
Defines functions normTableWideToLong

Documented in normTableWideToLong

#' Convert Normalized Dataframe To Long format
#' This is a convenient function for plotting
#' @param labTab a dataframe
#' @param unlabTab a dataframe
#' @param comboTab a dataframe
#' @return a dataframe
normTableWideToLong <- function(labTab, unlabTab, comboTab) {
    # convert normalized data frames from wide to long format -
    #will be used for plotting
    labTab %>%
        gather("condition", `Precursor Area`,
                -c(`Protein Group Accessions`, `Protein Descriptions`)) %>%
        separate("condition", c('Fraction', 'isLabel'), sep = '_') %>%
        mutate(scenario = "A") -> labTab
    unlabTab %>%
        gather("condition", `Precursor Area`, 
                -c(`Protein Group Accessions`, `Protein Descriptions`)) %>%
        separate("condition", c('Fraction', 'isLabel'), sep = '_') %>%
        mutate(scenario = "A") -> unlabTab
    comboTab %>%
        gather("condition", `Precursor Area`, 
                -c(`Protein Group Accessions`, `Protein Descriptions`)) %>%
        separate("condition", c('Fraction', 'isLabel'), sep = '_') %>%
        mutate(scenario = "B") -> comboTab
    compiled  <- labTab %>%
        bind_rows(unlabTab) %>%
    compiled$Fraction <- as.integer(as.character(compiled$Fraction))
    compiled$`Precursor Area`[compiled$`Precursor Area` == 0] <- NA
Scavetta/ComPrAn documentation built on Oct. 3, 2022, 1:08 a.m.