#' Create a list of functions with arguments varying over a sequence
#' Generate a list of functions where specific arguments have been pre-applied
#' from a sequences of arguments, i.e. a function f(x, n) may have the 'n'
#' argument pre-applied with specific values to obtain functions f1(x, n = 1)
#' and f2(x, n = 2) stored in a list.
#' If multiple argument vectors are provided
#' then the combinations of arguments in the sequences will be generated.
#' @param func function to generate list from
#' @param ... vectors of values to use as arguments
#' @param .strict TRUE if argument names are checked, giving an error if
#' specified argument does not appear in function signature. Note that
#' functions with multiple methods generally have only f(x, ...) as their
#' signature, so the check would fail even if the arguments are passed on.
#' @return list of functions with the specified arguments pre-applied. Names of
#' the list indicate the values that have been pre-applied.
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @export
#' @examples
#' f <- function(x) {
#' cat("x:", x)
#' }
#' f_list <- fn_arg_seq(f, x = c(1, 2))
#' f_list
#' f_list[[1]]() # x: 1
#' f_list[[2]]() # x: 2
#' g <- function(x, y) {
#' cat("x:", x, "y:", y)
#' }
#' g_list <- fn_arg_seq(g, x = c(1, 2), y = c(3, 4))
#' g_list
#' g_list[[1]]() # x: 1 y: 3
#' g_list[[2]]() # x: 1 y: 4
#' g_list[[3]]() # x: 2 y: 3
#' g_list[[4]]() # x: 2 y: 4
fn_arg_seq <- function(func, ..., .strict = FALSE) {
# get actual function name
func_name <- deparse(substitute(func))
args <- list(...)
# find arguments input but not used by func
names_args <- names(args)
names_f_args <- names(formals(func))
invalid_args <- setdiff(names_args, names_f_args)
# stop if there are invalid args
if (.strict && length(invalid_args) != 0) {
invalid_args <- glue::glue("'{invalid_args}'") %>% collapse_with_comma()
stop(glue::glue("args not used in {func_name}: {invalid_args}"))
arg_combs <- do.call(
purrr::partial(expand.grid, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
cnames <- colnames(arg_combs)
rows_as_list <- function(df) {
row_apply(df, function(x) { as.list(x) %>% setNames(nm = cnames) }) %>%
purrr::map(function(x) { append(list(".f" = func), x) })
out <- purrr::map(
function(x) { do.call(purrr::partial, x) }
arg_sigs <- row_apply(
dplyr::across(dplyr::everything(), as.character)
function(x) {
paste(glue::glue("{cnames} = {x}"), collapse = ", ")
call_sigs <- glue::glue("{func_name}({arg_sigs})")
names(out) <- call_sigs
out <- add_class(out, "fn_arg_seq")
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