shinyUI(navbarPage("GX Analyst", selected = "Show prioritised Gene List", theme = shinytheme("united"),
tabPanel("Show prioritised Gene List",
column(4, wellPanel(theme = shinytheme("united"),
tags$style(".well {background-color:#B00000; color: #0A1432; border-color: #B00000;}"),
#tags$head(tags$style(".well{color: white;
# font-size: 15px;
# #font-style: italic;
# }")),
textInput("organism", "Enter organism", value = "Homo sapiens"),
textInput("disease", "Enter disease/cell line", value = "asthma"),
numericInput("geneids", "Minimum number of Gene-IDs per dataset", 20000),
#for coloring buttons use background-color, for text use color
#actionButton("goButton", "Get datasets", style = "background-color:#E8ADAA;"),
actionButton("goButton", "Get datasets"),
p("Displays all GEO public domain datasets with given specifications "),
textInput("gdsid", "Enter GDSID of experiment for downstream analysis", value = "GDS3615"),
actionButton("expbutton", "View expression data"),
actionButton("metbutton", "View metadata"),
downloadLink('downloadData', 'Download data'),
hr(style = "border-top: 1px solid white;"),
h4(p("Data Normalization")),
selectInput("normmethods", "Choose normalization method:",
choices = c('Log'='log','Quantile'='qtl', 'Log+Quantile' = 'lqt', 'Z-score' = 'zs', 'Unitization' = 'lw', 'Normalisation about median' = 'qsp'), selected = 'lqt'),
actionButton("normbutton", "Normalize data"),
actionButton("normplotbutton", "View plots"),
h4(p("Minimal Gene List")),
actionButton("minimal", "Show genes")
#tags$style(".{background-color:#7F525D; color: #EDC9AF; border-color: #7D0552;}"),
tabPanel('View All datasets',dataTableOutput("download_df")),
tabPanel('View Expression data',dataTableOutput("expdata")),
tabPanel('View Metadata',dataTableOutput("metdata")),
tabPanel('View Normalized data', dataTableOutput("norm_df")),
tabPanel('Show prioritised gene list',dataTableOutput("mini_gl")),
bsModal("modalExample", "Raw vs Normalized Data Plots", "normplotbutton", size = "large",plotOutput("plot1"), plotOutput("plot2"),downloadButton('downloadPlot', 'Download'))
##---------------------------------CUSTOM ANALYSIS TAB -------------------------------###
tabPanel("Customise Process",
column(4, wellPanel(
h4("Differential Gene Expression"),
#h5("Choose dataset"),
checkboxInput("raw_df", label = "Use raw data", value = FALSE),
checkboxInput("norm_df", label = "Use normalized data", value = TRUE),
textInput("pval", "P value <=", value = "0.05"),
checkboxInput("checkbox_fdr", label = "False discovery rate (fdr)", value = TRUE),
selectInput("diffexmethods", "Choose differential expression calculation method:",
choices = c('ANOVA'='ano','eBayes(Recommended)'='eb', 'edgeR'='edr'),selected = 'eb'),
actionButton("diffexpbutton", "Get differentially expressed genes"),
h4("Association Analysis"),
selectInput("assindex", "Choose association index:",
choices = c('Pearson Correlation'='pcor',
'Maximal Information Nonparametric Exploration(MINE)(Recommended)'='mine',
'Jaccard Index' = 'jac', 'Cosine' = 'cos', 'Sorensen' = 'simp',
'Minkowski' = 'geo','Spearman' = 'hgeo'), selected = 'pcor'),
actionButton("assoc_but", "Get Association matrix"),
textInput("frac_genes", "Pick top X-percent gene relationships (Enter X)", value = "10"),
p("Based on association index, an egdelist is created, out which top 10% genes with
highest association index are selected for downstream analysis"),
actionButton("edglist_but", "Get Edgelist"),
h4("Gene Network"),
actionButton("network_but", "View gene network"),
h4("Using InfoMAP community detection algorithm"),
actionButton("net_chars_but", "Get Module Characteristics"),
textInput("module_num", "Select module number to view genes in it", value = "1"),
actionButton("map_but", "Get module"),
h4("Predictive Analysis"),
strong("Network Topology Analysis"),
actionButton("mod_rf_but", "Plot-Predictive power of modules"),
p("Find out significant modules in network based on its predictive accuracy"),
#strong("Using degree centraliity as network parameter"),
#actionButton("plot_degcen_but", "Plot"),
# p("Plots predictive power vs degree centrality"),
h4("Feature selected genes using Bayesian Neural Networks"),
#selectInput("fs", "Feature selected genes using Bayesian Neural Networks",
#choices = c("Boruta" = "bor","Bayesian Neural Networks" = "bnn"), selected = "bor"),
actionButton("fs_but", "Feature selection output"),
h4("Final Gene List"),
strong("Minimal set of differentially expressed genes with discriminatory predictive power"),
actionButton("gene_list_but", "View gene list"),
strong("Compare predictive power of selected gene list vs diff exp gene list"),
selectInput("ppc", "Choose algorithm for comparison",
choices = c("Boruta" = "bor","Bayesian Neural Networks" = "bnn"), selected = "bor"),
actionButton("plot_fs","Predictive power comparison plot" ),
p("Boxplot comparing the predictive power of feature selected genes vs top differentially expressed genes")
#closing bracket for column4
tabPanel('View differentially expressed genes',dataTableOutput("diff_exp")),
tabPanel('View Association Matrix',dataTableOutput("ass_matrix")),
tabPanel('View Edgelist',dataTableOutput("edgelist")),
tabPanel('View Community characteristics',dataTableOutput("cec")),
tabPanel("View Modules", dataTableOutput("map")),
tabPanel("View Feature Selected Genes", dataTableOutput("fs_bor_df")),
tabPanel("View Final Gene List", dataTableOutput("final_genes")),
mainPanel(theme = shinytheme("united"),
bsModal("modalExample2", "Gene Network", "network_but", size = "large",
htmlOutput("network_graph"), downloadButton('downloadnetwork', 'Save HTML') ),
bsModal("modalExample3", "Random Forest error rate between gene communities",
"mod_rf_but", size = "large",plotOutput("rf_module_plot", "100%", "500px"),downloadButton('download_rf_Plot', 'Save Plot')),
#bsModal("modalExample4", "Random Forest error rate wrt network parameters",
# "plot_degcen_but", size = "large",plotOutput("rf_degcen_plot", "100%", "500px"),downloadButton('download_rf_degcen', 'Save Plot')),
bsModal("modalExample5", "Predictive power plot comparison",
"plot_fs", size = "large",imageOutput("fs_comp_plot", "100%", "500px"),downloadButton('download_comparison', 'Save Plot'))
#closing bracket for fluid row
#clossing bracket of networks tab
#tabPanel("Transcription factor analysis"),
tabPanel("About GX Analyst"),
tabPanel("About Us")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.