inst/cgi_", genome_name, ".rds")
    saveRDS(read_cgi_anno(temp_path), anno_name, compress = "xz")


# mm10 ----

# GRCm39 ----

# hg19 ----

# hg38 ----
Shians/NanoMethViz documentation built on Jan. 17, 2025, 11:19 p.m.