#' @title Perform Differential Expression Test on a List of Genes
#' @description
#' Test if each gene in a list of genes is differentially expressed along pseudotime.
#' A wrapper of \code{PseudotimeDE::pseudotimeDE}.
#' @param gene.vec A vector of genes. It should be a subset of the row names in sce.
#' @param ori.tbl A tibble or dataframe which contains the original cells and pseudotime as two columns.
#' @param sub.tbl A list of tibbles or dataframes where each is the fit of a subsample. Each element is the same format as ori.tbl.
#' @param mat The input expression data. It can be:
#' (1) A SingleCellExperiment object which contain the expression data;
#' (2) An matrix;
#' (3) A Seurat object which contain the expression data.
#' Its row names should be genes and col names should be cells.
#' @param assay.use The \code{assay} used in SingleCellExperiment or \code{slot} used in Seurat. Default is \code{counts}.
#' @param model A string of the model name. One of \code{nb}, \code{zinb}, \code{gaussian}, \code{auto} and \code{qgam}.
#' @param k A integer of the basis dimension. Default is 6. The results are usually robust to different k; we recommend to use k from 5 to 10.
#' @param knots A numeric vector of the location of knots. Default is evenly distributed between 0 to 1. For instance, if your k = 6, and your range is [0, 10], then the position of knots should be \code{c(0:5)*(10-0)}.
#' @param fix.weight A logic variable indicating if the ZINB-GAM will use the zero weights from the original model.
#' @param aicdiff A numeric variable of the threshold of model selection. Only works when \code{model = `auto`}.
#' @param seed A numeric variable of the random seed. It mainly affects the fitting of null distribution.
#' @param quant The quantile of interest for quantile regression (qgam), range from 0 to 1, default as 0.5 (median).
#' @param usebam A logical variable. If use \code{mgcv::bam}, which may be faster with large sample size (e.g., > 10'000 cells).
#' @param seurat.assay The \code{assay} used in Seurat. Default is \code{'RNA'}.
#' @param mc.cores Number of cores for computing.
#' @param mc.preschedule See \code{mclapply}. Default is TRUE.
#' @param SIMPLIFY A logic variable whether to return a tibble (TRUE) or a list of lists (FALSE). Default is TRUE.
#' @return A tibble of summary results of genes
#' @examples
#' data("LPS_sce")
#' data("LPS_ori_tbl")
#' data("LPS_sub_tbl")
#' res <- PseudotimeDE::runPseudotimeDE(gene.vec = c("CCL5", "CXCL10"),
#' ori.tbl = LPS_ori_tbl, sub.tbl = LPS_sub_tbl[1:10], mat = LPS_sce, model = "nb")
#' @export runPseudotimeDE
#' @author Dongyuan Song, Shiyu Ma
runPseudotimeDE <- function(gene.vec,
assay.use = "counts",
model = c("nb", "zinb", "gaussian", "auto", "qgam"),
k = 6,
knots = c(0:5/5),
fix.weight = TRUE,
aicdiff = 10,
seed = 123,
quant = 0.5,
usebam = FALSE,
seurat.assay = 'RNA',
mc.cores = 2,
mc.preschedule = TRUE,
# Avoid package check error
expv.quantile <- gam.fit <- NULL
BPPARAM <- BiocParallel::bpparam()
BPPARAM$workers <- mc.cores
#Check whether each df in sub.tbl is a subset of ori.tbl
is.subset_all <- sapply(sub.tbl, function(x) {
all(x$cell %in% ori.tbl$cell)})
stop("Cells in ", paste0(which(!is.subset_all), " is not a subset of ori.tbl."))
res <- BiocParallel::bplapply(gene.vec, function(x, ...) {
cur_res <- tryCatch(expr = pseudotimeDE(gene = x,
ori.tbl = ori.tbl,
sub.tbl = sub.tbl,
mat = mat[x,],
model = model,
assay.use = assay.use,
seurat.assay = seurat.assay), #input only the target gene
error = function(e) {
list(fix.pv = NA,
emp.pv = NA,
para.pv = NA,
ad.pv = NA,
rank = NA,
test.statistics = NA,
gam.fit = NA,
zinf = NA,
aic = NA,
expv.quantile = NA,
expv.mean = NA,
expv.zero = NA)
assay.use = assay.use,
k = k,
knots = knots,
fix.weight = fix.weight,
aicdiff = aicdiff,
quant = quant,
usebam = usebam,
seurat.assay = seurat.assay,
res <- simplify2array(res)
res <- t(res)
rownames(res) <- gene.vec
res <- tibble::as_tibble(res, rownames = "gene")
res <- tidyr::unnest(res, cols = ! (gam.fit | expv.quantile))
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